第三条 国家对导弹及相关物项和技术出口实行严格管制,防止《管制清单》所列的可被用于运载大规模杀伤性武器的导弹及其他运载系统的扩散。 Article 3 The State shall exercise strict control on the export of missiles and missile-related items and technologies so as to prevent the proliferation of missiles and other delivering systems listed in the Control List that can be used to deliver weapons of mass destruction. 第三条 台湾问题是中国内战的遗留问题。 Article 3 The Taiwan question is one that is left over from China's civil war of the late 1940s.第三条中华人民共和国国家军品贸易管理委员会(以下简称国家军品贸易管理委员会)在国务院和中央军事委员会的领导下,主管全国的军品出口工作。 ARTICLE 3 Under the leadership of the State Council and the Central Military Commission, the State Administrative Committee on Military Products Trade (SACMPT) of the People's Republic of China is responsible for military export activities nationwide.第三条全国或者个别省、自治区、直辖市的戒严,由国务院提请全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定; Article 3 When it is necessary to impose martial law in the country as a whole or in an individual province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, the matter shall be submitted by the State Council to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for decision;第三条《国家安全法》所称的""境外机构、组织""包括境外机构、组织在中华人民共和国境内设立的分支(代表)机构和分支组织; Article 3 “Institutions or organizations beyond the territory of the People’s Republic of China” mentioned in the State Security Law shall include the branch or representative institutions and branch organizations set up within the territory of the People’s Republic of China by the institutions or organizations beyond the territory of the People’s Republic of China; 第三条 中华人民共和国公民,不分民族、种族、职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰和教育程度,都有义务依照本法的规定服兵役。 Article 3. All citizens of the People's Republic of China, regardless of ethnic status, race, occupation, family background, religious belief and education, have the obligation to perform military service according to the provisions of this Law.第三条 一切国家机关、武装力量、政党、社会团体、企业事业单位和公民都有保守国家秘密的义务。 Article 3. All state organs, armed forces, political parties, public organizations, enterprises, institutions and citizens shall have the obligation to guard state secrets.第三条 中华人民共和国国务院,即中央人民政府,同外国缔结条约和协定。 Article 3. The State Council of the People's Republic of China, that is, the Central People's Government shall conclude treaties and agreements with foreign states.第三十条 测绘成果质量不合格给用户造成损失的,测绘单位应当承担赔偿责任。 Article 30 A surveying and mapping unit shall be liable for compensation for any losses caused to a user or users by its substandard surveying and mapping results.第三十条戒严执勤人员依法执行任务的行为受法律保护。 Article 30 Acts of martial-law-enforcing officers for performing their tasks in accordance with law shall be protected by law.第三十条 境外人员违反本法的,可以限期离境或者驱逐出境。 Article 30 If the violators of this Law are from outside the territory of the People's Republic of China, they may be ordered to leave the country within a specified time limit or be deported.第三十条 国家人民防空主管部门负责制定全国的人民防空通信、警报建设规划,组织全国的人民防空通信、警报网的建设和管理。 Article 30 The competent national department for civil air defense shall be responsible for working out national plans of construction projects for civil air defense communications and warning and organizing the establishment and management of the national network of civil air defense communications and warning.第三十条警用装备的出口适用本条例。 ARTICLE 30 The export of police-purpose equipment is governed by the Regulations.第三十条 违反本法规定,有下列情形之一的,军事设施管理单位的值勤人员应当予以制止:? Article 30 The personnel on duty of the unit in charge of military installations shall stop any person who commits any of the following acts in violation of the provisions of this Law:第三十条 本法自1997年7月1日起施行。 Article 30 This Law shall come into force a of July 1, 1997.| 第三十条 根据军队建设的需要,军事院校可以从青年学生中招收学员。招收学员的年龄,不受征集服现役年龄的限制。 Article 30. Military institutes and academies may, according to needs in building up the armed forces, enroll cadets from among young students. The age limit for the cadets to be enrolled need not be the same as that for the active servicemen to be enlisted.第三十条 国家工作人员或者其他公民发现国家秘密已经泄露或者可能泄露时,应当立即采取补救措施并及时报告有关机关、单位;有关机关、单位接到报告后,应当立即作出处理。 Article 30. State functionaries and other citizens should, upon discovering that state secrets have been divulged or are in danger of being divulged, take remedial measures immediately and promptly report the matter to the state organs and units concerned, which shall, upon receiving such reports, deal with the matter without delay.第三十一条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可以在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内,向作出处罚决定的机关的上一级机关申请复议;对复议决定不服的,可以在接到复议决定之日起十五日内,向人民法院起诉。 Article 31 A party refusing to accept a decision on administrative sanctions may, within 15 days from receiving the notification of such a decision, apply for reconsideration to the authorities next higher to the authorities that have made the sanction decision; if the party refuses to accept the reconsideration decision, it may, within 15 days from receiving the reconsideration decision, bring a suit before a people's court.第三十一条 当事人对拘留决定不服的,可以自接到处罚决定书之日起十五日内,向作罚决定的上一级机关申请复议;对复议决定不服的,可以自接到复议决定书之日起十五日内向人民法院提起诉讼。 Article 31 Any party concerned, if not satisfied with the detention decision, may apply for reconsideration within 15 days after receipt of the decision to the organ at the next higher level over the one that has made the decision; and if still not satisfied with the reconsideration decision, the party concerned may bring a suit in a people's court within 15 days after receipt of the reconsideration decision.第三十一条 有下列行为之一的,依照刑法有关规定追究刑事责任:? Article 31 Any person who commits any of the following acts shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law:第三十一条 邮电部门、军队通信部门和人民防空主管部门应当按照国家规定的任务和人民防空通信、警报建设规划,对人民防空通信实施保障。 Article 31 Post and telecommunications departments, military communications departments and competent departments for civil air defense shall guarantee civil air defense communications by way of fulfilling their respective tasks prescribed by the State and carrying out the plans of construction projects for civil air defense communications and warning.第三十—条本条例自1998年1月1日起施行。 ARTICLE 31 The Regulations become effective on January 1, 1998.第三十一条在个别县、市的局部范围内突然发生严重骚乱,严重危及国家安全、社会公共安全和人民的生命财产安全,国家没有作出戒严决定时,当地省级人民政府报经国务院批准,可以决定并组织人民警察、人民武装警察实施交通管制和现场管制,限制人员进出管制区域,对进出管制区域人员的证件、车辆、物品进行检查,对参与骚乱的人可以强行予以驱散、强行带离现场、搜查,对组织者和拒不服从的人员可以立即予以拘留; Article 31 When a grave riot suddenly breaks out in part(s) of an individual county or city that seriously endangers State security, public security and safety of people's lives and property and when the State has not yet made a decision on imposing martial law there, the local people's government at the provincial level may, subject to approval of its report by the State Council, make a decision on organizing the People's Police and the People's Armed-police to exercise traffic control and control over the scene, restricting people's entry and exit of the area under control, and checking the papers, vehicles and other things of persons who enter or leave the area under control, and the People's police and the People's Armed-police may forcibly disperse the participants in the riot, take them away from the scene and search them and they may immediately detain the organizers and the persons who refuse to obey them. 第三十一条 学员完成学业考试合格的,由院校发给毕业证书,按照规定任命为现役军官或者文职干部。 Article 31. Cadets who have completed their studies and passed their examinations shall be given a diploma by the institutes or academies and shall be appointed officers in active service or civilian cadres according to relevant regulations.第三十一条 违反本法规定,故意或者过失泄露国家秘密,情节严重的,依照刑法第一百八十六条的规定追究刑事责任。 Article 31. Persons who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, divulge state secrets intentionally or through negligence, if the consequences are serious, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 186 of the Criminal Law.