第四条国家采取辅助方法和扶持措施,对残疾人给予特别扶助,减轻或者消除残疾影响和外界障碍,保障残疾人权利的实现。 Article 4 [Special Assistance] The state shall provide disabled persons with special assistance by adopting supplementary methods and supportive measures with a view to alleviating or eliminating the effects of their disabilities and external barriers and ensuring the realization of their rights.第四条 高等学校本科毕业生,成绩优良,达到下述学术水平者,授予学士学位: Article 4. The bachelor's degree shall be conferred on graduates from institutions of higher learning who have good academic records and have attained the following academic standards:第四十条 中外合作办学机构的外汇收支活动以及开设和使用外汇账户,应当遵守国家外汇管理规定。 Article 40 Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools shall abide by the provisions of the State on foreign exchange control in conducting their activities of the receipt and payment of foreign exchange and opening and using foreign exchange accounts.第四十条 从业人员有依法接受职业培训和继续教育的权利和义务。 Article 40 Employees shall have the right and obligation to receive voca-tional training and continuing education according to law.第四十条高等学校的校长,由符合教育法规定的任职条件的公民担任。 Article 40 Presidency of institutions of higher learning shall be taken up by citizens conforming to the qualifications for the office prescribed by the Education Law.第四十条本法下列用语的含义是: Article 40 The meanings of the following expressions as used in this Law are:第四十条国家保障妇女享有与男子平等的婚姻家庭权利。 Article 40. The state shall guarantee that women enjoy equal rights with men in marriage and family.第四十一条 国家鼓励学校及其他教育机构、社会组织采取措施,为公民接受终身教育创造条件。 Article 41 The State encourages schools and other institutions of education as well as social organizations to take measures to create conditions for citizens to receive life-long education.第四十一条国家和社会对生活确有困难的残疾人,通过多种渠道给予救济、补助。 Article 41 [Relief and Foster] The state and society shall provide relief and subsidies through various channels for disabled persons with real financial difficulties.第四十一条国家保护妇女的婚姻自主权。禁止干涉妇女的结婚、离婚自由。 Article 41. The state shall protect women's right of self-determination in marriage. Interference with women's freedom of marriage or divorce shall be prohibited.第四十二条 受教育者享有下列权利: Article 42 Educatees shall enjoy the following rights:第四十二条外籍教师的聘任办法由国务院教育行政部门规定。 Article 42 The measures for the employment of foreign teachers shall be formulated by the administrative department of education under the State Council.第四十三条受教育者应当履行下列义务: Article 43 Educatees shall fulfil the following obligations:第四十三条高等学校通过以教师为主体的教职工代表大会等组织形式,依法保障教职工参与民主管理和监督,维护教职工合法权益。 Article 43 Institutions of higher learning guarantee the participation of teaching and administrative staff in democratic management and supervision and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of teaching and administrative staff in accordance with law in the organizational form of the conference of representatives of teaching and administrative staff with teachers as the main body.第四十四条高等学校的办学水平、教育质量,接受教育行政部门的监督和由其组织的评估。 Article 44 Levels of running a school and educational quality of institutions of higher learning shall be subject to the supervision of departments of education administration and the evaluation organized by them.第四十四条公共服务机构应当为残疾人提供优先服务和辅助性服务。 Article 44 [Preferential Treatment and Accommodations] Agencies of pubilc services shall provide preferential and auxiliary services for disabled persons.第四十四条国家保护离婚妇女的房屋所有权。 Article 44. The state shall protect divorced women's ownership of their houses.第四十五条 中外合作办学机构有下列情形之一的,应当终止: Article 45 A Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall be terminated in one of the following cases:第四十五条国家和社会逐步创造良好的环境,改善残疾人参与社会生活的条件。 Article 45 [Responsibilities] The state and society shall step by step create a sound environment to improve the conditions for disabled persons to participate in social life.第四十五条父母双方对未成年子女享有平等的监护权。 Article 45. Both parents shall enjoy the equal right to guardianship of their minor child (children).第四十六条 中外合作办学机构终止时,应当依法进行财务清算。 Article 46 A Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall make liquidation in accordance with law upon termination.第四十六条高等学校实行教师资格制度。 Article 46 Institutions of higher learning practice the teachers' qualification system.第四十六条国家和社会逐步实行方便残疾人的城市道路和建筑物设计规范,采取无障碍措施。 Article 46 [Barrier-free Facilities] The state and society shall gradually regularize the Design Code for the Accessibility of Disabled Persons to Urban Roads and Buildings and adopt barrierfree measures.第四十七条高等学校实行教师职务制度。 Article 47 Institutions of higher learning practice the teachers' position system.第四十七条 侵害未成年人的合法权益,对其造成财产损失或者得其他损失、损害的,应当依法赔偿或者承担其他民事责任。 Article 47 Whoever has encroached upon the lawful rights and interests of a minor and caused him or her losses in property or other losses or harms shall compensate for the losses or bear other civil liabilities according to law.语际翻译 版权所有
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