批准的,发给筹备设立批准书;不批准的,应当书面说明理由。 " If the application is approved造成严重后果,触犯刑律的,对负有责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依照刑法关于受贿罪、滥用职权罪、玩忽职守罪或者其他罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任; " if the consequences are serious and the case violates the criminal law(二)实施发展规划,拟订年度工作计划、财务预算和规章制度; "(2) implementing the development plan and drafting annual work plans(三)在分配住房和晋职、晋级、评定专业技术职务等方面,违反男女平等原则,侵害妇女合法权益的; "(3) infringing upon women's rights and interests by violating the principle of equality between men and women in such aspects as allotment of housing(六)在入学、升学、毕业分配、授予学位、派出留学等方面,违反男女平等原则,侵害妇女合法权益的。 "(6) infringing upon women's rights and interests by violating the principle of equality between men and women in such aspects as starting school八、在留学回国人员较集中的地方,可由当地政府、有关部门或社会团体根据需要建立留学服务机构,帮助留学人员办理有关事宜,为他们提供各种服务。 "8. In places where returned students live concentratedly具备本法规定的学历或者经国家教师资格考试合格的公民,要求有关部门认定其教师资格的,有关部门应当依照本法规定的条件予以认定。 "If a citizen who possesses a record of formal schooling as stipulated in this Law当事人对行政处罚决定在法定期限内不申请复议,也不向人民法院提起诉讼,又不履行的,作出处罚决定的机关可以申请人民法院强制执行,或者依法强制执行。 "If a party侵占学校及其他教育机构的校舍、场地及其他财产的,依法承担民事责任。 "If anyone illegally occupies school buildings中外合作办学者一方担任理事长、董事长或者主任的,由另一方担任副理事长、副董事长或者副主任。 "If either of the Chinese and foreign cooperators in running the school assumes the chairpersonship逾期不改正的,由教育行政部门、劳动行政部门按照职责分工处以虚假出资金额或者抽逃出资金额2倍以下的罚款。 "if it refuses to make such corrections within the prescribed time limit致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的,依照刑法关于滥用职权罪或者其他罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任。 "if public property or interests of the State and the people sustains heavy losses批准的,颁发统一格式、统一编号的中外合作办学许可证;不批准的,应当书面说明理由。 "If the application is approved尚不够刑事处罚的,依法给予行政处分。 "if the case is not serious for criminal punishments情节严重、逾期不整顿或者经整顿仍达不到要求的,由教育行政部门、劳动行政部门按照职责分工责令停止招生、吊销中外合作办学许可证。 "if the circumstances are serious情节严重,拒不停止招生的,由审批机关撤销筹备设立批准书。 "if the circumstances are serious and it refuses to stop the enrollment市评审委的成员违反本办法第十条规定,对教学成果项目的评审应当回避而不回避的,其参加评审的该教学成果项目,市评审委应当按要求重新组织评审。 "If the member of the Municipal Prize-Jury violates Article 10 of the present Procedures and participates in the evaluation of the teaching achievement projects that he or she should have avoided如与原派出部门或单位有经济及其他未了事宜,应与这些部门或单位协商解决,不影响上述手续的办理。 "If they are involved in financial and other unsettled affairs with the originally sending departments or units父亲死亡、丧失行为能力或者有其他情形不能担任未成年子女的监护人的,母亲的监护权任何人不得干涉。 "In a case where the father is deceased夫妻共同租用的房屋,离婚时,女方的住房应当按照照顾女方和子女权益的原则协议解决。 "In a case where the husband and wife jointly rent a house or a room夫妻居住男方单位的房屋,离婚时,女方无房居住的,男方有条件的应当帮助其解决。 "In a case where the husband and wife live in a house allocated by the unit to which the husband belongs中国*高等学校基层委员会按照中国*章程和有关规定,统一领导学校工作,支持校长独立负责地行使职权,其领导职责主要是: "In accordance with the Constitution of the Chinese Communist Party拒绝招收的,当事人或者其亲属、监护人可以要求有关部门处理,有关部门应当责令该学校招收。 "in case of such denial拒绝接收的,当事人可以要求有关部门处理,有关部门应当责令该单位接收。 "in case of such denial触犯刑律的,依照刑法关于诈骗罪或者其他罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任。 "in case the criminal law is violated语际翻译 版权所有
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