第二十三条 士兵预备役的年龄,为十八岁至三十五岁。 Article 23. Persons serving in the soldiers reserve shall be aged between 18 and 35.第二十四条 犯间谍罪自首或者有立功表现的,可以从轻、减轻或者免除处罚;有重大立功表现的,给予奖励。 Article 24 Anyone who, guilty of a crime of espionage, voluntarily surrenders himself or has performed meritorious service may be given a lighter or a mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment; and any such person who has performed significant meritorious service may be awarded.第二十四条 各单位和个人都有保护地上和地下的永久性测量标志以及在使用中的临时性测量标志的义务,不得损毁或者擅自移动,不得侵占永久性测量标志用地。 Article 24 Every unit and individual shall have the duty to protect permanent above-ground and underground surveying markers as well as temporary surveying markers still in use; any unit or individual may not damage, destroy, or without authorization remove surveying markers, nor seize or occupy the land used for permanent surveying markers.第二十四条有证据证明知道他人有危害国家安全的犯罪行为,或者经国家安全机关明确告知他人有危害国家安全的犯罪行为,在国家安全机关向其调查有关情况、收集有关证据时,拒绝提供的,依照《国家安全法》第二十六条的规定处理。 Article 24 If there is evidence which proves that a person knows other persons’ criminal activities endangering State security, or after he or she has been informed explicitly by the State security organs of other persons’ criminal activities endangering State security, he or she shall be punished according to the provisions of Article 26 stipulated in the State Security Law on condition that he or she refuses to provide the information while a State security organ investigates the relevant circumstances or gathers the relevant evidences from him or her.第二十四条 各级军事机关应当严格履行保护军事设施职责,教育军人爱护军事设施,保守军事设施秘密,建立健全保护军事设施的规章制度;监督、检查、解决军事设施保护工作中的问题。? Article 24 Military organs at all levels shall strictly perform their functions and duties to protect military installations, educate the armymen to take good care of military installations, guard secrets about military installations, formulate rules and regulations for the protection of military installations, supervise and inspect the protection work of military installations and settle any problems arising therefrom.第二十四条戒严执勤人员依照戒严实施机关的规定,有权对下列人员立即予以拘留: Article 24 The martial-law-enforcing officers shall, in accordance with the regulations of the martial-law-executing organ, have the right to detain the following persons immediately:第二十四条 县级以上人民政府有关部门对人民防空工程所需的建设用地应当依法予以保障;对人民防空工程连接城市的道路、供电、供热、供水、排水、通信等系统的设施建设,应当提供必要的条件。 Article 24 The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with law, guarantee the land needed for construction of civil air defense works, and provide the necessary conditions for constructing civil air defense works that connect such infrastructures as roads, power supply, heat supply, water supply and drainage and communications systems in urban areas.第二十四条军品贸易公司违反本条例第十一条规定的,由国家军品贸易局责令限期改正,予以警告; ARTICLE 24 The State Bureau of Military Products Trade will give warning to and demand within a definite time corrective measures from the military trading companies that violate Article 11 of the Regulations.第二十四条 本条例自公布之日起施行。 Article 24 These Regulations shall be effective as of the date of promulgation.第二十四条 本条例自公布之日起施行。 Article 24 These Regulations shall be effective as of the date of promulgation.第二十四条 香港驻军的机关或者单位在香港特别行政区与香港居民、香港驻军以外的其他人发生合同纠纷时,当事人可以通过协商、调解解决。 Article 24 Where any contractual dispute arises within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region between any organ or unit of the Hong Kong Garrison and any Hong Kong resident or other person not of the Hong Kong Garrison, the parties concerned may settle their dispute through consultation or mediation;第二十四条 不准在私人交往和通信中泄露国家秘密。 Article 24. No state secrets shall be divulged in private contacts or correspondence. 第二十四条 士兵预备役分为第一类和第二类。 Article 24. Persons in the soldiers' reserve shall be divided into two categories:第二十五条 建设永久性测量标志的单位应当对永久性测量标志设立明显标记。 Article 25 A unit that establishes permanent surveying markers shall set up distinct signs for such markers.第二十五条 在境外受胁迫或者受诱骗参加敌对组织,从事危害中华人民共和国国家安全的活动,及时向中华人民共和国驻外机构如实说明情况的,或者入境后直接或者通过所在组织及时向国家安全机关或者公安机关如实说明情况的,不予追究。 Article 25 Anyone who is compelled or induced to join a hostile organization and engaged in activities outside the territory endangering the State security of the People's Republic of China has made a faithful and timely report about the situation to an organ of the People's Republic of China stationed abroad, or after returning to the country, has made a faithful and timely report about the situation directly or through his unit to a State security organ or a public security organ shall not be prosecuted.第二十五条国家安全机关依法执行国家安全工作任务时,公民和组织依法有义务提供便利条件或者其他协助, Article 25 As for a state security organ carrying out tasks for State security pursuant to law, any citizen and organization shall have the duty, pursuant to law, to provide convenience or other assistance;第二十五条 在香港特别行政区法院的诉讼活动中,香港驻军对香港驻军人员身份、执行职务的行为等事实发出的证明文件为有效证据。但是,相反证据成立的除外。 Article 25 Certificates issued by the Hong Kong Garrison regarding facts such as identity of membership of the Hong Kong Garrison and acts in performance of official duties shall be valid evidence in proceedings in the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, unless the contrary is proved.第二十五条 军事设施管理机关应当认真执行有关保护军事设施的规章制度,建立军事设施档案,对军事设施进行检查、维护。? Article 25 The authorities in charge of military installations shall strictly implement the relevant rules and regulations for the protection of military installations, set up files on military installations and carry out inspections and ensure the maintenance of military installations.第二十五条 人民防空主管部门对人民防空工程的维护管理进行监督检查。 Article 25 The competent departments for civil air defense shall oversee and inspect the maintenance and management of civil air defense works.第二十五条戒严执勤人员依照戒严实施机关的规定,有权对被拘留的人员的人身进行搜查,有权对犯罪嫌疑分子的住所和涉嫌藏匿犯罪分子、犯罪嫌疑分子或者武器、弹药等危险物品的场所进行搜查。 Article 25 The martial-law-enforcing officers shall, in accordance with the regulations of the martial-law-executing organ, have the right to search the person of the detainees and to search the houses of criminal suspects and the places where criminal offenders, criminal suspects or weapons, ammunition and other dangerous articles are suspected of being concealed.第二十五条军品贸易公司违反本条例第二十一条和第二十二条规定的,由国家有关主管部门依照有关法律和行政法规的规定予以处罚,并可以由国家军品贸易局报国家军品贸易管理委员会撤销其军品出口经营权。 ARTICLE 25 The military trading companies that violate Article 21 and Article 22 of the Regulations will be penalized by the relevant State authorities according to the laws and administrative regulations. The State Bureau of Military Products Trade can request the SACMPT to revoke the military export authorizations granted to such military trading companies. 第二十五条 现役军官由下列人员补充: Article 25. Officers in active service shall be replenished with the following personnel:第二十五条 在有线、无线通信中传递国家秘密的,必须采取保密措施。 Article 25. Transmission of state secrets through wire or wireless communications shall be protected by security measures.第二十六条 进行工程建设,应当避开永久性测量标志;确实无法避开,需要拆迁永久性测量标志或者使该测量标志失去效能的,建设单位应当取得设置永久性测量标志单位的同意,经国务院测绘行政主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府管理测绘工作的部门批准。建设单位应当支付迁建费用。 Article 26 A construction unit shall, in carrying out engineering construction, seek to get around permanent surveying markers; if it is absolutely impossible to get around such markers and necessary to have them removed or rendered ineffective, the construction unit shall acquire consent from the unit that has established the permanent surveying markers, and, obtain approval from the competent department of surveying and mapping administration under the State Council or from the department of surveying and mapping administration of the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. The construction unit shall bear the expenses for the removal and reestablishment of such markers.第二十六条 香港驻军的国防等国家行为不受香港特别行政区法院管辖。 Article 26 Acts of State of the Hong Kong Garrison such as defence affairs shall not be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.