

(二)在内海、领海运输、收购、贩卖国家禁止进出口物品的,或者运输、收购、贩卖国家限制进出口货物、物品,数额较大,没有合法证明的;    (2) transporting, purchasing or selling in inland seas or territorial waters articles the import and export of which are forbidden by the State, or transporting, purchasing or selling, without legal certificates and in relatively large quantities or values, goods or articles the import and export of which are restricted by the State; or
(二)在内海、领海运输、收购、贩卖国家禁止进出口物品的,或者运输、收购、贩卖国家限制进出口货物、物品,数额较大,没有合法证明的;    (2) transporting, purchasing or selling in inland seas or territorial waters articles the import and export of which are forbidden by the State, or transporting, purchasing or selling, without legal certificates and in relatively large quantities or values, goods or articles the import and export of which are restricted by the State; or
(二)“被引渡人”是指从被请求国引渡到请求国的人;    (2)""the person extradited"" refers to the person extradited from the requested state to the requesting state;
(二)被请求引渡人的姓名、性别、年龄、国籍、身份证件的种类及号码、职业、外表特征、住所地和居住地以及其他有助于辨别其身份和查找该人的情况;    (2)the name, sex, age, nationality, category and number of identification documents, occupation, characteristics of appearance, domicile and residence of the person sought and other information that may help to identify and search for the person;
(二)必要的犯罪证据或者证据材料。    (2)the necessary evidence of the offence or evidentiary material.
(二十)决定全国或者个别省、自治区、直辖市的戒严;    (20) to decide on the imposition of martial law throughout the country or in particular provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government;
(二十)决定全国或者个别省、自治区、直辖市的戒严;    (20) to decide on the imposition of martial law throughout the country or in particular provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government;
(三)原判决、裁定适用法律确有错误的;    (3) The application of law in making the original judgment or order is definitely incorrect; or
(三)中央军事委员会主席和中央军事委员会其他组成人员;    (3) the Chairman of the Central Military Commission and other members of the Commission;
(三)中央军事委员会主席和中央军事委员会其他组成人员;    (3) the Chairman of the Central Military Commission and other members of the Commission;
(三)同一审判庭的庭长、副庭长、审判员、助理审判员;    (3) the chief judge, associate chief judges, judges or assistant judges in the same division; or
(三)仲裁庭的组成或者仲裁的程序违反法定程序的;    (3) the composition of the arbitration tribunal or the procedure for arbitration contradicts the procedure prescribed by the law;
(三)仲裁庭的组成或者仲裁的程序与仲裁规则不符的;    (3) the composition of the arbitration tribunal or the procedure for arbitration was not in conformity with the rules of arbitration;
(三)判决结果和诉讼费用的负担;    (3) the outcome of adjudication and the costs to be borne;
(三)同一业务厅的检察员、助理检察员;    (3) the procurators or assistant procurators in the same division; or
(三)担任国家机关职务的权利;    (3) the right to hold a position in a State organ; and
(三)担任国家机关职务的权利;    (3) the right to hold a position in a State organ; and
(三)违法所得数额巨大的;    (3) the sum of illegal earnings being huge; or
(三)违法所得数额巨大的;    (3) the sum of illegal earnings being huge; or
(三)原判决、裁定适用法律确有错误的;    (3) there was definite error in the application of the law in the original judgment or written order;
(三)人民法院违反法定程序,可能影响案件正确判决、裁定的;    (3) there was violation by the people's court of the legal procedure which may have affected the correctness of the judgment or written order;
(三)枪支被盗、被抢或者丢失的,立即报告公安机关。    (3) They shall report to public security organs once their guns are stolen, robbed or lost.
(三)对被劳动教养的人提起的诉讼;    (3) those brought against persons who are undergoing rehabilitation through labour;
(三)一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思的情况下所为的;    (3) those performed by a person against his true intentions as a result of cheating, coercion or exploitation of his unfavourable position by the other party;
????(三)使用他人居民身份证的;?    (3) those who use resident identity cards other than their own; and
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