(三)在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,对全国人民代表大会制定的法律进行部分补充和修改,但是不得同该法律的基本原则相抵触; (3) to partially supplement and amend, when the National People's Congress is not in session, laws enacted by the National People's Congress provided that the basic principles of these laws are not contravened;(三)依法保障诉讼参与人的诉讼权利; (3) to protect the litigation rights of the participants in proceedings according to law;(三)因审判机构调整或者缩减编制员额需要调整工作,本人拒绝合理安排的; (3) to refuse to accept reasonable transfer, which is necessitated by restructuring of the judicial organ or reduction of the size of the staff;(三)因检察机构调整或者缩减编制员额需要调整工作,本人拒绝合理安排的; (3) to refuse to accept reasonable transfer, which is necessitated by restructuring of the procuratorial organ or reduction of the size of the staff;(三)维护国家利益、公共利益,维护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益; (3) to safeguard the State interests and public interests, and to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations;(三)非法销售枪支或者在境内销售为出口制造的枪支的。 (3) to sell guns illegally, or sell guns in China that are manufactured for export.(三)非法销售枪支或者在境内销售为出口制造的枪支的。 (3) to sell guns illegally, or sell guns in China that are manufactured for export.(三)私自销售枪支或者在境内销售为出口制造的枪支的。 (3) to sell, without authorization, guns or sell guns in China that are manufactured for export.(三)签署立法会通过的法案,公布法律; (3) To sign bills passed by the Legislative Council and to promulgate laws;(三)将没收的枪支据为己有的; (3) to take confiscated guns into his own possession; or(三)刑讯逼供或者体罚、虐待罪犯; (3) to use torture to coerce a confession, or to use corporal punishment, or to maltreat a prisoner;(三)逃避海关监管将境外固体废物运输进境的。 (3) transporting solid waste from outside China into the territory of China through evading supervision and control by the Customs.(三)逃避海关监管将境外固体废物运输进境的。 (3) transporting solid waste from outside China into the territory of China through evading supervision and control by the Customs.(三)因政治犯罪而请求引渡的,或者中华人民共和国已经给予被请求引渡人受庇护权利的; (3)the request for extradition is made for a political offence, or the People's Republic of China has granted asylum to the person sought;(四)审判人员在审理该案件的时候,有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为的。 (4) The judges in trying the case committed acts of embezzlement, bribery, or malpractices for personal gain, or bended the law in making judgment.(四)认定事实的主要证据不足的; (4) the main evidence for ascertaining the facts is insufficient;(四)追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费案件的权利人死亡的; (4) the person entitled to claim alimony or support for elders or children dies;(四)最高人民法院院长; (4) the President of the Supreme People's Court;(四)最高人民法院院长; (4) the President of the Supreme People's Court;(四)担任国有公司、企业、事业单位和人民团体领导职务的权利。 (4) the right to hold a leading position in any State-owned company, enterprise, institution or people's organization.(四)担任国有公司、企业、事业单位和人民团体领导职务的权利。 (4) the right to hold a leading position in any State-owned company, enterprise, institution or people's organization.(四)人民法院违反法定程序,可能影响案件正确判决、裁定的; (4) there was violation by the people's court of the legal procedure which may have affected the correctness of the judgment or written order in the case;(四)恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益的; (4) those that performed through malicious collusion are detrimental to the interest of the state, a collective or a third party;????(四)故意毁坏他人居民身份证的。? (4) those who wilfully damage others' resident identity cards.(四)清正廉明,忠于职守,遵守纪律; (4) to be honest and clean, faithful in the discharge of their duties, and to abide by discipline;