- 中国教育人事法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 中外合作办学机构聘任的外籍教师和外籍管理人员,应当具备学士以上学位和相应的职业证书,并具有2年以上教育、教学经验。 " Foreign teachers and administrators employed by a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall possess a bachelor’s degree or above and related occupational certificates
- 侨眷是指华侨、归侨在国内的眷属。 """Family members of overseas of Chinese"" denote the family members
- 国家对中外合作办学实行扩大开放、规范办学、依法管理、促进发展的方针。 "For Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools
- 对有特殊天赋或者突出成就的未成年人,国家、社会、家庭和学校应当为他们的健康发展创造有利条件。 "For minors who have shown unusual talent or made outstanding achievements
- 归侨、侨眷确因境外直系亲属病危、死亡或者限期处理境外财产等特殊情况急需出境的,有关主管部门应当根据申请人提供的有效证明及时审批。 "For returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese who desire to leave the country urgently because of special circumstances such as critical illness(es) or death(s) of their direct lineal relatives or the need for disposition of property outside the country within a prescribed time limit
- (三)适应未成人身心发展的特点; (3) Fitting in with the characteristics of minors' physical and mental development; and
- (三)制定发展规划; (3) formulating the development plan;
- (四)制定发展规划,批准年度工作计划; (4) formulating development plans and approving annual work plans;
- 六、留学人员的家属申请出国探望留学人员,应当允许,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国公民出境入境管理法》审批。 6. Family members of students studying abroad shall be allowed to visit them abroad if they so apply for. The public security organs shall examine the applications according to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Control of the Exit and Entry of Citizens.
- 学校及其他教育机构兴办的校办产业独立承担民事责任。 Factories run by schools or other institutions of education shall bear civil liabilities independently.
- 残疾人的亲属、监护人应当鼓励和帮助残疾人增强自立能力。 Family members and guardians of disabled persons should encourage and assist disabled persons to enhance their capability of self-reliance.
- 高等学校的财务活动应当依法接受监督。 Financial activities of institutions of higher learning should be subject to supervision in accordance with law.
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