

第二十三条实行男女同工同酬。    Article 23. Equal pay for equal work shall be applied to men and women alike.
第二十四条教师考核结果是受聘任教、晋升工资、实施奖惩的依据。    Article 24 The assessment results shall be the basis for teachers' appointment and pay rise as well as rewards and punishments.
第二十四条 国家实行教育督导制度和学校及其他教育机构教育评估制度。    Article 24 The State applies an educational supervision system and an educational evaluation system for schools and other institutions of education.
第二十五条 接受职业学校教育的学生,经学校考核合格,按照国家有关规定,发给学历证书。    Article 25 A student who has received education at a vocational school and passed the examinations administered by the school shall be issued a certificate of schooling in accordance with relevant State regulations.
第二十五条设立高等学校,应当具备教育法规定的基本条件。    Article 25 The basic conditions prescribed by the Education Law should be met for the establishment of an institution of higher learning.
第二十五条 国家制定教育发展规划,并举办学校及其他教育机构。    Article 25 The State formulates plans for the development of education and establishes and runs schools and other institutions of education.
第二十五条国家有计划地举办各级各类特殊教育师范院校、专业,在普通师范院校附设特殊教育班(部),培养、培训特殊教育师资。    Article 25 [Teaching Staff] The state shall systematically set up various forms of normal schools and specialities for special education at different levels and special education classes (departments) attached to ordinary normal schools to educate and train teaching staff for special education.
第二十六条 中外合作办学机构的校长或者主要行政负责人行使下列职权:    Article 26 The president or the principal administrator of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall exercise the following powers:
第二十六条 国家鼓励通过多种渠道依法筹集发展职业教育的资金。    Article 26 The State encourages efforts to raise funds in accordance with law and through multiple avenues for developing vocational education.
第二十七条 中外合作办学机构依法对教师、学生进行管理。    Article 27 A Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall administer its teachers and students in accordance with law.
第二十七条地方各级人民政府对教师以及具有中专以上学历的毕业生到少数民族地区和边远贫困地区从事教育教学工作的,应当予以补贴。    Article 27 Local people's governments at various levels shall grant subsidies to teachers and graduates from secondary vocational schools or from schools at higher levels who engage themselves in education and teaching in regions inhabited by national minorities or in outlying and poverty-stricken areas.
第二十七条申请设立高等学校的,应当向审批机关提交下列材料:    Article 27 Whoever applies for the establishment of an institution of higher learning should present the following materials to the organ of examination and approval:
第二十七条国家保障残疾人劳动的权利。    Article 27 [Responsibilities] The state protects disabled persons the right to work.
第二十八条高等学校的章程应当规定以下事项:    Article 28 Articles of association of an institution of higher learning should specify the following particulars:
第二十八条 学校及其他教育机构行使下列权利:    Article 28 Schools and other institutions of education shall exercise the following rights:
第二十九条 中外合作办学机构的外籍人员应当遵守外国人在中国就业的有关规定。    Article 29 Foreign employees of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall abide by the relevant provisions on employment of foreigners in China.
第二十九条 学校及其他教育机构应当履行下列义务:    Article 29 Schools and other institutions of education shall fulfil the following obligations:
第二十九条教师的医疗同当地国家公务员享受同等的待遇;定期对教师进行身体健康检查,并因地制宜安排教师进行休养。    Article 29 Teachers shall enjoy equal treatment in medical care as the State public servants in the localities. They shall be given regular health check-ups and shall enjoy rest and recuperation holidays arranged in the light of local conditions.
第三条 中外合作办学属于公益性事业,是中国教育事业的组成部分。    Article 3 Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools is an undertaking beneficial to public interests and forms a component of China’s educational cause.
第三条 归侨、侨眷享有宪法和法律规定的公民的权利,并履行宪法和法律规定的公民的义务,任何组织或者个人不得歧视。    Article 3 Returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese shall be entitled to the citizen's rights prescribed by the Constitution and the law and at the same time shall perform the citizen's duties prescribed by the Constitution and the law. No organization or individual may discriminate against them.
第三条 职业教育是国家教育事业的重要组成部分,是促进经济、社会发展和劳动就业的重要途径。    Article 3 Vocational education constitutes an important component of the nation's educational undertakings as well as an important avenue for promoting economic and social development and employment.
第三十条高等学校自批准设立之日起取得法人资格。高等学校的校长为高等学校的法定代表人。    Article 30 An institution of higher learning obtains the qualification of a legal entity as of the date of approval for its establishment. The president of the institution of higher learning shall be the legal representative of the institution of higher learning.
第三十条 任何组织和个人不得披露未成年人的个人隐私。    Article 30 No organization or individual may disclose the personal secrets of minors.
第三十条国家推动各单位吸收残疾人就业,各级人民政府和有关部门应当做好组织、指导工作。    Article 30 [Dispersed Employment] The state shall promote the employment of disabled persons by various units.
第三十一条 学校及其他教育机构具备法人条件的,自批准设立或者登记注册之日起取得法人资格。    Article 31 A school or any other institution of education that meets the requirements for a legal person shall acquire the status of a legal person from the date on which its establishment is approved or it is registered.
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