香港特别行政区政府可根据社会发展需要并咨询有关方面的意见,承认新的专业和专业团体。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may, as required by developments in society and in consultation with the parties concerned, recognize new professions and professional organizations.香港特别行政区政府负责维持香港特别行政区的社会治安。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be responsible for the maintenance of public order in the Region.香港特别行政区政府继续承认在特别行政区成立前已承认的专业和专业团体,所承认的专业团体可自行审核和颁授专业资格。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall continue to recognize the professions and the professional organizations recognized prior to the establishment of the Region, and these organizations may, on their own, assess and confer professional qualifications.对退休或符合规定离职的法官和其他司法人员,包括香港特别行政区成立前已退休或离职者,不论其所属国籍或居住地点,香港特别行政区政府按不低于原来的标准,向他们或其家属支付应得的退休金、酬金、津贴和福利费。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall pay to judges and other members of the judiciary who retire or leave the service in compliance with regulations, including those who have retired or left the service before the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, or to their dependants, all pensions, gratuities, allowances and benefits due to them on terms no less favourable than before, irrespective of their nationality or place of residence.香港特别行政区政府保障资金的流动和进出自由。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall safeguard the free flow of capital within, into and out of the Region.香港特别行政区政府自行确定适用于香港的各类科学、技术标准和规格。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall, on its own, decide on the scientific and technological standards and specifications applicable in Hong Kong.香港特别行政区政府自行规定在航运方面的具体职能和责任。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall, on its own, define its specific functions and responsibilities in respect of shipping.香港特别行政区政府自行制定货币金融政策,保障金融企业和金融市场的经营自由,并依法进行管理和监督。 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall, on its own, formulate monetary and financial policies, safeguard the free operation of financial business and financial markets, and regulate and supervise them in accordance with law.澳门特别行政区政府依法推行义务教育。 The Government of the Macao Special Administration Region shall, in accordance with law, gradually institute a compulsory education system.对世界各国或各地区的人入境、逗留和离境,澳门特别行政区政府可实行出入境管制。 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region may apply immigration controls on entry into, stay in and departure from the Region by persons from foreign states or regions.澳门特别行政区政府可授权指定银行行使或继续行使发行澳门货币的代理职能。 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region may authorize designated banks to perform or continue to perform the function of its agents in the issuance of Macao currency.澳门特别行政区改善经济环境和提供法律保障,以促进工商业的发展,鼓励投资和技术进步,并开发新产业和新市场。 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall improve the economic environment and provide legal guarantees for promoting the development of industry and commerce and for encouraging investments, technological progress and development new industries and new markets.依照澳门原有法律享有退休金和赡养费待遇的留用公务人员,在澳门特别行政区成立后退休的,不论其所属国籍或居住地点,澳门特别行政区向他们或其家属支付不低于原来标准的应得的退休金和赡养费。 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall pay to the above-mentioned public servants who are entitled to pensions and allowances under the laws previously in force in Macao and who remain in employment and retire after the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region, or to their dependents, all pensions and allowances due to them on terms no less favorable than before, and irrespective of their nationality or place of residence.澳门特别行政区政府依法保护名胜、古迹和其他历史文物,并保护文物所有者的合法权益。 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall protect by law scenic spots, historical sites and other historical relics as well as the lawful rights and interests of the owners of antiques.澳门特别行政区政府依法保护作者的文学艺术及其他的创作成果和合法权益。 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall protect by law the achievements and the lawful rights and interests of authors in their literary, artistic and other creation.澳门特别行政区政府保障资金的流动和进出自由。 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall safeguard the free flow of capital within, into and out of the Region.澳门特别行政区政府根据有关规定承认在澳门特别行政区成立以前已被承认的专业和专业团体,并可根据社会发展需要,经咨询有关方面的意见,承认新的专业和专业团体。 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations, recognize the professions and the professional organizations recognized prior to the establishment of the Region and may, as required by social development and in consultation with the parties concerned, recognize new professions and professional organizations.澳门特别行政区政府自行确定适用于澳门的各类科学技术标准和规格。 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall, on its own, decide on the scientific and technological standards and specifications applicable in Macao.澳门特别行政区政府自行制定货币金融政策,保障金融市场和各种金融机构的经营自由,并依法进行管理和监督。 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall, on its own, formulate monetary and financial policies, safeguard the free operation of financial markets and all kinds of financial institutions, and regulate and supervise them in accordance with law.澳门特别行政区成立后新批或续批土地,按照澳门特别行政区有关的土地法律及政策处理。 The grant or renewal of land leases after the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant land laws and policies of the Region.前款第(二)、(三)项规定的生活费的发放标准参照当地民政部门有关生活救济的规定办理。被扶养的人是未成年人的,生活费给付至十八周岁止;其他无劳动能力的人,生活费给付至死亡时止。 The granting of living expenses mentioned in (2) and (3) of the preceding paragraph shall be made in light of the relevant provisions concerning subsistence relief promulgated by the local civil administration department. Should the person maintained be a juvenile, the living expenses shall be paid until the juvenile reaches the age of 18; Should the person be of no ability to work, the living expenses shall be paid until his decease.监狱周围设警戒隔离带,未经准许,任何人不得进入。 The guard segregation zone around a prison shall be delimited. No one shall, without permission, enter into such zone.未及时上缴的,由公安机关收缴。 The guns that are not handed over promptly shall be taken over by the public security organs.未及时上缴的,由公安机关收缴。 The guns that are not handed over promptly shall be taken over by the public security organs.军队保卫部门、监狱办理刑事案件,适用本法的有关规定。 The handling of criminal cases by the security departments of the Army and by prisions shall be governed by the relevant provisions of this law.