复议期间,被申请回避的人员,不停止参与本案的工作。 ""During the period of reconsideration, the person whose withdrawal has been applied for shall not suspend his participation in the proceedings.""(一)直接向走私人非法收购国家禁止进口物品的,或者直接向走私人非法收购走私进口的其他货物、物品,数额较大的; (1) directly and illegally purchasing from smugglers articles, the import of which is forbidden by the State, or directly and illegally purchasing from smugglers other smuggled goods and articles in and in relatively large quantities or values;(一)直接向走私人非法收购国家禁止进口物品的,或者直接向走私人非法收购走私进口的其他货物、物品,数额较大的; (1) directly and illegally purchasing from smugglers articles, the import of which is forbidden by the State, or directly and illegally purchasing from smugglers other smuggled goods and articles in and in relatively large quantities or values;(一)调解和好的离婚案件; (1) divorce cases in which both parties have become reconciled after conciliation;(一)泄露国家秘密的; (1) divulging State secrets;(十)扰乱法庭、仲裁庭秩序,干扰诉讼、仲裁活动的正常进行的; (10) disrupting the order of a court or arbitration tribunal, or interfering with the normal conduct of litigation or arbitration activities; or(二)被告及其诉讼代理人答辩; (2) defence by the defendant and his agents ad litem;(二)剥夺政治权利; (2) deprivation of political rights; and(二)剥夺政治权利; (2) deprivation of political rights; and(二)为敌人指示轰击目标的。 (2) directing the enemy to any bombing or shelling target.(二)为敌人指示轰击目标的。 (2) directing the enemy to any bombing or shelling target.(二)披露、使用或者允许他人使用以前项手段获取的权利人的商业秘密的; (2) disclosing, using or allowing another to use the business secrets obtained from the obligee by the means mentioned in the preceding paragraph; or(二)披露、使用或者允许他人使用以前项手段获取的权利人的商业秘密的; (2) disclosing, using or allowing another to use the business secrets obtained from the obligee by the means mentioned in the preceding paragraph; or(二)实施家庭暴力或虐待、遗弃家庭成员的; (2)domestic violence or, maltreatment and desertion of one family member by another;(三)延付或者拒付租金的; (3) delays in paying rent or refusal to pay rent;(三)剥夺或者限制了当事人的法定诉讼权利,可能影响公正审判的; (3) depriving the parties of their litigation rights prescribed by law or restricting, such rights, which may hamper impartiality of a trial;(三)依照本法第一百三十三条所指民用航空运输协定和临时协议指定航空公司; (3) designate such airlines under the air service agreements and provisional arrangements referred to in Article 133 of this Law;(三)实施家庭暴力的; (3)domestic violence; and(四)互相辩论。 (4) debate between the two sides.(四)剥夺或者限制被组织人人身自由的; (4) depriving or restricting personal freedom of the persons for whom he makes arrangements to illegally cross the national border (frontier);(四)剥夺或者限制被组织人人身自由的; (4) depriving or restricting personal freedom of the persons for whom he makes arrangements to illegally cross the national border (frontier);(四)解散、被撤销、被宣告破产后,擅自处理财产的; (4) disposing of property without authorization after the enterprise is dissolved, disbanded or declared bankrupt;(五)以其他方法诈骗贷款的。 (5) defrauding loans by any other means.(五)以其他方法诈骗贷款的。 (5) defrauding loans by any other means.(六)泄露当事人的商业秘密或者个人隐私的; (6) divulging commercial secrets or private affairs of a party concerned;语际翻译 版权所有
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