

第六条《国家安全法》第四条所称""资助""实施危害国家安全的行为,是指境外机构、组织、个人的下列行为:    Article 6 “Financial support” for activities endangering State security mentioned in Article 4 of the State Security Law refers to any of the following activities conducted by institutions, organizations, or individuals beyond the territory:
第六条 谈判和签署条约、协定的代表按照下列程序委派:    Article 6. For the purpose of negotiating and signing treaties or agreements, representatives shall be appointed according to the following procedures:
第六条 县级以上国家机关和涉及国家秘密的单位,根据实际情况设置保密工作机构或者指定人员,管理本机关和本单位保守国家秘密的日常工作。    Article 6. State organs at or above the county level and units involving state secrets shall, in the light of their actual conditions, set up bodies or designate personnel to administer the day-to-day work of guarding state secrets within their own organs or units.
 第六条 现役军人和预备役人员,必须遵守宪法和法律,履行公民的义务,同时享有公民的权利;由于服兵役而产生的权利和义务,除本法的规定外,另由军事条令规定。    Article 6. The active servicemen and reservists must abide by the Constitution and the law, and shall perform their duties and at the same time enjoy their rights as citizens; their rights and duties resulting from their joining the military service shall be specified separately in military regulations in addition to the provisions of this Law.
 第六十条 民兵因参战执勤牺牲、残废的,预备役人员和学生因参加军事训练牺牲、残废的,由当地人民政府按照民兵抚恤优待条例给予抚恤优待。    Article 60. In cases where militiamen died or were disabled while taking part in military operations or performing military duties, or where reservists or students died or were disabled while taking part in military training, pensions and preferential treatment shall be granted by the local people's governments in accordance with the Regulations on Pensions and Preferential Treatment Concerning Militiamen.
 第六十一条 按照本法规定,有服兵役义务的公民拒绝、逃避兵役登记的,应征公民拒绝、逃避征集的,预备役人员拒绝、逃避军事训练的,经教育不改,基层人民政府应当强制其履行兵役义务。    Article 61. If any citizen who, pursuant to the provisions of this Law, has the duty to perform military service refuses to register for military service or evades such registration, if any citizen who is eligible for enlistment refuses to be enlisted or evades enlistment, or if a reservist refuses to undergo military training or evades such training, and if any such person refuses to mend his ways in spite of persuasion, the people's government at the grassroots shall compel him to fulfil his duty of performing military service.
 第六十二条 国家工作人员办理兵役工作时,收受贿赂、营私舞弊的,或者玩忽职守,致使兵役工作遭受严重损失的,分别依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百八十五条、第一百八十七条的规定处罚。情节较轻的,可以给予行政处分。    Article 62. State functionaries who take bribes or engage in malpractices for selfish purposes while conducting military service work or who cause serious losses to such work by their dereliction of duty shall be punished, as the circumstances may require, according to the provisions of Articles 185 and 187 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. Administrative sanctions may be given where the circumstances are less serious.
 第六十三条 本法适用于中国人民武装警察部队。    Article 63. This Law shall apply to the Chinese People's Armed Police Force.
 第六十四条 中国人民解放军根据需要配备文职干部。文职干部条例另定。    Article 64. The Chinese People's Liberation Army shall, when necessary, provide itself with civilian cadres. The regulations on civilian cadres shall be formulated separately.
 第六十五条 本法自一九八四年十月一日起施行。    Article 65. This Law shall come into force on October 1, 1984
第七条 国家安全机关的工作人员依法执行国家安全工作任务时,经出示相应证件,有权查验中国公民或者境外人员的身份证明;向有关组织和人员调查、询问有关情况。    Article 7 Any functionary of a State security organ, when carrying out according to law a task for State security and upon producing an appropriate certificate, shall have the right to examine the identification certificate of any Chinese citizen or any person from outside the territory of the People's Republic of China; and shall have the right to investigate or inquire about relevant matters from any organization or individual concerned.
第七条 从事导弹相关物项和技术出口的经营者,须经国务院对外经济贸易主管部门(以下简称国务院外经贸主管部门)登记。    Article 7 Exporters of missile-related items and technologies shall register themselves with the competent department in charge of foreign economic relations and trade of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the competent foreign economic and trade department of the State Council).
第七条 从事导弹相关物项和技术出口的经营者,须经国务院对外经济贸易主管部门(以下简称国务院外经贸主管部门)登记。未经登记,任何单位或者个人不得经营导弹相关物项和技术出口。具体登记办法由国务院外经贸主管部门规定。    Article 7 Exporters of missile-related items and technologies shall register themselves with the competent department in charge of foreign economic relations and trade of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the competent foreign economic and trade department of the State Council). Without such registration, no unit or individual shall export missile-related items and technologies. The specific measures for such registration shall be formulated by the competent foreign economic and trade department of the State Council.
第七条 外国人或无国籍人,愿意遵守中国宪法和法律,并具有下列条件之一的,可以经申请批准加入中国国籍:    Article 7 Foreign nationals or stateless persons who are willing to abide by China's Constitution and laws and who meet one of the following conditions may be naturalized upon approval of their applications:
??? 第七条 外国潜水艇和其他潜水器通过中华人民共和国领海,必须在海面航行,并展示其旗帜。    Article 7 Foreign submarines and other underwater vehicles, when passing through the territorial sea of the People's Republic of China, shall navigate on the surface and show their flag.
第七条 海员因执行任务出境,由港务监督局或者港务监督局授权的港务监督办理出境证件。    Article 7 In the case of seamen leaving the country to perform their duties, the Bureau of Harbour Superintendence or a harbour superintendent authorized by the bureau shall acquire the exit certificates for them.
第七条本条例所称军品贸易公司,是指依法取得军品出口经营权,并在核定的经营范围内从事军品出口经营活动的企业法人。    ARTICLE 7 Military trading companies referred to in the Regulations are corporate legal entities that have legally obtained military export authorization to engage in military export activities within the approved business scope.
第七条 香港驻军的飞行器、舰船等武器装备和物资以及持有香港驻军制发的证件或者证明文件的执行职务的人员和车辆,不受香港特别行政区执法人员检查、搜查和扣押。    Article 7 No weapon and equipment, such as aircraft and vessels, and no material of the Hong Kong Garrison, and no member or vehicle of the Garrison that bears a certificate or a document of certification issued by the Hong Kong Garrison showing that the bearer is on official duty, shall be inspected, searched, seized or detained by any law-enforcing officer of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
第七条 国庆节、国际劳动节、元旦和春节,各级国家机关和各人民团体应当升挂国旗;企业事业组织,村民委员会、居民委员会,城镇居民院(楼)以及广场、公园等公共活动场所,有条件的可以升挂国旗。    Article 7 State organs at all levels and mass organizations shall display the National Flag on National Day, International Labour Day, New Year's Day and the Spring Festival; the National Flag may be displayed, when conditions permit, in premises of enterprises, institutions, villagers' committees and residents' committees, in urban residential compounds (buildings) and in public places such as squares and parks.
第七条 国家人民防空主管部门管理全国的人民防空工作。    Article 7 The competent national department for civil air defense shall administer the work of civil air defense throughout the country.
第七条 国家根据军事设施的性质、作用、安全保密的需要和使用效能的要求,划定军事禁区、军事管理区;没有划入军事禁区、军事管理区的军事设施,也应当采取保护措施。?    Article 7 The State shall designate military restricted zones and military administrative zones respectively in accordance with the nature, the function, the security requirements and the requirements for effective utilization of military installations. Measures shall also be taken for the protection of the military installations not included in the military restricted zones and the military administrative zones.
第七条 国家设立和采用全国统一的大地基准、高程基准、深度基准、重力基准,其数据由国务院测绘行政主管部门审核,并同国务院其他有关部门、军队测绘主管部门会商后,报国务院批准发布。    Article 7 The State shall establish and adopt the nationwide unified geodetic datums, vertical datums, depth datums and gravimetric datums, and the data thereof shall be examined and verified by the competent department of surveying and mapping administration under the State Council and, after consultation with other relevant departments under the State Council and the competent department of surveying and mapping in the armed forces, shall be submitted to the State Council for approval and publication.
  第七条 国家主张通过台湾海峡两岸平等的协商和谈判,实现和平统一。    Article 7 The state stands for the achievement of peaceful reunification through consultations and negotiations on an equal footing between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.
第七条 下列文书、出版物等应当印有国徽图案:    Article 7 There shall be printed on the following documents and publications the design of the National Emblem:
第七条出口《管制清单)所列物项及其相关技术,应当向国家原子能机构提出申请,填写核出口申请表并提交下列文件:    ARTICLE 7 To export items listed on the ""Control List"" and their related technologies, it is necessary to apply to the CAEA, fill in the nuclear export application form, and submit the following documents:
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