

在职工的招用、聘用、转正、晋级、职称评定、劳动报酬、生活福利、劳动保险等方面,不得歧视残疾人。    "No discrimination shall be practised against disabled persons in recruitment
对于国家分配的高等学校、中等专业学校、技工学校的残疾毕业生,有关单位不得因其残疾而拒绝接收;    "No enterprises or institutions shall deny graduates assigned by the state from institutions of higher learning
任何组织和个人不得扰教学秩序,不得侵占、破坏学校的场地、房屋和设备。    "No organization or individual may disrupt the order of teaching in schools
(一)学校名称、校址;    (1)name and address of the institution;
任何组织和个人不得以营利为目的举办学校及其他教育机构。    No organization or individual may establish or run a school or any other institution of education for profit-making purposes.
任何组织和个人不得挪用、克扣职业教育的经费。    No organization or individual shall be allowed to misappropriate or withhold the funds designated for vocational education.
非师范学校应当承担培养和培训中小学教师的任务。    Non-normal schools shall undertake the task of cultivating and training primary and secondary school teachers.
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