

第十二条 国家保护归侨、侨眷的侨汇收入。    Article 12 The state shall protect the income of returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese from remittance sent by overseas Chinese.
第十三条(奖金归属)市级教学成果奖获得者由市教育行政部门组织颁发相应的证书并发给一定数额的奖金,奖金归获奖者所有,任何单位或者个人不得截留。    Article 13 (Ownership of Bonus) The municipal educational administrative departments shall issue the corresponding certificate and award bonus of certain amount to the winner of teaching achievement prize at the municipal level. The bonus shall belong to the winner and shall not be retained by any unit or individual.
第十三条中小学教师资格由县级以上地方人民政府教育行政部门认定。    Article 13 The qualifications for teachers in primary and middle schools shall be evaluated and approved by the administrative departments of education under the local people's governments at or above the county level.
第十三条 国家对发展教育事业做出突出贡献的组织和个人,给予奖励。    Article 13 The State awards units or individuals that have made outstanding achievements in the development of education.
第十三条国务院统一领导和管理全国高等教育事业。    Article 13 The State Council uniformly leads and administers the cause of higher education nationwide.
第十四条(经费来源)市级教学成果奖的奖励经费,从本市预算安排的事业费中列支。    Article 14 (Fund Source) The incentive fund for teaching achievement prizes at the municipal level shall be drawn from the operational expenses allocated under the budget of this Municipality.
第十四条 申请筹备设立中外合作办学机构,应当提交下列文件:    Article 14 An applicant who applies for preparation for establishment of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall submit the following documents:
第十四条 归侨、侨眷与境外亲友的往来和通讯受法律保护。    Article 14 Contacts and communications between returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese and their relatives and friends outside the country shall be protected by law.
第十四条 学校应当尊重未成年学生的受教育权,不得随意开除未成年学生。    Article 14 Schools shall respect the minor students' right to receive education and may not arbitrarily expel any minor students from schools.
第十四条 国务院和地方各级人民政府根据分级管理、分工负责的原则,领导和管理教育工作。    Article 14 The State Council and the local people's governments at various levels shall guide and administer educational work under the principles of admini-stration by different levels and of a division of responsibilities.
第十四条受到剥夺政治权利或者故意犯罪受到有期徒刑以上刑事处罚的,不能取得教师资格;已经取得教师资格的,丧失教师资格。    Article 14 Those who have been deprived of political rights or subjected to fixed-term imprisonment or even more severe punishment for intentional crime shall not be allowed to obtain qualifications for teachers; and those who have already obtained qualifications for teachers shall forfeit such qualifications.
第十四条国家保障妇女享有与男子平等的文化教育权利。    Article 14. The state shall guarantee that women enjoy equal rights with men with respect to culture and education.
第十五条 归侨、侨眷申请出境,有关主管部门应当在规定的期限内审批。    Article 15 Applications for exit from the country by returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese shall be examined for approval by the competent authorities concerned within the prescribed time limit.
第十五条各级师范学校毕业生,应当按照国家有关规定从事教育教学工作。    Article 15 Graduates of normal schools at various levels shall be engaged in education and teaching in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.
第十五条高等教育包括学历教育和非学历教育。    Article 15 Higher education consists of curricula education and non-curricula education.
第十五条 在我国学习的外国留学生和从事研究工作的外国学者,可以向学位授予单位申请学位。    Article 15. Foreign students studying in China and foreign scholars engaged in research work in China may apply to a degree-conferring unit for academic degrees.
第十六条(推荐申报国家级教学成果奖)获得市级教学成果特等奖、一等奖的,由市教育行政部门择优向国务院教育行政管理部门推荐申报国家级教学成果奖。    Article 16 (Recommendation to Apply for Teaching Achievement Prizes at the State Level) The winners of the special prize and the first prizes of teaching achievement prize at the municipal level shall be recommended by the municipal educational administrative departments on a selective basis to apply for teaching achievement prizes at the state level.
第十六条 学校不得使未成年学生在危及人身安全、健康的校舍和其他教育教学设施中活动。    Article 16 Schools may not let the minor students engage in any activity in school buildings or in any other educational and teaching facilities that are dangerous to their personal safety and health.
第十六条国家实行教师职务制度,具体办法由国务院规定。    Article 16 The State shall institute a system of professional titles for teachers. The specific measures shall be worked out by the State Council.
第十六条 国家保障归侨、侨眷出境探亲的权利。    Article 16 The state shall safeguard the right of returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese to leave the country for the purpose of visiting their relatives.
第十七条 完成筹备设立申请正式设立的,应当提交下列文件:    Article 17 An applicant who has completed its preparation for establishment and applies for formal establishment shall submit the following documents:
第十七条 归侨、侨着有权出境定居。    Article 17 Returned overseas Chinese and the family members of overseas Chinese shall have the right to leave the country and settle down abroad.
第十七条父母或者其他监护人必须履行保障适龄女性儿童少年接受义务教育的义务。    Article 17. Parents or other guardians must perform their duty of ensuring that female school-age children or adolescents receive the compulsory education.
第十八条高等教育由高等学校和其他高等教育机构实施。    Article 18 Higher education shall be imparted by institutions of higher learning and other institutions of higher education.
第十八条各级人民政府和有关部门应当办好师范教育,并采取措施,鼓励优秀青年进入各级师范学校学习。各级教师进修学校承担培训中小学教师的任务。    Article 18 People's governments at various levels and the departments concerned shall make a success of normal school education and adopt measures to encourage outstanding youth to study at normal schools at various levels. Schools for teachers' advanced studies at different levels shall undertake the task of training teachers for primary and secondary schools.
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