- 中国民事刑事法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (四)多次抢劫或者抢劫数额巨大的; (4) committing robbery repeatedly or robbing a huge, sum of money;
- (四)多次抢劫或者抢劫数额巨大的; (4) committing robbery repeatedly or robbing a huge, sum of money;
- (四)进行律师职业道德和执业纪律的教育、检查和监督; (4) conducting education in, inspection of, and supervision over, the professional ethics and practice discipline of lawyers;
- (四)在公共场所起哄闹事,造成公共场所秩序严重混乱的。 (4) creating disturbances in a public place, thus causing serious disorder in such place.
- (四)在公共场所起哄闹事,造成公共场所秩序严重混乱的。 (4) creating disturbances in a public place, thus causing serious disorder in such place.
- (五)抢劫致人重伤、死亡的; (5) causing serious injury or death to another person in the course of robbery;
- (五)抢劫致人重伤、死亡的; (5) causing serious injury or death to another person in the course of robbery;
- (五)致使被害人重伤、死亡或者造成其他严重后果的。 (5) causing serious injury or death to the victim or any other serious consequences.
- (五)致使被害人重伤、死亡或者造成其他严重后果的。 (5) causing serious injury or death to the victim or any other serious consequences.
- (五)造成被强迫卖淫的人重伤、死亡或者其他严重后果的。 (5) causing serious injury, death or other serious consequences to the person who is forced to engage in prostitution.
- (五)造成被强迫卖淫的人重伤、死亡或者其他严重后果的。 (5) causing serious injury, death or other serious consequences to the person who is forced to engage in prostitution.
- (五)以其他方法掩饰、隐瞒犯罪的违法所得及其收益的性质和来源的。 (5) covering up or concealing by any other means the nature or source of the illegally obtained proceeds and the gains derived therfrom.
- (五)以其他方法掩饰、隐瞒犯罪的违法所得及其收益的性质和来源的。 (5) covering up or concealing by any other means the nature or source of the illegally obtained proceeds and the gains derived therfrom.
- (七)造成被拐卖的妇女、儿童或者其亲属重伤、死亡或者其他严重后果的; (7) causing serious injury or death to the woman or child who is abducted and trafficked in or to her or his relatives or any other serious consequences; or
- (七)造成被拐卖的妇女、儿童或者其亲属重伤、死亡或者其他严重后果的; (7) causing serious injury or death to the woman or child who is abducted and trafficked in or to her or his relatives or any other serious consequences; or
- (七)赔偿损失; (7) compensation for losses;
- (七)补正判决书中的笔误; (7) correction of errata in the judgment;
- 二、刑事诉讼法 2. Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China
- 四、不少于一百名的选举委员可联合提名行政长官候选人。每名委员只可提出一名候选人。 4. Candidates for the office of Chief Executive may be nominated jointly by not less than 100 members of the Election Committee.Each member may nominate only one candidate.
- 四、不少于50名的选举委员会委员可联合提名行政长官候选人。每名委员只可提出一名候选人。 4. Candidates for the office of Chief Executive may be nominated jointly by not less than 50 members of the Election Committee. Each member may nominate only one candidate.
- 高级人民法院判处死刑的第一审案件被告人不上诉的,和判处死刑的第二审案件,都应当报请最高人民法院核准。 Cases of first instance where a Higher People's Court has imposed a death sentence and the defendant does not appeal, and cases of second instance where a death sentence has been imposed shall all be submitted to the Supreme People's Court for approval.
- 自诉案件,由人民法院直接受理。 Cases of private prosecution shall be handled directly by the People's Courts.
- 第一章总则 Chapter 1 General Principles
- 一、保障司法公正 Chapter 1: Safeguard Judicial Impartiality
- 第二章行政赔偿 Chapter 2 Administrative Compensation