人民检察院决定不起诉的案件,应当同时对侦查中扣押、冻结的财物解除扣押、冻结。 With respect to a case for which the People's Procuratorate has decided not to initiate a prosecution, the People's Procuratorate shall, at the same time, cancel the seizure or freeze of the property or things of value seized or frozen during the period of investigation.人民检察院抗诉的案件,接受抗诉的人民法院应当组成合议庭重新审理,对于原判决事实不清楚或者证据不足的,可以指令下级人民法院再审。 With respect to a case protested by a People's Procuratorate, the People's Court that has accepted the protest shall form a collegial panel for retrial; if the facts, on the basis of which the original judgment was made, are not clear or the evidence is not sufficient, it may direct the People's Court at the lower level to try the case again.对于犯罪情节轻微,依照刑法规定不需要判处刑罚或者免除刑罚的,人民检察院可以作出不起诉决定。 With respect to a case that is minor and the offender need not be given criminal punishment or need be exempted from it according to the Criminal Law, the People's Procuratorate may decide not to initiate a prosecution.对于犯罪情节轻微,依照刑法规定不需要判处刑罚或者免除刑罚的,人民检察院可以作出不起诉决定。 With respect to a case that is minor and the offender need not be given criminal punishment or need be exempted from it according to the Criminal Law, the People's Procuratorate may decide not to initiate a prosecution.对前款所列暂不收监的罪犯,应当由交付执行的人民法院决定暂予监外执行。 With respect to a criminal temporarily not to be put in prison as provided in the preceding paragraph, the decision on temporary exectution outside prison shall be made by the people's court which handed the criminal over for the execution.对于疑难、复杂、重大的案件,合议庭认为难以作出决定的,由合议庭提请院长决定提交审判委员会讨论决定。 With respect to a difficult, complex or major case, on which the collegial panel considers it difficult to make a decision, the collegial panel shall refer the case to the president of the court for him to decide whether to submit the case to the judicial committee for discussion and decision.对于疑难、复杂、重大的案件,合议庭认为难以作出决定的,由合议庭提请院长决定提交审判委员会讨论决定。 With respect to a difficult, complex or major case, on which the collegial panel considers it difficult to make a decision, the collegial panel shall refer the case to the president of the court for him to decide whether to submit the case to the judicial committee for discussion and decision.对其中暂予监外执行有社会危险性的,应当收监。 With respect to any such criminal whose temporary execution of the sentence outside prison constitutes a danger to the society, he shall be put in prison.对多次走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品,未经处理的,毒品数量累计计算。 With respect to persons who have repeatedly smuggled, trafficked in, transported or manufactured narcotic drugs and have not been dealt with, the quantity of narcotic drugs thus involved shall be computed cumulatively.外国人在中华人民共和国收养子女,应当经其所在国主管机关依照该国法律审查同意。收养人应当提供由其所在国有权机构出具的有关收养人的年龄、婚姻、职业、财产、健康、有无受过刑事处罚等状况的证明材料,该证明材料应当经其所在国外交机关或者外交机关授权的机构认证,并经中华人民共和国驻该国使领馆认证。 With respect to the adoption by a foreigner in the People's Republic of China, papers certifying such particulars of the adopter as age, marital status, profession, property, health and whether subjected once to criminal punishment shall be provided. Such certifying papers shall be notarized by a notarial agency or notary of the country to which the adopter belongs, and the notarization shall be authenticated by the Embassy or Consulate of the People's Republic of China stationed in that country.对于重新审判后的判决,依照本法第一百八十条、第一百八十一条、第一百八十二条的规定可以上诉、抗诉。 With respect to the judgment rendered after the retrial, an appeal or protest may be lodged in accordance with the provisions of Article 180, 181 or 182 of this Law.除外国军用船只进入澳门特别行政区须经中央人民政府特别许可外,其他船舶可依照澳门特别行政区的法律进出其港口。 With the exception of foreign warships, access for which requires the special permission of the Central People's Government, ships shall enjoy access to the ports of the Macao Special Administrative Region in accordance with the laws of the Region.被人民法院宣告为无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人的,根据他健康恢复的状况,经本人或者利害关系人申请,人民法院可以宣告他为限制民事行为能力人或者完全民事行为能力人。 With the recovery of the health of a person who has been declared by a people's court to be without or with limited capacity for civil conduct, and upon his own application or that of an interested person, the people's court may declare him to be a person with limited or full capacity for civil conduct.拘留后,除有碍侦查或者无法通知的情形以外,应当把拘留的原因和羁押的处所,在二十四小时以内,通知被拘留人的家属或者他的所在单位。 Within 24 hours after a person has been detained, his family or the unit to which he belongs shall be notified of the reasons for detention and the place of custody, except in circumstances where such notification would hinder the investigation or there is no way of notifying them.逮捕后,除有碍侦查或者无法通知的情形以外,应当把逮捕的原因和羁押的处所,在二十四小时以内通知被逮捕人的家属或者他的所在单位。 Within 24 hours after an arrest, the family of the arrested person or the unit to which he belongs shall be notified of the reasons for arrest and the place of custody, except in circumstances where such notification would hinder the investigation or there is no way of notifying them.未经许可,任何单位或者个人不得制造、买卖枪支。 Without permission, no unit or individual may manufacture or trade in guns.任何单位或者个人未经许可,不得私自携带枪支入境、出境。 Without permission, no unit or individual shall enter or leave the country with guns.对多次走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品,未经处理的,毒品数量累计计算。 Withrespecttopersonswhohaverepeatedlysmuggled,traffickedin,transportedormanufacturednarcoticdrugsandhavenotbeendealtwith,thequantityofnarcoticdrugsthusinvolvedshallbecomputedcumulatively.询问证人应当个别进行。 Witnesses shall be questioned individually.询问证人应当个别进行。 Witnesses shall be questioned individually.劳动是一切有劳动能力的公民的光荣职责。国营企业和城乡集体经济组织的劳动者都应当以国家主人翁的态度对待自己的劳动。 Work is a matter of honour for every citizen who is able to work. All working people in state enterprises and in urban and rural economic collectives should approach their work as the masters of the country that they are.劳动是一切有劳动能力的公民的光荣职责。国营企业和城乡集体经济组织的劳动者都应当以国家主人翁的态度对待自己的劳动。 Work is a matter of honour for every citizen who is able to work. All working people in state enterprises and in urban and rural economic collectives should approach their work as the masters of the country that they are.参加农村集体经济组织的劳动者,有权在法律规定的范围内经营自留地、自留山、家庭副业和饲养自留畜。 Working people who are members of rural economic collective have the right, within the limits prescribed by law, to farm plots of cropland and hilly land allotted for their private use, engage in household sideline production and raise privately owned livestock.参加农村集体经济组织的劳动者,有权在法律规定的范围内经营自留地、自留山、家庭副业和饲养自留畜。 Working people who are members of rural economic collective have the right, within the limits prescribed by law, to farm plots of cropland and hilly land allotted for their private use, engage in household sideline production and raise privately owned livestock.书面管辖协议可以由一份或者多份书面形式组成。 Written choice of court agreement can be constituted of one or more copies.