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(二)本科教育应当使学生比较系统地掌握本学科、专业必需的基础理论、基本知识,掌握本专业必要的基本技能、方法和相关知识,具有从事本专业实际工作和研究工作的初步能力;    "(2)undergraduate education should enable students to systematically master the basic theory and basic knowledge necessary for the respective discipline and specialty
大学、独立设置的学院主要实施本科及本科以上教育。高等专科学校实施专科教育。经国务院教育行政部门批准,科学研究机构可以承担研究生教育的任务。    "Universities and independently established colleges(schools) mainly impart undergraduate and postgraduate education. Higher specialty institutions impart specialty education. Scientific research institutes may
(一)普通高等学校教学成果项目,向市教育行政部门申请。    1. Universities and colleges of general education with teaching achievement projects shall apply to the municipal educational administrative departments.
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