第二十六条故意阻碍国家安全机关依法执行国家安全工作任务,造成国家安全机关工作人员人身伤害或者财物损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任,并由司法机关或者国家安全机关依照《国家安全法》第二十七条第二款的规定予以处罚。 Article 26 In respect of any person who prevents the State security organ with willful intend from carrying out tasks for State security pursuant to law and thereby causes personal injuries or property damage or losses to the functionary of the State security organ, he or she shall be subject to compensation pursuant to law, and shall also be subject to punishment by the judicial organ or the State security organ according to the provisions of paragraph 2, Article 27 stipulated in the State Security Law.第二十六条 国家鼓励平时利用人民防空工程为经济建设和人民生活服务。平时利用人民防空工程,不得影响其防空效能。 Article 26 The State encourages peacetime use of civil air defense works for economic development and the daily lives of the people. However, such use may not impair their functions as air defense works.第二十六条 军事禁区、军事管理区的管理单位应当依照有关法律、法规的规定,保护军事禁区、军事管理区内的自然资源和文物。? Article 26 The units in charge of the military restricted zones and the military administrative zones shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, protect the natural resources and cultural relics in the military restricted zones and the military administrative zones.第二十六条违反本条例第二十条规定的,由国家军品贸易局取缔非法活动,并由国家有关主管部门依照有关法律和行政法规的规定予以处罚。 ARTICLE 26 Units that violate Article 20 of the Regulations will have their illegal activities closed down by the State Bureau of Military Products Trade and will be penalized by the State authorities concerned according to the relevant laws and administrative regulations.第二十六条在戒严地区有下列聚众情形之一、阻止无效的,戒严执勤人员根据有关规定,可以使用警械强行制止或者驱散,并将其组织者和拒不服从的人员强行带离现场或者立即予以拘留: Article 26 When the martial-law-enforcing officers fail to prevent the following persons from engaging in mass activities in the area under martial law, they may, in accordance with relevant regulations, use police implements to stop or disperse them, and forcibly take the organizers and the persons who refuse to obey away from the scene or detain them immediately:第二十六条 明知他人有间谍犯罪行为,在国家安全机关向其调查有关情况、收集有关证据时,拒绝提供的,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门予以行政处分,或者由国家安全机关处十五日以下拘留;情节严重的,比照刑法第一百六十二条的规定处罚。 Article 26 Whoever, well aware of other persons' criminal acts of espionage, refuses to provide information while a State security organ investigates the circumstances or collects evidence from him shall be punished with administrative sanctions by his unit or the competent department at a higher level, or given a detention of not more than 15 days by the State security organ; in case the circumstances are serious, the offender shall be punished by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 162 of the Criminal Law. 第二十六条 预备役军官包括下列人员: Article 26. Officers in reserve service shall consist of the following:第二十六条 未经有关主管部门批准,禁止将属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品携带、传递、寄运至境外。 Article 26. Without approval by competent departments, no documents or any other material or objects classified as state secret shall be carried, transmitted, posted or transported out of the country's territory.第二十七条违反本条例的规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 ARTICLE 27 Any violations to the Regulations that constitute criminal offenses will be prosecuted according to law.第二十七条国家安全机关工作人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、非法拘禁、刑讯逼供,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 27 As for any State security functionary neglecting his or her duty, engaging in malpractice for personal interests, exercising unlawful detention or extorting a confession by torture, if the offence constitutes a crime, he shall be subject to investigation for criminal responsibility pursuant to law.第二十七条 任何组织或者个人不得进行影响人民防空工程使用或者降低人民防空工程防护能力的作业,不得向人民防空工程内排入废水、废气和倾倒废弃物,不得在人民防空工程内生产、储存爆炸、剧毒、易燃、放射性和腐蚀性物品。 Article 27 No organizations or individuals may conduct any operation that may impair the use of civil air defense works or weaken their protective capacities, discharge waste water or gas or dump waste material into any civil air defense works, or produce or store any explosives, hypertoxics, inflammables, radioactive substances or corrosives therein.第二十七条 香港特别行政区法院作出的判决、裁定涉及香港驻军的机关或者单位的财产执行的,香港驻军的机关或者单位必须履行; Article 27 Organs or units of the Hong Kong Garrison shall comply with the judgments or orders issued by the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region concerning arrangement of their property;第二十七条 测绘人员使用永久性测量标志,必须持有测绘工作证件,并保证该测量标志的完好。负责保管该测量标志的单位和人员,应当查验使用后的测量标志的完好状况。 Article 27 Surveying and mapping personnel, when employing permanent surveying markers, must hold surveying and mapping work certificates and ensure that the surveying and mapping markers remain in good condition. The unit or individual responsible for taking care of the surveying and mapping markers shall inspect and examine if they are intact after employment.第二十七条戒严执勤人员对于依照本法规定予以拘留的人员,应当及时登记和讯问,发现不需要继续拘留的,应当立即释放。 Article 27 The martial-law-enforcing officers shall have the persons, whom they have detained in accordance with the provisions of this Law, immediately registered and interrogated and shall release the ones as soon as they find that there is no need to detain them any longer.第二十七条 军事设施管理单位必要时应当向县级以上地方人民政府提供军用地下、水下电缆、管道的位置资料。地方进行建设时,当地人民政府应当对军用地下、水下电缆、管道予以保护。? Article 27 The units in charge of military installations shall, when necessary, provide the local people's governments at or above the county level with the data on the location of the military underground and underwater cables and pipelines. The local people's governments shall protect the military underground and underwater cables and pipelines when undertaking construction.第二十七条 以暴力、威胁方法阻碍国家安全机关依法执行国家安全工作任务的,依照刑法第一百五十七条的规定处罚。 Article 27 Whoever, by means of violence or threat, obstructs a State security organ from carrying out an assignment of State security according to law shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 157 of the Criminal Law.第二十七条 国家秘密应当根据需要,限于一定范围的人员接触。 Article 27. State secrets shall, depending on the circumstances, be accessible only to a certain number of people. 第二十七条 军官服现役和服预备役的最高年龄由中国人民解放军军官服役条例规定。 Article 27. The maximum age for officers in active and reserve services shall be stipulated in the Regulations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on the Military Service of Officers.第二十八条军品贸易公司对撒销其军品出口经营权的处罚决定不服的,可以自收到处罚通知之日起15日内,向国家军品贸易管理委员会申请复议。 ARTICLE 28 Military trading companies that plead not guilty to the penalization that revokes their export authorizations can apply for review to the SACMPT within fifteen days of receipt of the penalization notification.第二十八条 任何组织或者个人不得擅自拆除本法第二十一条规定的人民防空工程;确需拆除的,必须报经人民防空主管部门批准,并由拆除单位负责补建或者补偿。 Article 28 No organizations or individuals may without approval dismantle any civil air defense works as specified in Article 21 of this Law. Where it is truly necessary to dismantle such works, the matter must be reported to the competent department for civil air defense for approval, and the unit that dismantles the works shall be responsible for reconstruction or compensation.第二十八条 各级人民政府应当对公民加强国防教育,增强国防观念,保护军事没施,保守军事设施秘密。制止破坏、危害军事设施的行为。? Article 28 People's governments at all levels shall strengthen education in national defence among the citizens, heighten their sense of national defence and educate them to protect military installations, guard secrets about military installations and stop any acts that damage or endanger military installations.第二十八条在戒严地区遇有下列特别紧急情形之一,使用警械无法制止时,戒严执勤人员可以使用枪支等武器: Article 28 The martial-law-enforcing officers may, under any of the following unusual emergencies that occurs in the area under martial law, use guns or other weapons when they cannot stop it simply with police implements:第二十八条 军事司法机关可以与香港特别行政区法院和有关执法机关通过协商进行司法方面的联系和相互提供协助。 Article 28 The military judicial organs may, through consultation, maintain juridical relations with the courts and the relevant law- enforcing organs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and they may render assistance to each other.第二十八条本细则自发布之日起施行。 Article 28 These Rules shall take effect as of the date of promulgation.第二十八条 违反本法规定,未经测绘资格审查违法经营测绘业务的,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府管理测绘工作的部门或者其授权的部门责令停止测绘业务,没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得百分之五十至百分之一百的罚款。 Article 28 Those who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, have illegally engaged in surveying and mapping for commercial purposes without having their qualification of surveying and mapping verified shall be ordered to suspend their surveying and mapping activities, have their illegal incomes confiscated, and may additionally be imposed a fine thereon ranging from 50% to 100% of their illegal gains, by the department of surveying and mapping administration or by the department authorized by it, of the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.