- 中国民事刑事法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 有下列情形之一,调解无效的,应准予离婚: Divorce shall be granted if mediation fails under any of the following circumstances:
- 一方被宣告失踪,另一方提出离婚诉讼的,应准予离婚。 Divorce shall be granted if one party is declared to be missing and the other party thereby files an action for divorce.
- 根据澳门原有法律取得效力的文件、证件、契约及其所包含的权利和义务,在不抵触本法的前提下继续有效,受澳门特别行政区的承认和保护。 Documents, certificates and contracts valid under the laws previously in force in Macao, and the rights and obligations provided for in such documents, certificates or contracts shall continue to be valid and be recognized and protected by the Macao Special Administrative Region, provided that they do not contravene this Law.
- 在香港原有法律下有效的文件、证件、契约和权利义务,在不抵触本法的前提下继续有效,受香港特别行政区的承认和保护。 Documents, certificates, contracts, and rights and obligations valid under the laws previously in force in Hong Kong shall continue to be valid and be recognized and protected by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, provided that they do not contravene this Law.
- 东莞市人民法院 Dongwan People’s Court
- 在搜查的时候,应当有邻居或者其他见证人、被搜查人或者他的家属在场。 During a search, the person being searched or his family members, as well as his neighbours or other witnesses shall be present.
- 讯问的时候,侦查人员不得少于二人。 During an interrogation, there must be no fewer than two investigators participating.
- 讯问的时候,侦查人员不得少于二人。 During an interrogation, there must be no fewer than two investigators participating.
- 前款规定的期间,内地判决到香港特别行政区申请执行的,从判决规定履行期间的最后一日起计算,判决规定分期履行的,从规定的每次履行期间的最后一日起计算,判决未规定履行期间的,从判决生效之日起计算; During the above period, if judgment in mainland is applied to be executed in HK SAR, it will calculate from the last day of performance period prescribed by the judgment; if the judgment requires performance in different period, it will calculate from the last day of each performance period; if the judgment doesn’t prescribe performance period, it will calculate since effective day of the judgment;
- 常务委员会会议第一次审议法律案,在全体会议上听取提案人的说明,由分组会议进行初步审议。 During the first deliberation of the bill at the current Standing Committee session, the bill sponsor shall brief the plenary session, whereupon preliminary deliberation shall be conducted by divided group sessions.
- 在执行期间,被判处拘役的犯罪分子每月可以回家一天至两天;参加劳动的,可以酌量发给报酬。 During the period of execution, a criminal sentenced to criminal detention may go home for one to two days each month; an appropriate remuneration may be given to those who participate in labor.
- 在执行期间,被判处拘役的犯罪分子每月可以回家一天至两天;参加劳动的,可以酌量发给报酬。 During the period of execution, a criminal sentenced to criminal detention may go home for one to two days each month; an appropriate remuneration may be given to those who participate in labor.
- 在取保候审、监视居住期间,不得中断对案件的侦查、起诉和审理。 During the period when the criminal suspect or defendant is awaiting trial after obtaining a guarantor or when he is under residential surveillance, investigation, prosecution and handling of the case shall not be suspended.
- 常务委员会会议第二次审议法律案,在全体会议上听取法律委员会关于法律草案修改情况和主要问题的汇报,由分组会议进一步审议。 During the second deliberation of the bill at the current Standing Committee session, the Legislative Committee shall brief the plenary session on the status of amendment and major issues in respect of the draft law, whereupon further deliberation shall be conducted by divided group sessions.
- 法官在任职期间,不得兼任其他公职或任何私人职务,也不得在政治性团体中担任任何职务。 During the term of his or her office, a judge shall not concurrently assume other public or private posts, nor shall he or she assume any post in organizations of a political nature.
- 常务委员会会议第三次审议法律案,在全体会议上听取法律委员会关于法律草案审议结果的报告,由分组会议对法律草案修改稿进行审议。 During the third deliberation of the bill at the current Standing Committee session, the Legislative Committee shall give a report to the plenary session on the result of the deliberation on the draft law, whereupon deliberation on the amended draft law shall be conducted by divided group sessions.
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