

第十五条 本法自1991年10月1日起施行。    Article 15 This Law shall enter into force as of October 1, 1991.
第十五条 升挂国旗,应当将国旗置于显著的位置。    Article 15 When the National Flag is displayed, it shall be placed in a prominent position.
第十五条 接受方违反其依照本条例第六条规定作出的保证,或者出现《管制清单》所列的可被用于运载大规模杀伤性武器的导弹及其他运载系统扩散的危险时,国务院外经贸主管部门应当对已经颁发的出口许可证件予以中止或者撤销,并书面通知海关。    Article 15 Where the receiving party contravenes the guarantees made according to the provisions of Article 6 of these Regulations or there is a risk of proliferation of missiles and other delivering systems listed in the Control List that can be used to deliver weapons of mass destruction, the competent foreign economic and trade department of the State Council shall suspend or revoke the export licence granted and notify the Customs in writing.
第十五条 接受方违反其依照本条例第六条规定作出的保证,或者出现《管制清单》所列的可被用于运载大规模杀伤性武器的导弹及其他运载系统扩散的危险时,国务院外经贸主管部门应当对已经颁发的出口许可证件予以中止或者撤销,并书面通知海关。    Article 15 Where the receiving party contravenes the guarantees made according to the provisions of Article 6 of these Regulations or there is a risk of proliferation of missiles and other delivering systems listed in the Control List that can be used to deliver weapons of mass destruction, the competent foreign economic and trade department of the State Council shall suspend or revoke the export licence granted and notify the Customs in writing.
第十五条 经全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定批准或者加入的条约和重要协定,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会公报公布。其他条约、协定的公布办法由国务院规定。    Article 15. A treaty or an important agreement of which the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has decided on ratification or accession shall be published in the bulletin of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The measures for publishing other treaties and agreements shall be provided for by the State Council.
第十五条 国家秘密事项的密级和保密期限,应当根据情况变化及时变更。    Article 15. The categories of state secrets and the periods for guarding them shall be altered in the light of changing circumstances.
 第十五条 应征公民是维持家庭生活的唯一劳动力或者是正在全日制学校就学的学生,可以缓征。    Article 15. The enlistment of a citizen eligible for enlistment may be deferred if he is the only worker in his family providing its means of subsistence or if he is a student in a full-time school.
第十六条公民发现危害国家安全的行为,向所在组织报告的,所在组织应当及时向国家安全机关或者公安机关报告,不得延误。    Article 16 Any citizen finding an activity endangering State security and reporting it to his or her work unit, the latter shall promptly report it to a State security organ or a public security organ immediately.
第十六条 加入、退出和恢复中国国籍的申请,由中华人民共和国公安部审批。经批准的,由公安部发给证书。    Article 16 Applications for naturalization as Chinese nationals and for renunciation or restoration of Chinese nationality are subject to examination and approval by the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China. The Ministry of Public Security shall issue a certificate to any person whose application has been approved.
第十六条 公民和组织应当为国家安全工作提供便利条件或者其他协助。    Article 16 Citizens and organizations shall provide convenience or other assistance for the work of State security.
第十六条戒严期间,戒严实施机关或者戒严指挥机构可以在戒严地区对下列物品采取特别管理措施:    Article 16 During the period of martial law, the martial-law-executing organ or the martial law command may adopt special measures to control the following things in the area under martial law:
第十六条接受方或其政府违反其依照本条例第五条规定作出的保证,或者出现核扩散危险时,对外贸易经济合作部会同国务院有关部门有权作出中止出口有关物项或者相关技术的决定,并由对外贸易经济合作书面通知海关执行。    ARTICLE 16 If the recipient or its government violates the pledge made pursuant to the provisions of Article 5 of these regulations, or if there is any danger of nuclear proliferation, MOFTEC, working jointly with the related departments under the State Council, shall have the right to make the decision to suspend the export of related items or technologies. MOFTEC shall notify Customs in writing of such a decision.
第十六条 军区和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或者军区和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府、国务院有关部门在共同划定陆地军事禁区范围的同时,根据保护禁区内军事设施的要求,必要时可以在禁区外围共同划定安全控制范围,并在其外沿设置安全警戒标志。安全警戒标志的设置地点由军事禁区管理单位和当地县级以上地方人民政府确定。?    Article 16 In accordance with the requirements for protecting military installations in a restricted zone, a security control area, when necessary, may be jointly designated in a specific area surrounding the restricted zone at the time of the joint designation of the zone itself by military area commands and people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, or by military area commands and people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the relevant departments of the State Council, and security warning markers may be set up at the perimeter of the security control area. The sites for setting up security warning markers shall be determined by the unit in charge of the military restricted zone and the local people's government at or above the county level.
第十六条重大的军品出口项目、合同,应当经国家军品贸易管理委员会审查,报国务院和中央军事委员会批准。    ARTICLE 16 Major military exports and their related contracts shall be reviewed by the SACMPT and submitted to the State Council and the Central Military Commission for approval.
第十六条 香港驻军人员应当履行下列义务:    Article 16 Members of the Hong Kong Garrison shallfulfill the following obligations:
第十六条 对重要的经济目标,有关部门必须采取有效防护措施,并制定应急抢险抢修方案。    Article 16 Relevant departments must take effective measures of protection towards important economic targets and work out plans dealing with emergencies and doing rush repairs.
第十六条 省、自治区、直辖市和自治州、县、自治县、市的行政区域界线的测绘,按照国务院规定的办法进行。    Article 16 Surveying and mapping of the administrative boundaries between provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and between autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties and cities shall be conducted in accordance with the measures drawn up by the State Council.
??? 第十六条 中华人民共和国政府依据本法制定的关关规定。    Article 16 The Government of the People's Republic of China formulates the relevant regulations in accordance with this Law.
第十六条 在直立的旗杆上升降国旗,应当徐徐升降。    Article 16 The National Flag, when hoisted or lowered from a vertical staff, shall be hoisted or lowered slowly.
第十六条 执行本法的国家工作人员,利用职权索取、收受贿赂的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》和全国人民代表大会常务委员会《关于严惩严重破坏经济的罪犯的决定》处罚;    Article 16 Where a state functionary charged with implementing this Law takes advantage of his position and power to extort and accept bribes, he shall be punished according to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China and the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Regarding the Severe Punishment of Criminals Who Seriously Undermine the Economy.
第十六条 出口经营者知道或者应当知道所出口的导弹相关物项和技术将被接受方直接用于《管制清单》所列的可被用于运载大规模杀伤性武器的导弹及其他运载系统的发展计划的,即使该物项和技术未列入《管制清单》,也应当依照本条例的规定执行。    Article 16 Where the exporter knows or should know that the missile-related items and technologies to be exported will be used by the receiving party directly in its program for developing missiles and other delivering systems listed in the Control List that can be used to deliver weapons of mass destruction, the export shall be subject to the provisions of these Regulations even if the items or technologies are not listed in the Control List.
第十六条 出口经营者知道或者应当知道所出口的导弹相关物项和技术将被接受方直接用于《管制清单》所列的可被用于运载大规模杀伤性武器的导弹及其他运载系统的发展计划的,即使该物项和技术未列入《管制清单》,也应当依照本条例的规定执行。    Article 16 Where the exporter knows or should know that the missile-related items and technologies to be exported will be used by the receiving party directly in its program for developing missiles and other delivering systems listed in the Control List that can be used to deliver weapons of mass destruction, the export shall be subject to the provisions of these Regulations even if the items or technologies are not listed in the Control List.
 第十六条 应征公民被羁押正在受侦查、起诉、审判的或者被判处徒刑、拘役、管制正在服刑的,不征集。    Article 16. A citizen eligible for enlistment shall not be enlisted if he is detained for investigation, prosecution or trial, or if he has been sentenced to imprisonment, criminal detention or public surveillance and is serving his sentence.
第十六条 国家秘密事项的保密期限届满的,自行解密:    Article 16. A state secret shall be automatically declassified upon the expiration of the period for guarding it;
第十六条 中华人民共和国缔结的条约和协定由外交部编入《中华人民共和国条约集》。    Article 16. Treaties and agreements concluded by the People's Republic of China shall be compiled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs into a Collection of Treaties of the People's Republic of China.
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