

(一)多次聚众斗殴的;    (1) gathering people to engage in affrays repeatedly;
(一)多次聚众斗殴的;    (1) gathering people to engage in affrays repeatedly;
(一)交通十分不便的边远地区的重大复杂案件;    (1) grave and complex cases in outlying areas where traffic is most inconvenient;
(一)交通十分不便的边远地区的重大复杂案件;    (1) grave and complex cases in outlying areas where traffic is most inconvenient;
(一)孤儿的监护人;    (1) guardians of an orphan;
(二)重大的犯罪集团案件;    (2) grave cases that involve criminal gangs;
(二)重大的犯罪集团案件;    (2) grave cases that involve criminal gangs;
(三)在公共场所或者交通要道聚众斗殴,造成社会秩序严重混乱的;    (3) gathering people to engage in affrays in public places or on vital traffic lines and causing serious public disorder; or
(三)在公共场所或者交通要道聚众斗殴,造成社会秩序严重混乱的;    (3) gathering people to engage in affrays in public places or on vital traffic lines and causing serious public disorder; or
(三)聚众闹事,扰乱正常监管秩序的;    (3) gathering persons held in custody to stir up trouble, thus disrupting the normal order of prison administration; or
(三)聚众闹事,扰乱正常监管秩序的;    (3) gathering persons held in custody to stir up trouble, thus disrupting the normal order of prison administration; or
(三)流窜作案的重大复杂案件;    (3) grave and complex cases that involve people who commit crimes from one place to another; and
(三)流窜作案的重大复杂案件;    (3) grave and complex cases that involve people who commit crimes from one place to another; and
(三)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的监护人、亲友。    (3) guardians or relatives and friends of the criminal suspect or the defendant.
(四)持械聚众斗殴的。    (4) gathering people to engage in affrays with weapons.
(四)持械聚众斗殴的。    (4) gathering people to engage in affrays with weapons.
(四)收受对方当事人给付的货物、货款、预付款或者担保财产后逃匿的;    (4) going into hiding after receiving the other party's goods, payment for goods, cash paid in advance or property for guaranty; or
(四)收受对方当事人给付的货物、货款、预付款或者担保财产后逃匿的;    (4) going into hiding after receiving the other party's goods, payment for goods, cash paid in advance or property for guaranty; or
(四)犯罪涉及面广,取证困难的重大复杂案件。    (4) grave and complex cases that involve various quarters and for which it is difficult to obtain evidence.
(四)犯罪涉及面广,取证困难的重大复杂案件。    (4) grave and complex cases that involve various quarters and for which it is difficult to obtain evidence.
十六岁以上不满十八岁未成年人犯罪的案件,一般也不公开审理。    Generally, cases involving crimes committed by minors who have reached the age of 16 but not the age of 18 shall also not be heard in public.
十六岁以上不满十八岁未成年人犯罪的案件,一般也不公开审理。    Generally, cases involving crimes committed by minors who have reached the age of 16 but not the age of 18 shall also not be heard in public.
地方各级人民政府实行省长、市长、县长、区长、乡长、镇长负责制。    Governors, mayors and heads of counties, districts, townships and towns assume overall responsibility for local people's governments at various levels.
地方各级人民政府实行省长、市长、县长、区长、乡长、镇长负责制。    Governors, mayors and heads of counties, districts, townships and towns assume overall responsibility for local people's governments at various levels.
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