- 中国民事刑事法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (二)检举监狱内外重大犯罪活动,经查证属实的; (2) informing against major criminal activities conducted inside or outside prison and verified through investigation;
- (二)使人丧失听觉、视觉或者其他器官机能的; (2) injuries resulting in a person's loss of his hearing, sight or the function of any other organ; or
- (二)使人丧失听觉、视觉或者其他器官机能的; (2) injuries resulting in a person's loss of his hearing, sight or the function of any other organ; or
- (二)对在香港特别行政区注册并以香港为主要营业地的航空公司签发执照; (2) issue licences to airlines incorporated in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and having their principal place of business in Hong Kong;
- (二)有禁止结婚的亲属关系的; (2)if the man and the woman are relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship;
- (二)患有医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病。 (2)if the man or the woman is suffering from any disease, which is regarded by medical science as rendering a person unfit for marriage.
- (三)超额完成生产任务的; (3) if a prisoner has overfulfilled his production task;
- (三)罪犯正在押解途中的; (3) if a prisoner is on the way of escord;
- (三)经特赦令免除刑罚的; (3) if an exemption of criminal punishment has been granted in a special amnesty decree;
- (三)经特赦令免除刑罚的; (3) if an exemption of criminal punishment has been granted in a special amnesty decree;
- (三)罪犯持有凶器或者其他危险物,正在行凶或者破坏,危及他人生命、财产安全的; (3) if any prisoner is committing physical assault or destruction with a lethal weapon or other dangerous articles to endanger the safety of another person's life or property;
- (三)在身边或者住处发现有犯罪证据的; (3) if criminal evidence is found on his body or at his residence;
- (三)担任过本案的证人、鉴定人、辩护人、诉讼代理人的; (3) if he has served as a witness, expert witness, defender or agent ad litem in the current case; or
- (三)在身边或者住处发现有犯罪证据的; (3) if he is found to have criminal evidence on his person or at his residence;
- (三)走私货物、物品偷逃应缴税额在五万元以上不满十五万元的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处偷逃应缴税额一倍以上五倍以下罚金。 (3) If he smuggles goods or articles and evades or dodges payable duties to the amount of more than 50,000 yuan but less than 150,000 yuan, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention and shall also be fined not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of payable duties evaded or dodged.
- (三)走私货物、物品偷逃应缴税额在五万元以上不满十五万元的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处偷逃应缴税额一倍以上五倍以下罚金。 (3) If he smuggles goods or articles and evades or dodges payable duties to the amount of more than 50,000 yuan but less than 150,000 yuan, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention and shall also be fined not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of payable duties evaded or dodged.
- (三)依法宣告破产; (3) if it is declared bankrupt in accordance with the law;
- (三)罪犯正在怀孕。 (3) If the criminal is pregnant.
- (三)证据不足,不能认定被告人有罪的,应当作出证据不足、指控的犯罪不能成立的无罪判决。 (3) If the evidence is insufficient and thus the defendant cannot be found guilty, he shall be pronounced innocent accordingly on account of the fact that the evidence is insufficient and the accusation unfounded.
- (三)证据不足,不能认定被告人有罪的,应当作出证据不足、指控的犯罪不能成立的无罪判决。 (3) If the evidence is insufficient and thus the defendant cannot be found guilty, he shall be pronounced innocent accordingly on account of the fact that the evidence is insufficient and the accusation unfounded.
- (三)原判决事实不清楚或者证据不足的,可以在查清事实后改判;也可以裁定撤销原判,发回原审人民法院重新审判。 (3) if the facts in the original judgment were unclear or the evidence insufficient, the People's Court may revise the judgment after ascertaining the facts, or it may rescind the original judgment and remand the case to the People's Court which originally tried it for retrial.
- (三)履行地点不明确,给付货币的,在接受给付一方的所在地履行,其他标的在履行义务一方的所在地履行。 (3) If the place of performance is unclear, and the payment is money, the performance shall be effected at the seat or place of residence of the party receiving the payment; if the payment is other than money, the performance shall be effected at the seat or place of residence of the party fulfilling the obligations.
- (三)由于当事人申请回避而不能进行审判的。 (3) if the trial cannot proceed because a party applies for the withdrawal of a judicial officer.
- (三)由于当事人申请回避而不能进行审判的。 (3) if the trial cannot proceed because a party applies for the withdrawal of a judicial officer.
- (三)冒用他人的汇票、本票、支票的; (3) illegally using another's bills of exchange, promissory notes or cheques;