

 第四条 中华人民共和国武装力量,由中国人民解放军、中国人民武装警察部队和民兵组成。    Article 4. The armed forces of the People's Republic of China shall be composed of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Chinese People's Armed Police Force and the Militia.
第四条 中华人民共和国以下列名义同外国缔结条约和协定:    Article 4. The People's Republic of China shall conclude treaties and agreements with foreign states in the name of:
第四条 保守国家秘密的工作,实行积极防范、突出重点、既确保国家秘密又便利各项工作的方针。    Article 4. The work of guarding state secrets shall be carried out in line with the principle of actively preventing their leak and laying emphasis on priorities so that state secrets are kept while work in all other fields is facilitated.
第四十条 农村人口在有必要疏散时,由当地人民政府按照就近的原则组织实施。    Article 40 Where it is necessary to evacuate rural population, the local people's government shall have them evacuated to nearby places, which should be adhered to as a principle.
 第四十条 预备役军官在服预备役期间,应当参加三个月至六个月的军事训练。    Article 40. Officers in reserve service shall receive military training for three to six months during the period of their reserve service.
第四十一条 县级以上地方各级人民政府应当根据人民防空的需要,组织有关部门建立群众防空组织。    Article 41 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the need of civil air defense, have relevant departments establish mass organizations for air defense.
 第四十一条 国务院和中央军事委员会在必要的时候,可以决定预备役人员参加应急训练。    Article 41. The State Council and the Central Military Commission may, when necessary, decide that the reservists shall participate in emergency training.
第四十二条 群众防空组织由下列部门负责组建:    Article 42 The following departments shall be responsible for organizing mass organizations for air defense:
 第四十二条 机关、团体、企业事业单位的预备役人员,在参加军事训练期间,由原单位照发工资和奖金,原有的福利待遇不变。    Article 42. During the period of military training, reservists in government organs, public organizations, enterprises and institutions shall receive their wages and bonuses from their respective units as usual, and their welfare benefits shall not be affected either.
??? 第四十二条? 本法第三十九条、第四十条规定范围以外的临时减征或者免征关税,由海关总署或者海关总署会同国务院财政部门按照国务院的规定审查批准。    Article 42. Temporary duty reduction or exemption not specified in Article 39 and 40 of this law shall be examined and approved by the General Customs Administration independently or jointly with the financial department under the State Council in accordance with the regulations of the State Council.
第四十三条 群众防空组织所需装备、器材和经费由人民防空主管部门和组建单位提供。    Article 43 The equipment, apparatus and funds needed by mass organizations for air defense shall be provided by competent departments for civil air defense and the units that organize them.
 第四十三条 高等院校的学生在就学期间,必须接受基本军事训练。    Article 43. Students of institutions of higher learning must receive basic military training during the period of their schooling.
??? 第四十三条? 经海关批准暂时进口或者暂时出口的货物,以及特准进口的保税货物,在货物收发货人向海关缴纳相当于税款的保证金或者提供担保后,准予暂时免纳关税。    Article 43. Temporary duty exemption shall be granted for goods approved by the Customs as temporarily imported or exported items and for bonded goods imported by special permission after the consignee or the consignor of the goods submits to the Customs a guarantee or a deposit of an amount equal to the duties.
第四十四条 群众防空组织应当根据人民防空主管部门制定的训练大纲和训练计划进行专业训练。    Article 44 Mass organizations for air defense shall carry out specialized training in accordance with the training program and plans formulated by the competent departments for civil air defense.
 第四十四条 高等院校设军事训练机构,配备军事教员,组织实施学生的军事训练。    Article 44. Offices in charge of military training shall be set up and military instructors provided in institutions of higher learning to organize and conduct the military training of the students.
第四十五条 国家开展人民防空教育,使公民增强国防观念,掌握人民防空的基本知识和技能。    Article 45 The State develops civil air defense education to help citizens enhance their awareness of the importance of national defense and acquire the basic knowledge and skills of civil air defense.
 第四十五条 高级中学和相当于高级中学的学校 , 配备军事教员,对学生实施军事训练。    Article 45. Senior middle schools and schools equivalent to them shall be provided with military instructors to conduct military training for the students.
第四十六条 国家人民防空主管部门负责组织制定人民防空教育计划,规定教育内容。    Article 46 The competent national department for civil air defense shall be responsible for organizing and formulating civil air defense education plans and specifying the contents for such education.
 第四十六条 高等院校和高级中学学生的军事训练,由教育部、国防部负责。教育部门和军事部门设学生军事训练的工作机构或者配备专人,承办学生军事训练工作。    Article 46. The military training of students of institutions of higher learning and students of senior middle schools shall be under the charge of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of National Defence. Educational departments and military departments shall set up agencies or appoint full-time personnel to handle matters concerning the military training of students.
第四十七条 新闻、出版、广播、电影、电视、文化等有关部门应当协助开展人民防空教育。    Article 47 The relevant departments for the press, publishing, broadcasting, film, television and culture shall assist in developing civil air defense education.
第四十七条 为了对付敌人的突然袭击,抵抗侵略,各级人民政府、各级军事机关,在平时必须做好战时兵员动员的准备工作。    Article 47. In order to cope with an enemy's surprise attack and resist aggression, people's governments and military organs at all levels must, in peace time, make preparations for the mobilization of troops in wartime.
第四十八条 城市新建民用建筑,违反国家有关规定不修建战时可用于防空的地下室的,由县级以上人民政府人民防空主管部门对当事人给予警告,并责令限期修建,可以并处十万元以下的罚款。    Article 48 A party that, in violation of the relevant regulations of the State, fails to construct, in its newly-constructed building for civil use in an urban area, a basement to be used for air defense in time of war shall be given a disciplinary warning by the competent department for civil air defense of the people's government at or above the county level and be ordered to build it within a time limit, and may also be fined not more than 100,000 yuan.
 第四十八条 在国家发布动员令以后,各级人民政府、各级军事机关,必须迅速实施动员:    Article 48. Upon the issuance of a mobilization order by the state, people's governments and military organs at all levels must promptly carry out the mobilization:
第四十九条 有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府人民防空主管部门对当事人给予警告,并责令限期改正违法行为,可以对个人并处五千元以下的罚款、对单位并处一万元至五万元的罚款;造成损失的,应当依法赔偿损失:    Article 49 A party that commits any of the following acts shall be given a disciplinary warning by the competent department for civil air defense of the people's government at or above the county level and be ordered to set it right within a time limit, and in the cases of an individual a fine of not more than 5,000 may also be imposed on him and in the case of a unit a fine ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 yuan may also be imposed on it; the party shall be liable for the losses according to law, if any:
 第四十九条 战时遇有特殊情况,国务院和中央军事委员会可以决定征召三十六岁至四十五岁的男性公民服现役。    Article 49. The State Council and the Central Military Commission may decide to call into active service male citizens of the age of 3645 in special wartime circumstances.
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