(三)资产来源、资金数额及有效证明文件,并载明产权; "(3) valid documents verifying sources of assets and amount of capital(五)中外合作办学机构资产的有效证明文件; (5) valid documents verifying assets of the Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school; and中华人民共和国职业教育法 Vocational Education Law of the People's Republic of China政府主管部门、行业组织、企业、事业组织委托学校、职业培训机构实施职业教育的,应当签订委托合同。 Vocational schools and vocational training institutions may set up enterprises or have places for practice that are related to the vocational education programs provided.职业培训分别由相应的职业培训机构、职业学校实施。 Vocational training shall be provided by the appropriate vocational training institutions and/or vocational schools.语际翻译 版权所有
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