

地方各级人民检察院检察长的任免,须报上一级人民检察院检察长提请该级人民代表大会常务委员会批准。    The appointment or removal of the chief procurators of the local People's Procuratorates at the various levels must be reported to the chief procurators of the People's Procuratorates at the next higher level, who shall submit the matter to the standing committee of the people's congress at that level for approval.
在省、自治区内按地区设立的和在直辖市内设立的中级人民法院院长,由省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会常务委员会根据主任会议的提名决定任免,    The appointment or removal of the presidents of the intermediate People's Courts set up in prefectures of the provinces or autonomous regions or set up in the municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be decided on by the standing committees of the people's congresses of the provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government on the basis of the nominations made by the respective councils of chairmen.
《安排》已于2006年6月12日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1390次会议通过,现予公布。根据双方一致意见,本《安排》自2008年8月1日起生效。    The Arrangement was passed in 1390th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People’s Court on June 12, 2006 and is hereby announced. This Arrangement takes effect on August 1, 2008 according to agreement achieved between both parties.
人民法院的助理审判员由本院院长任免。    The assistant judges of the People's Courts shall be appointed or removed by the presidents of the courts where they work.
人民检察院的助理检察员由本院检察长任免。    The assistant procurators of the People's Procuratorates shall be appointed or removed by the chief procurators of the procuratorates where they work.
对于限制追诉的承诺,由最高人民检察院决定;对于量刑的承诺,由最高人民法院决定。    The assurance with regard to restriction on prosecution shall be subject to decision by the Supreme People's Procuratorate; the assurance with regard to measurement of penalty shall be subject to decision by the Supreme People's Court.
港币的发行权属于香港特别行政区政府。港币的发行须有百分之百的准备金。港币的发行制度和准备金制度,由法律规定。    The authority to issue Hong Kong currency shall be vested in the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The issue of Hong Kong currency must be backed by a 100 per cent reserve fund. The system regarding the issue of Hong Kong currency and the reserve fund system shall be prescribed by law.
澳门货币发行权属于澳门特别行政区政府。澳门货币的发行须有百分之百的准备金。澳门货币的发行制度和准备金制度,由法律规定。    The authority to issue Macao currency shall be vested in the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The issue of Macao currency must be backed by a 100 per cent reserve fund. The system regarding the issue of Macao currency and the reserve fund system shall be prescribed by law.
鉴定部门及其指定的鉴定人有权了解进行鉴定所需要的案件材料,必要时可以询问当事人、证人。    The authorized department and the experts designated by the department shall have the right to consult the case materials necessary for the evaluation and question the parties and witnesses when circumstances so require.
鉴定部门和鉴定人应当提出书面鉴定结论,在鉴定书上签名或者盖章。    The authorized department and the experts it designated shall present a written conclusion of the evaluation duly sealed or signed by both.
奖励的权限和程序按照有关规定办理。    The awards shall be authorized and procedures gone through in accordance with the relevant regulations.
奖励的权限和程序按照有关规定办理。    The awards shall be authorized and procedures gone through in accordance with the relevant regulations.
中央军事委员会由下列人员组成:主席,副主席若干人,委员若干人,    The Central Military Commission is composed of the following: the Chairman; the Vice-Chairmen; and the members.
中央军事委员会由下列人员组成:主席,副主席若干人,委员若干人,    The Central Military Commission is composed of the following: the Chairman; the Vice-Chairmen; and the members.
中央人民政府授权香港特别行政区依照本法自行处理有关的对外事务。    The Central People's Government authorizes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to conduct relevant external affairs on its own in accordance with this Law.
中央人民政府不在香港特别行政区征税。    The Central People's Government shall not levy taxes in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
中央人民政府不在澳门特别行政区征税。    The Central People's Government shall not levy taxes in the Macao Special Administrative Region.
对中华人民共和国已参加而香港也以某种形式参加了的国际组织,中央人民政府将采取必要措施使香港特别行政区以适当形式继续保持在这些组织中的地位。    The Central People's Government shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall continue to retain its status in an appropriate capacity in those international organizations of which the People's Republic of China is a member and in which Hong Kong participates in one capacity or another.
中央人民政府根据情况和需要授权或协助澳门特别行政区政府作出适当安排,使其他与其有关的国际协议适用于澳门特别行政区。    The Central People's Government shall, as necessary, authorize or assist the government of the Region to make appropriate arrangements for the application to the Region of other relevant international agreements.
对中华人民共和国尚未参加而澳门已以某种形式参加的国际组织,中央人民政府将根据情况和需要使澳门特别行政区以适当形式继续参加这些组织。    The Central People's Government shall, in accordance with the circumstances and needs of the Region, facilitate the continued participation of the Macao Special Administrative Region in an appropriate capacity in those international organizations in which Macao is a participant in one capacity or another, but of which the People's Republic of China is not a member.
对中华人民共和国已参加而澳门也以某种形式参加的国际组织,中央人民政府将根据情况和澳门特别行政区的需要采取措施,使澳门特别行政区以适当形式继续保持在这些组织中的地位。    The Central People's Government shall, in accordance with the circumstances and needs of the Region, take measures to ensure that the Macao Special Administrative Region shall continue to retain its status in an appropriate capacity in those international organizations of which the People's Republic of China is a member and in which Macao participates in one capacity or another.
对中华人民共和国尚未参加而香港已以某种形式参加的国际组织,中央人民政府将根据需要使香港特别行政区以适当形式继续参加这些组织。    The Central People's Government shall, where necessary, facilitate the continued participation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in an appropriate capacity in those international organizations in which Hong Kong is a participant in one capacity or another, but of which the People's Republic of China is not a member.
民用枪支制造许可证件、配售许可证件的有效期为三年;    The certificate permitting manufacture of guns for civilian use and the certificate permitting rationed sale of guns for civilian use shall be valid for a period of three years.
委员长、副委员长连续任职不得超过两届。    The Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Standing Committee shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
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