

(四)对不属于本院管辖的案件,告知原告向有管辖权的人民法院起诉;    "" (4) with respect to cases that are not under its jurisdiction, the people's court shall advise the plaintiff to bring a lawsuit in the competent people's court; ""
(三)对具有中华人民共和国国籍的受送达人,可以委托中华人民共和国驻受送达人所在国的使领馆代为送达;    ""(3) with respect to the person on whom the service is to be made and who is of the nationality of the People's Republic of China, service may be entrusted to the embassy or consulate of the People's Republic of China accredited to the country where the person resides;""
(五)对判决、裁定已经发生法律效力的案件,当事人又起诉的,告知原告按照申诉处理,但人民法院准许撤诉的裁定除外;    ""(5) with respect to cases in which a judgment or order has already taken legal effect, but either party brings a suit again, the people's court shall advise that party to file an appeal instead, except when the order of the people's court is one that permits the withdrawal of a suit; ""
(六)依照法律规定,在一定期限内不得起诉的案件,在不得起诉的期限内起诉的,不予受理;    ""(6) with respect to an action that may not be filed within a specified period according to the law, it shall not be entertained, if it is filed during that period.""
人民法院进行调解,可以用简便方式通知当事人、证人到庭。    ""When a people's court conducts conciliation, it may employ simplified methods to notify the parties concerned and the witnesses to appear in court.""
采取强制执行措施时,执行员应当出示证件。    ""When carrying out a compulsory execution measure, the execution officer shall produce his credentials.""
强制执行时,被执行人是公民的,应当通知被执行人或者他的成年家属到场;    ""When compulsory execution is being carried out, if the person subjected to execution is a citizen, the person or an adult member of his family shall be notified to be present; ""
陪审员在执行陪审职务时,与审判员有同等的权利义务。    ""When performing their duties, the judicial assessors shall have equal rights and obligations as the judges.""
被告提出答辩状的,人民法院应当在收到之日起五日内将答辩状副本发送原告。    ""When the defendant files a defence, the people's court shall send a copy of it to the plaintiff within five days from its receipt. ""
因意外事故下落不明,经有关机关证明该公民不可能生存的,宣告死亡的公告期间为三个月。    ""Where a citizen's whereabouts are unknown after an accident in which he was involved and, upon proof furnished by the relevant authorities that it is impossible for him to survive, the period of the public notice for proclaiming such person as dead shall be three months.""
有特殊情况需要延长的,由本院院长批准,可以延长六个月;还需要延长的,报请上级人民法院批准。    ""Where an extension of the period is necessary under special circumstances, a six-month extension may be allowed subject to the approval of the president of the court. Further extension, if needed, shall be reported to the people's court at a higher level for approval.""
判决前能够调解的,还可以进行调解,调解不成的,应当及时判决。    ""Where conciliation is possible prior to the rendering of a judgment, conciliation efforts may be made; if conciliation proves to be unsuccessful, a judgment shall be made without delay.""
本编没有规定的,适用本法其他有关规定。    ""Where it is not covered by the provisions of this Part, other relevant provisions of this Law shall apply.""
在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区,人民法院应当用当地民族通用的语言、文字进行审理和发布法律文书。    ""Where minority nationalities live in aggregation in a community or where several nationalities live together in one area, the people's courts shall conduct hearings and issue legal documents in the spoken and written languages commonly used by the local nationalities.""
破产财产不足清偿同一顺序的清偿要求的,按照比例分配。    ""Where the bankrupt property is insufficient to meet the repayment claims of the same order of priority, it shall be distributed on a pro-rata basis.""
同一诉讼的几个被告住所地、经常居住地在两个以上人民法院辖区的,各该人民法院都有管辖权。    ""Where the domiciles or habitual residences of several defendants in the same lawsuit are in the areas under the jurisdiction of two or more people's courts, all of those people's courts shall have jurisdiction over the lawsuit.""
对当事人双方的诉讼标的,第三人虽然没有独立请求权,但案件处理结果同他有法律上的利害关系的,可以申请参加诉讼,或者由人民法院通知他参加诉讼。    ""Where the outcome of the case will affect a third party's legal interest, such party, though having no independent claim to the object of action of both parties, may file a request to participate in the proceedings or the people's court shall notify the third party to participate. ""
人民法院对有前款规定的行为之一的单位,可以对其主要负责人或者直接责任人员予以罚款;    ""With respect to a unit that commits any one of the acts specified above, the people's court may impose a fine on its principal heads or the persons who are held actually responsible for the act. ""
人民法院对有前款规定的行为之一的单位,可以对其主要负责人或者直接责任人员予以罚款、拘留;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。    ""With respect to a unit that commits any one of the acts specified above, the people's court may impose a fine on or detain its principal heads or the persons who are held actually responsible for the act; if the act constitutes a crime, investigations for criminal responsibility shall be made according to the law.""
当事人经法庭许可,可以向证人、鉴定人、勘验人发问。    ""With the permission of the court, the parties may put questions to witnesses, expert witnesses and inspectors.""
公示催告期间,转让票据权利的行为无效。    ""Within the period of the public notice, assignment of rights on the bill shall be void.""
(一)破产企业所欠职工工资和劳动保险费用;    (1) wages and salaries of staff and workers and labour insurance expenses that are owned by the bankrupt enterprise;
(一)按照有关规定穿着法官袍或者法官制服、佩带徽章,并保持整洁;    (1) wear robe or uniform according to relevant regulations, wear badge and keep clean and tidy;
(一)携带枪支必须同时携带持枪证件,未携带持枪证件的,由公安机关扣留枪支;    (1) When carrying guns, they must have with them the certificates permitting the holding of guns; otherwise their guns shall be seized by public security organs;
(一)因严重疾病或其他原因无力履行职务;    (1) When he or she loses the ability to discharge his or her duties as a result of serious illness or other reasons;
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