

(三)中小学教师,是指幼儿园、特殊教育机构、普通中小学、成人初等中等教育机构、职业中学以及其他教育机构的教师。    "(3) ""Primary and secondary school teachers"" refer to teachers working in kindergartens
(1998年4月23日上海市人民政府发布) 颁布日期:19980423 实施日期:19980423 颁布单位:上海市人民政府    "(Promulgated by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on April 23
人民政府和有关部门必须及时采取措施解救被拐卖、绑架的妇女。被拐卖、绑架的妇女返回原籍的,任何人不得歧视,当地人民政府和有关部门应当做好善后工作。    "People's governments and relevant departments must take timely measures to rescue women who are abducted and trafficked in
机关、团体、企业事业组织、城乡集体经济组织,应当按一定比例安排残疾人就业,并为其选择适当的工种和岗位。    "People's governments at all levels and departments concerned shall organize and provide guidance in this regard.State organs
县级和乡级人民政府应当根据具体情况减免农村残疾人的义务工、公益事业费和其他社会负担。    "People's governments at county and township levels shall
各级人民政府、有关行政部门以及企业事业组织应当采取措施,发展并保障公民接受职业学校教育或者各种形式的职业培训。    "People's governments at various levels
各级人民政府应当将残疾人教育作为国家教育事业的组成部分,统一规划,加强领导。    "People's governments at various levels should make education of disabled persons a component of the state educational programme
省、自治区、直辖市人民政府统筹协调本行政区域内的高等教育事业,管理主要为地方培养人才和国务院授权管理的高等学校。    "People's governments of the provinces
教授、副教授除应当具备以上基本任职条件外,还应当对本学科具有系统而坚实的基础理论和比较丰富的教学、科学研究经验,教学成绩显著,论文或者著作达到较高水平或者有突出的教学、科学研究成果。    "Professors and associate professors should
(四)文化、体育、娱乐和其他公共活动场所,为残疾人提供方便和照顾。有计划地兴办残疾人活动场所。    "Provide facilities and accommodations for disabled persons at places of cultural
本法有关高等学校的规定适用于其他高等教育机构和经批准承担研究生教育任务的科学研究机构,但是对高等学校专门适用的规定除外。    "Provisions concerning institutions of higher learning of this Law shall be applicable to other institutions of higher education and the scientific research institutes approved to undertake the educational task of postgraduates
公安机关、人民检察院、人民法院和少年犯管教所,应当尊重违法犯罪的未成年人的人格尊严,保障他们的合法权益。    "Public security organs
省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据国务院的有关规定,可以决定开征用于教育的地方附加费,专款专用。    "Pursuant to the relevant regulations of the State Council
(三)应当偿还的其他债务。    (3) payments for other outstanding debts.
(九)章程修改程序;    (9)procedures for the revision of articles of association; and
未成年人的父母或者其他监护人应当配合学校及其他教育机构,对其未成年子女或者其他被监护人进行教育。    Parents or other guardians of minors shall coordinate with schools or other institutions of education in educating their minor children or other minors under their guardianship.
适龄儿童、少年的父母或者其他监护人以及有关社会组织和个人有义务使适龄儿童、少年接受并完成规定年限的义务教育。    Parents or other guardians of school-age children and adolescents as well as social organizations and individuals concerned shall have the obligation to ensure that school-age children and adolescents receive and complete compulsory education for the prescribed number of years.
各级人民政府采取各种措施保障适龄儿童、少年就学。    People's governments at all levels shall take various measures to guarantee school-age children and adolescents access to education.
县、乡两级人民政府应当为农村中小学教师解决住房提供方便。    People's governments at the county and township levels shall provide conveniences for primary and secondary school teachers in rural areas in solving the housing problems.
各级人民政府应当对残疾人劳动就业统筹规划,为残疾人创造劳动就业条件。    People's governments at various levels shall formulate overall plans on employment of disabled persons and create condition for their employment.
各级人民政府应当逐步增加对残疾人的其他照顾和扶助。    People's governments at various levels shall step by step increase their care and support for people with disabilities.
着重发展义务教育和职业技术教育,积极开展学前教育,逐步发展高级中等以上教育。    Priority shall be given to compulsory education and vocational and technical education while efforts shall be made to carry out preschool education and gradually develop education at and above the senior middle school level.
上海市教学成果奖励办法    Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Incentives for Teaching Achievements
学校及其他教育机构进行教学,应当推广使用全国通用的普通话和规范字。    Putonghua (common speech based on Beijing pronunciation) and the standar-dized characters designed for use throughout the country shall be widely used in instruction in schools and other institutions of education.
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