

第四十七条妇女有按照国家有关规定生育子女的权利,也有不生育的自由。    Article 47. Women have the right to child-bearing in accordance with relevant regulations of the state as well as the freedom not to bear any child.
第四十八条高等学校实行教师聘任制。    Article 48 Institutions of higher learning practice the teachers' employment system.
第四十八条每年五月的第三个星期日,为全国助残日。    Article 48 [National Day of Assisting Disabled Persons] The third Sunday of May each year is the National Day of Assisting Disabled Persons.
第四十九条高等学校的管理人员,实行教育职员制度。高等学校的教学辅助人员及其他专业技术人员,实行专业技术职务聘任制度。    Article 49 Institutions of higher learning practice the educational staff system for administrators. Institutions of higher learning practice the specialty technical position employment system for auxiliary teaching staff and other specialty technical staff.
第四十九条 未成年人的父母或者其他监护人应当为其未成年子女或者其他被监护人受教育提供必要条件。    Article 49 Parents or other guardians of minors shall provide the necessary conditions for their minor children or other minors under their guardianship to receive education.
第五条 公民有依法接受职业教育的权利。    Article 5 Citizens shall have the right to receive vocational education according to law.
第五条 全国人民代表大会和归侨人数较多地区的地方人民代表大会应当有适当名额的归侨代表。    Article 5 Returned overseas Chinese shall be entitled to appropriate representation on the National People's Congress and local people's congresses in places where there are relatively large numbers of returned overseas Chinese.
第五条国务院教育行政部门主管全国的教师工作。    Article 5 The administrative department of education under the State Council shall be in charge of the work concerning teachers in the whole country.
第五条 国家保障未成年人的人身、财产和其他合法权益不受侵犯。    Article 5 The State shall protect the rights of the person and property as well as other lawful rights and interests of minors from violation.
第五十一条 国家、社会建立和发展对未成年人进行校外教育的设施。    Article 51 The State and society shall establish and develop educational facilities for minors to receive after-school education.
第五十一条侵害残疾人的合法权益,造成财产损失或者其他损失、损害的,应当依法赔偿或者承担其他民事责任。    Article 51 [Civil Liability] Whoever infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a disabled person and causes property or other losses or damage shall compensate for the losses or damage according to law or bear other civil liabilities.
第五十三条 教唆未成年人违法犯罪的,依法从重处罚。    Article 53 Whoever instigates a minor to break law or commit criminal offences shall be given heavier punishment according to law.
第五十三条国务院有关部门根据本法制定有关条例,报国务院批准施行。    Article 53 [Regulations and Local Status] Departments concerned under the State Council shall formulate relevant regulations in accordance with this Law and submit them to the State Council for approval before implementation.
第五十四条高等学校的学生应当按照国家规定缴纳学费。    Article 54 Students of institutions of higher learning should pay a tuition fee in accordance with state provisions.
第五十五条 各级人民政府的教育经费支出,按照事权和财权相统一的原则,在财政预算中单独列项。    Article 55 The educational appropriations of the people's governments at various levels shall be listed separately in their fiscal budgets in accordance with the principle of their unified authority over the administrative affairs and the financial affairs.
第五十六条 国务院及县级以上地方各级人民政府应当设立教育专项资金,重点扶持边远贫困地区、少数民族地区实施义务教育。    Article 56 The State Council and the people's governments at or above the county level shall set up a special fund for education to be used mainly for assisting outlying and poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by minority ethnic groups in enforcing compulsory education there.
第五十七条高等学校的学生,可以在校内组织学生团体。    Article 57 Students of institutions of higher learning may organize students' societies within the institutions.
第五十九条高等学校应当为毕业生、结业生提供就业指导和服务。    Article 59 Institutions of higher learning should provide employment guidance and services for graduates and students who have completed the courses.
第六条(申请条件)具备下列条件的教学成果项目,其持有单位或者持有人可以申请市级教学成果奖:    Article 6 (Requirements for Application) Unit or individual with teaching achievement project that meets the following requirements may apply for teaching achievement prizes at the municipal level:
第六条 中外合作办学者可以合作举办各级各类教育机构。    Article 6 Chinese and foreign cooperators in running schools may cooperate to establish educational institutions of various types at various levels.
第六条 各级人民政府应当将发展职业教育纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。    Article 6 People's governments at various levels shall incorporate the development of vocational education into their plans for national economic and social development.
第六条每年九月十日为教师节。    Article 6 September 10 of each year is designated as Teachers' Day.
第六十条 在工商行政管理部门登记注册的经营性的中外合作举办的培训机构的管理办法,由国务院另行规定。    Article 60 Measures for administration of for-profit training institutions which are cooperatively run by Chinese and foreign parties and registered at the administrative department for industry and commerce shall be formulated separately by the State Council.
第六十条 国家鼓励境内、境外社会组织和个人捐资助学。    Article 60 The State encourages social organizations and individuals both at home and abroad to donate money for education in China.
第六十条国家建立以财政拨款为主、其他多种渠道筹措高等教育经费为辅的体制,使高等教育事业的发展同经济、社会发展的水平相适应。    Article 60 The state establishes the system of financial allocation as the main source to be supplemented by raising funds for higher education through various other channels to make the development of the cause of higher education to be commensurate with the level of economic and social development.
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