- 中国教育人事法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (二)其他教育机构,是指少年宫以及地方教研室、电化教育机构等。 "(2) ""Other institutions of education"" refer to children's palaces
- (三)其他学校和学术团体以及其他社会组织、个人教学成果项目,向其主管的委、办、局或者所在地的区、县教育行政部门申请; "3. Other schools
- 九、我国驻外使领馆代表国家管理留学事务,应保护我留学人员的合法权益,对他们的学习研究工作和日常生活给予帮助,为他们排忧解难,并及时向他们介绍我国内情况。 "9. Our country’s embassies and consulates abroad shall represent the State in handling matters relating to studying abroad. They shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of students studying abroad
- 普通高级中等学校、中等专业学校、技工学校和高等院校,必须招收符合国家规定的录取标准的残疾考生入学,不得因其残疾而拒绝招收; "ordinary senior middle schools
- (三)组织和扶持残疾人开展群众性文化、体育、娱乐活动,举办特殊艺术演出和特殊体育运动会,参加重大国际性比赛和交流; "Organize and support disabled persons for mass cultural
- (二)组织和扶持盲文读物、盲人有声读物、聋人读物、弱智人读物的编写和出版,开办电视手语节目,在部分影视作品中增加字幕、解说; "Organize and support the compilation
- 其他学校或者教育机构可以根据办学能力,开展面向社会的、多种形式的职业培训。 "Other schools or institutions of education may
- (一)取得高等学校教师资格; (1)one who has acquired the teacher's qualification for an institution of higher learning;
- (十)其他必须由章程规定的事项。 (10)other matters that must be provided for by articles of association.
- (二)系统地掌握本学科的基础理论; (2)one who has a systematic mastery of the basic theory of the respective discipline;
- (三)具备相应职务的教育教学能力和科学研究能力; (3)one who has the educational and teaching capability and scientific research capability of the corresponding position; and
- (四)组织教育教学、科学研究活动,保证教育教学质量; (4) organizing teaching and scientific research activities and ensuring teaching quality;
- (四)承担相应职务的课程和规定课时的教学任务。 (4)one who undertakes the courses and teaching task of prescribed periods of the corresponding position.
- (四)审批机关依照本法规定要求提供的其他材料。 (4)other materials the presentation of which is required by the organ of examination and approval pursuant to the provisions of this Law.
- (五)章程规定的其他重大事项。 (5) other major issues specified by the articles of association.
- (五)法律、法规规定的其他权利。 (5) other rights as stipulated by law or regulations.
- (六)章程规定的其他职权。 (6)other duties and powers provided for in the articles of association.
- (九)法律、法规规定的其他权利。 (9) other rights prescribed by laws and regulations.
- 普通幼儿教育机构应当接收能适应其生活的残疾幼儿。 Ordinary institutions of preschool education shall admit disabled children who are able to adapt themselves to the life there.
- 普通师范院校开设特殊教育课程或者讲授有关内容,使普通教师掌握必要的特殊教育知识。 Ordinary normal schools shall offer curricula or lectures on special education so that teachers in ordinary education may have some necessary knowledge of special education.
- 普通小学、初级中等学校,必须招收能适应其学习生活的残疾儿童、少年入学; Ordinary primary schools and junior middle schools must admit disabled children or juveniles who are able to adapt themselves to life and study there;
- 县级以上各级人民政府其他有关部门在各自的职责范围内,负责有关的教育工作。 Other departments concerned under the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the related educational work within the scope of their functions and duties.
- 其他高等教育机构实施非学历高等教育。 Other institutions of higher education impart non-curricula higher education.
- 本法所称其他高等教育机构是指除高等学校和经批准承担研究生教育任务的科学研究机构以外的从事高等教育活动的组织。 Other institutions of higher education referred to in this Law mean organizations engaging in activities of higher education other than institutions of higher learning and the scientific research institutes approved to undertake the educational task of postgraduates.
- 其他学校按照教育行政部门的统筹规划,可以实施同层次的职业学校教育。 Other types of schools may provide vocational school education at the same level in compliance with the overall plans drawn up by the administrative department for education.
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