- 中国民事刑事法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (六)受送达人所在国的法律允许邮寄送达的,可以邮寄送达,自邮寄之日起满六个月,送达回证没有退回,但根据各种情况足以认定已经送达的,期间届满之日视为送达; ""(6) by making service by mail if the law of the country where the person on whom the service is to be made resides so permits; in the event that the receipt of delivery is not returned six months after the date on which the documents were mailed, and that circumstances justify the assumption that service has been made, the service shall be deemed completed upon the expiration of the said time period; ""
- 银行、信用合作社和其他有储蓄业务的单位必须办理。 ""Banks, credit cooperatives or other units that deal with savings deposit must comply with it.""
- 本条所称商业秘密,是指不为公众所知悉,能为权利人带来经济利益,具有实用性并经权利人采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息。 ""Business secrets"" as mentioned in this Article refers to technology information or business information which is unknown to the public, can bring about economic benefits to the obligee, is of practical use and with regard to which the obligee has adopted secret-keeping measures.
- 本条所称商业秘密,是指不为公众所知悉,能为权利人带来经济利益,具有实用性并经权利人采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息。 ""Business secrets"" as mentioned in this Article refers to technology information or business information which is unknown to the public, can bring about economic benefits to the obligee, is of practical use and with regard to which the obligee has adopted secret-keeping measures.
- 对涉及国家秘密、商业秘密和个人隐私的证据应当保密,需要在法庭出示的,不得在公开开庭时出示。 ""But evidence that involves State secrets, trade secrets and personal privacy shall be kept confidential. If it needs to be presented in court, such evidence shall not be presented in an open court session.""
- (一)殴打监管人员的; (1) beating a prison policeman or any other officer;
- (一)殴打监管人员的; (1) beating a prison policeman or any other officer;
- (一)随意殴打他人,情节恶劣的; (1) beating another person at will and to a flagrant extent;
- (一)随意殴打他人,情节恶劣的; (1) beating another person at will and to a flagrant extent;
- (一)拐卖妇女、儿童集团的首要分子; (1) being a ringleader of a gang engaged in abducting and trafficking in women and children;
- (一)拐卖妇女、儿童集团的首要分子; (1) being a ringleader of a gang engaged in abducting and trafficking in women and children;
- (一)伪造货币集团的首要分子; (1) being a ringleader of a gang engaged in counterfeiting currencies;
- (一)伪造货币集团的首要分子; (1) being a ringleader of a gang engaged in counterfeiting currencies;
- (一)组织他人偷越国(边)境集团的首要分子; (1) being a ringleader of a group that makes arrangements for other persons to illegally cross the national border (frontier);
- (一)组织他人偷越国(边)境集团的首要分子; (1) being a ringleader of a group that makes arrangements for other persons to illegally cross the national border (frontier);
- (一)重婚或有配偶者与他人同居的; (1)bigamy or, cohabitation of a married person with any third party;
- 重婚的; (1)bigamy;
- (二)盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬集团的首要分子; (2) being a ringleader of a gang engaged in excavating and robbing sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs;
- (二)盗掘古文化遗址、古墓葬集团的首要分子; (2) being a ringleader of a gang engaged in excavating and robbing sites of ancient culture or ancient tombs;
- (二)向法官、检察官、仲裁员以及其他有关工作人员行贿或者指使、诱导当事人行贿的; (2) bribing a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or other relevant working personnel or instigating or inducing a party to do so; or
- (二)买卖进出口许可证、进出口原产地证明以及其他法律、行政法规规定的经营许可证或者批准文件的; (2) buying or selling import or export licenses, import or export certificates of origin or other business licenses or approval papers required by laws or administrative rules and regulations; or
- (二)买卖进出口许可证、进出口原产地证明以及其他法律、行政法规规定的经营许可证或者批准文件的; (2) buying or selling import or export licenses, import or export certificates of origin or other business licenses or approval papers required by laws or administrative rules and regulations; or
- (二)通过外交途径送达; (2) by making the service through diplomatic channels;
- (三)品行良好。 (3) being a person of good character and conduct.
- (三)有其他特别严重情节的。 (3) being involved in other especially serious circumstances.
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