自发出公告之日起,经过六十日,即视为送达。 ""Sixty days after the public announcement is made, the documents shall be deemed to have been served.""(一)除非基于履行审判职责或者通过适当的程序,不得对其他法官正在审理的案件发表评论,不得对与自己有利害关系的案件提出处理建议和意见; (1) should not give any comments on the lawsuits being handled by other court or give any suggestions or opinions on a lawsuit in which he has personal interests. This proscription does not extend to the situation when the judge is exercising his judicial duties or is giving comments or suggestions through proper procedures,(一)以虚构的单位或者冒用他人名义签订合同的; (1) signing a contract in the name of a fictitious unit or in the name of another person;(一)以虚构的单位或者冒用他人名义签订合同的; (1) signing a contract in the name of a fictitious unit or in the name of another person;(一)同时在两个以上律师事务所执业的; (1) simultaneously practising in two or more law firms;(一)经省级人民政府体育行政主管部门批准专门从事射击竞技体育运动的单位、经省级人民政府公安机关批准的营业性射击场,可以配置射击运动枪支; (1) Sports units that are set up with the approval of the physical culture and sports administration department of the people's government at the provincial level to engage specially in target shooting competitions and profit-making shooting ranges that are set up with the approval of the public security organ of the people's government at the provincial level may be equipped with sports guns;(一)配偶; (1) spouse;(一)当事人陈述; (1) statements by the parties;(一)盗窃金融机构,数额特别巨大的; (1) stealing a banking institution and the amount involved is especially huge; or(一)盗窃金融机构,数额特别巨大的; (1) stealing a banking institution and the amount involved is especially huge; or(二)出售质量不合格的商品未声明的; (2) sales of substandard goods without proper notice to that effect;(二)不得擅自过问或者干预下级人民法院正在审理的案件; (2) should not ask about or interfere in the lawsuits being handled by the subordinate courts without authorisation.(二)社会福利机构; (2) social welfare institutions; or(二)盗窃珍贵文物,情节严重的。 (2) stealing precious cultural relics and the circumstances are serious.(二)盗窃珍贵文物,情节严重的。 (2) stealing precious cultural relics and the circumstances are serious.(二)继承人、受遗赠人; (2) successors and legatees;(二)总结、交流律师工作经验; (2) summarizing and exchanging lawyers' work experience;(二)已经具有本法第十二条第一项所指材料的说明; (2)statement of availability of the material provided for in subparagraph(1), Article 12 of this Law; and(三)抽逃资金、隐匿财产逃避债务的; (3) secretly withdrawing funds or hiding property to evade repayment of debts;(三)不得向上级人民法院就二审案件提出个人的处理建议和意见。 (3) should not issue his personal views to the superior courts about the second instance cases.(三)以底毁其他律师或者支付介绍费等不正当手段争揽业务的; (3) soliciting business by unfair means such as slandering other lawyers or paying middleman's fees;(三)被害人陈述; (3) statements of victims;(三)即将正式提出引渡请求的说明。 (3)statement that a formal request for extradition is to be made soon.(四)依法归个人所有的股份、股票、债券和其他财产。 (4) shares, stocks, bonds and other property that are under private ownership according to law.(四)依法归个人所有的股份、股票、债券和其他财产。 (4) shares, stocks, bonds and other property that are under private ownership according to law.语际翻译 版权所有
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