(一)依照行政诉讼法的规定,属于行政诉讼受案范围的,告知原告提起行政诉讼; ""(1) for a lawsuit within the scope of administrative actions in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law, the people's court shall advise the plaintiff to institute administrative proceedings; ""(一)伪造、毁灭重要证据,妨碍人民法院审理案件的; ""(1) forging or destroying important evidence, which would obstruct the trial of a case by the people's court; ""本章没有规定的,适用本法和其他法律的有关规定。 ""For matters not covered in this Chapter, the relevant provisions of this Law and other laws shall apply .""财产案件除交纳案件受理费外,并按照规定交纳其他诉讼费用。 ""For property cases, the party shall pay other fees in addition to the court costs.""发回重审的案件,原审人民法院应当按照第一审程序另行组成合议庭。 ""For the retrial of a remanded case, the people's court of first instance shall form a new collegial panel in accordance with the procedure of first instance.""(一)供水单位供应的饮用水不符合国家规定的卫生标准的; (1) failure on the part of a water supply unit to supply drinking water in conformity with the hygienic standards set by the State;(一)供水单位供应的饮用水不符合国家规定的卫生标准的; (1) failure on the part of a water supply unit to supply drinking water in conformity with the hygienic standards set by the State;(一)罚金; (1) fine;(一)罚金; (1) fine;(一)法定最高刑为不满五年有期徒刑的,经过五年; (1) five years, when the maximum punishment prescribed is fixed-term imprisonment of less than five years;(一)法定最高刑为不满五年有期徒刑的,经过五年; (1) five years, when the maximum punishment prescribed is fixed-term imprisonment of less than five years;(一)伪造、变造汇票、本票、支票的; (1) forging or altering bills of exchange, promissory notes or cheques;(一)伪造、变造汇票、本票、支票的; (1) forging or altering bills of exchange, promissory notes or cheques;(二)强迫不满十四周岁的幼女卖淫的; (2) forcing a girl under the age of 14 to engage in prostitution;(二)强迫不满十四周岁的幼女卖淫的; (2) forcing a girl under the age of 14 to engage in prostitution;(二)伪造、变造委托收款凭证、汇款凭证、银行存单等其他银行结算凭证的; (2) forging or altering settlement certificates of a bank such as certificates of entrustment with the receipt of payment, certificates of remittance and deposit receipts;(二)伪造、变造委托收款凭证、汇款凭证、银行存单等其他银行结算凭证的; (2) forging or altering settlement certificates of a bank such as certificates of entrustment with the receipt of payment, certificates of remittance and deposit receipts;(三)有期徒刑; (3) fixed-term imprisonment;(三)有期徒刑; (3) fixed-term imprisonment;(三)强拿硬要或者任意损毁、占用公私财物,情节严重的; (3) forcibly taking or demanding, willfully damaging, destroying or occupying public or private money or property to a serious extent; or(三)强拿硬要或者任意损毁、占用公私财物,情节严重的; (3) forcibly taking or demanding, willfully damaging, destroying or occupying public or private money or property to a serious extent; or(三)强迫多人卖淫或者多次强迫他人卖淫的; (3) forcing a number of persons to engage in prostitution or repeatedly forcing another person to engage in prostitution;(三)强迫多人卖淫或者多次强迫他人卖淫的; (3) forcing a number of persons to engage in prostitution or repeatedly forcing another person to engage in prostitution;(三)伪造、变造信用证或者附随的单据、文件的; (3) forging or altering letters of credit or their attached bills and documents; or(三)伪造、变造信用证或者附随的单据、文件的; (3) forging or altering letters of credit or their attached bills and documents; or语际翻译 版权所有
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