第十四条 测绘人员进行测绘时,应当持有测绘工作证件。 Article 14 Surveying and mapping personnel shall, in conducting surveying and mapping work, hold surveying and mapping work certificates.第十四条国家安全机关工作人员依法执行国家安全工作任务的行为,不受其他组织和个人的非法干涉。 Article 14 The activities of the functionaries of State security organs in performing a task for State security pursuant to law shall not be subject to any unlawfully interference by any other organization or individual.??? 第十四条 中华人民共和国有关主管机关有充分理由认为外国船舶违反中华人民共和国法律、法规时,可以对该外国船舶行使紧追权。 Article 14 The competent authorities concerned of the People's Republic of China may, when they have good reasons to believe that a foreign ship has violated the laws or regulations of the People's Republic of China, exercise the right of hot pursuit against the foreign ship.第十四条 下列人士逝世,下半旗志哀: Article 14 The National Flag shall be lowered to the half staff as a token of mourning when the following persons pass away:第十四条 县级以上各级人民政府对国徽的使用,实施监督管理。 Article 14 The people's governments at or above the county level shall exercise supervision and control over the use of the National Emblem.第十四条 国家安全机关工作人员依法执行职务受法律保护。 Article 14 The performance of duty according to law by functionaries of the State security organs shall be protected by law.第十四条 军事禁区管理单位应当根据具体条件,按照划定的范围,为陆地军事禁区修筑围墙、设置铁丝网等障碍物;为水域军事禁区设置障碍物或者界线标志。? Article 14 The units in charge of the military restricted zones shall, on the basis of specific conditions and in accordance with the designated limits of the zones, put up enclosing walls and barbed wire fences for the land military restricted zones and set up barriers or boundary markers for the military restricted waters.第十四条对外贸易经济合作部颁发核出口许可证后,应当书面通知国家原子能机构。 ARTICLE 14 Upon issuance of the nuclear export permit, MOFTEC shall notify the CAEA in writing.第十四条 导弹相关物项和技术出口时,出口经营者应当向海关出具出口许可证件,依照海关法的规定办理海关手续,并接受海关监管。 Article 14 While exporting missile-related items and technologies, the exporter shall present the export licence to the Customs, complete the customs procedures and accept supervision and control of the Customs in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Law.第十四条 导弹相关物项和技术出口时,出口经营者应当向海关出具出口许可证件,依照海关法的规定办理海关手续,并接受海关监管。 Article 14 While exporting missile-related items and technologies, the exporter shall present the export licence to the Customs, complete the customs procedures and accept supervision and control of the Customs in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Law. 第十四条 在征集期间, 应征公民应当按照县、自治县、 市、市辖区的兵役机关的通知,按时到指定的体格检查站进行体格检查。 Article 14. During the period of enlistment, citizens eligible for enlistment shall, upon notification by the military service organs of counties, autonomous counties, cities or municipal districts, go to the designated health centres in time for physical examination.第十四条 以中华人民共和国或者中华人民共和国政府名义缔结的双边条约、协定的签字正本,以及经条约、协定的保存国或者国际组织核证无误的多边条约、协定的副本,由外交部保存;以中华人民共和国政府部门名义缔结的双边协定的签字正本,由本部门保存。 Article 14. Signed originals of bilateral treaties and agreements concluded in the name of the People's Republic of China or the Government of the People's Republic of China and copies of multilateral treaties and agreements certified as true by the depositary states or international organizations concerned shall be deposited with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Signed originals of bilateral agreements concluded in the name of the government departments of the People's Republic of China shall be deposited with these departments.第十四条 机关、单位对国家秘密事项确定密级时,应当根据情况确定保密期限。 Article 14. While classifying state secrets, state organs and units shall, in the light of each case, determine the periods for guarding these secrets.第十五条 为战时储备粮食、医药、油料和其他必需物资的工程,应当建在地下或者其他隐蔽地点。 Article 15 All projects for storing grains, medicines, oils and other necessary goods and materials for wartime use shall be built underground or in other concealed places.第十五条核出口专营单位进行核出口时,应当向海关出具核出口许可证,依照海关法的规定办理海关手续,并接受海关监管。 ARTICLE 15 Before a designated nuclear exporter carries out the nuclear export, it shall submit the nuclear export permit to Customs, comply with Customs procedures as stipulated in the Customs Law, and be subject to Customs' supervision and control.第十五条戒严期间,戒严实施机关可以决定在戒严地区采取宵禁措施。 Article 15 During the period of martial law, the martial-law-executing organ may decide to impose a curfew in the area under martial law.第十五条机关、团体和其他组织对本单位的人员进行维护国家安全的教育,动员、组织本单位的人员防范、制止危害国家安全行为的工作,应当接受国家安全机关的协调和指导。 Article 15 Educating their personnel in respect of upholding State security, and mobilizing and organizing them to prevent and check activities endangering State security organs, groups and other institutions shall accept coordination and guidance from the State security organs.第十五条 禁止陆地、水域军事禁区管理单位以外的人员、车辆、船舶进入禁区,禁止对禁区进行摄影、摄像、录音、勘察、测量、描绘和记述,经军区级以上军事机关批准的除外。? Article 15 Entry into the land and water military restricted zones by personnel, vehicles and vessels other than those belonging to the units in charge of the zones shall be prohibited. No photographing, video- taping, recording, reconnoitering, surveying, drawing or describing of the restricted zones shall be allowed, except with the approval of the military organs at or above the military area command level.第十五条 受公安机关拘留处罚的公民对处罚不服的,在接到通知之日起十五日内,可以向上一级公安机关提出申诉,由上一级公安机关作出最后的裁决,也可以直接向当地人民法院提起诉讼。 Article 15 If a citizen subject to the penalty of detention by a public security organ refuses to accept the penalty, he may, within 15 days of receiving notification, appeal to the public security organ at the next higher level, which shall make the final decision; he may also directly file suit in the local people's court.第十五条 受理国籍申请的机关,在国内为当地市、县公安局,在国外为中国外交代表机关和领事机关。 Article 15 Nationality applications at home shall be handled by the public security bureaus of the municipalities or counties where the applicants reside; nationality applications abroad shall be handled by China's diplomatic representative agencies and consular offices.第十五条军品出口项目经批准后,军品贸易公司可以对外签订军品出口合同。 ARTICLE 15 Once the military export is approved, the military trading company can sign military export contracts with overseas buyers.第十五条 中华人民共和国地图的国界线标准样图,由外交部和国务院测绘行政主管部门制定,报国务院批准发布。 Article 15 Standard sample maps defining the international boundaries of the People's Republic of China shall be drafted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the competent department of surveying and mapping administration under the State Council and submitted to the State Council for approval and publication.第十五条 机关、团体和其他组织应当对本单位的人员进行维护国家安全的教育,动员、组织本单位的人员防范、制止危害国家安全的行为。 Article 15 State organs, organizations and other institutions shall educate their personnel with regard to the maintenance of State security, mobilize and organize them to prevent and check acts endangering State security.??? 第十五条 中华人民共和国领海基线由中华人民共和国政府公布。 Article 15 The baselines of the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China shall be promulgated by the Government of the People's Republic of China.第十五条 香港驻军和香港特别行政区政府应当建立必要的联系,协商处理与驻军有关的事宜。 Article 15 The Hong Kong Garrison and the Governemnt of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall establish necessary liaison to deal with matters concerning the Hong Kong Garrison through consultation.