

最高人民法院接到公安部的通知后,应当及时将查找情况通知外交部,由外交部通知请求国。    The latter shall, immediately after receiving the notification of the Ministry of Public Security, notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the results of the search, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall notify the Requesting State of the same.
对于一切公民,在适用法律上一律平等,在法律面前,不允许有任何特权。    The law applies equally to all citizens and no privilege whatsoever is permissible before law.
对被害人的合法财产,应当及时返还。    The lawful property of the victims shall be returned to them without delay.
残疾人的合法权益受法律保护。    The lawful rights and interests of the handicapped shall be protected by law.
保护妇女、儿童和老人的合法权益。    The lawful rights and interests of women, children and old people shall be protected.
中华人民共和国立法法    The Legislation Law of the People's Republic of China
国务院法制机构应当向国务院提出审查报告和草案修改稿,审查报告应当对草案主要问题作出说明。    The legislative affairs office of the State Council shall submit to the State Council a review report and the amended version of the draft, and the review report shall explain the major matters covered by the draft.
第二届立法会由27人组成,其中:    The Legislative Council in the second term shall be composed of 27:
第三届及以后各届立法会由29人组成,其中:    The Legislative Council in the third and subsequent terms shall be composed of 29:
人民法院请求外国法院提供司法协助的请求书及其所附文件,应当附有该国文字译本或者国际条约规定的其他文字文本。    The letter of request and its annexes sent to a foreign court by a people's court for judicial assistance shall be appended with a translation in the language of that country or a text in any other language or languages specified in the relevant international treaties.
从中止时效的原因消除之日起,诉讼时效期间继续计算。    The limitation shall resume on the day when the grounds for the suspension are eliminated.
清算组织可以依法进行必要的民事活动。    The liquidation commission may also engage in necessary activities of a civil nature according to the law.
清算组织对人民法院负责并报告工作。    The liquidation commission shall be responsible and report its work to the people's court.
澳门特别行政区可以“中国澳门”的名义参加不以国家为单位参加的国际组织和国际会议。    The Macao Special Administrative Region may, using the name ""Macao, China,"" participate in international organizations and conferences not limited to states.
澳门特别行政区可以“中国澳门”的名义参加《关税和贸易总协定》、关于国际纺织品贸易安排等有关国际组织和国际贸易协定,包括优惠贸易安排。    The Macao Special Administrative Region may, using the name ""Macao, China,"" participate in relevant international organizations and international trade agreements (including preferential trade arrangements), such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and arrangements regarding international trade in textiles.
澳门特别行政区经中央人民政府授权可进行船舶登记,并依照澳门特别行政区的法律以“中国澳门”的名义颁发有关证件。    The Macao Special Administrative Region shall be authorized by the Central People's Government to maintain a shipping register and issue related certificates under its legislation, using the name ""Macao, China.""
澳门特别行政区设立由政府、雇主团体、雇员团体的代表组成的咨询性的协调组织。    The Macao Special Administrative Region shall establish consultative co-ordination organizations composed of representatives from the government, the employers' organizations and the employees' organizations.
澳门特别行政区参照原在澳门实行的低税政策,自行立法规定税种、税率、税收宽免和其他税务事项。专营税制由法律另作规定。    The Macao Special Administrative Region shall, taking the low tax policy previously pursued in Macao as reference, enact laws on its own concerning types of taxes, tax rates, tax reductions, allowances and expenditures, and other matters of taxation. The taxation system for franchised businesses shall be otherwise prescribed by law.
聚众阻碍国家机关工作人员解救被收买的妇女、儿童的首要分子,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;其他参与者使用暴力、威胁方法的,依照前款的规定处罚。    The major culprit who gathers people to prevent functionaries of a State organ from rescuing a sold woman or child shall be sentenced to fixed- term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention; the other participants who resort to violence or threat shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
聚众阻碍国家机关工作人员解救被收买的妇女、儿童的首要分子,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;其他参与者使用暴力、威胁方法的,依照前款的规定处罚。    The major culprit who gathers people to prevent functionaries of a State organ from rescuing a sold woman or child shall be sentenced to fixed- term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention; the other participants who resort to violence or threat shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
1950年5月1日颁行的《中华人民共和国婚姻法》,自本法施行之日起废止。    The Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China promulgated on May 1, 1950 shall be invalidated as of the day this Law comes into force.
军事检察院等专门人民检察院检察长、副检察长、检察委员会委员和检察员的任免办法,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会另行规定。    The measures for the appointment or removal of the chief procurators, deputy chief procurators, members of the procuratorial committees and procurators of such special People's Procuratorates as the military procuratorates shall be formulated by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress separately.
军事法院等专门人民法院院长、副院长、审判委员会委员、庭长、副庭长和审判员的任免办法,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会另行规定。    The measures for the appointment or removal of the presidents, vice- presidents, members of the judicial committees, chief judges and associate chief judges of divisions and judges of the special People's Courts such as the military courts shall be formulated by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress separately.
军事法规、军事规章的制定、修改和废止办法,由中央军事委员会依照本法规定的原则规定。    The measures for the enactment, amendment or repeal of military decrees and military rules shall be enacted by the Central Military Committee based on the principles set forth herein.
合议庭的成员人数应当是单数。    The members of a collegial panel shall be odd in number.
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