- 中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第四十一条本条例自1988年1月1日起施行。 Article 41 This Rules will come into effect on 1st January,1988.
- 第四十一条 当事人约定仲裁地点的,仲裁案件的审理应当在约定的地点进行。 Article 41 Where the parties have agreed on the place of arbitration, the oral hearing of the arbitration case shall be held in that place.
- 第四十一条 未经主管机关批准,不得擅自打捞或拆除沿海水域内的沉船沉物。 Article 41. No sunken vessels or sunken objects in the coastal waters may be salvaged or dismantled without the approval of the competent authority.
- 第四十一条 本法下列用语的含义是: Article 41. The meanings of the following terms used in this Law are:
- ?第四十二条铁路运输企业必须加强对铁路的管理和保护,定期检查、维修铁路运输设施,保证铁路运输设施完好,保障旅客和货物运输安全。 Article 42 A railway transport enterprise must strengthen the control and protection of railways, regularly inspect and repair railway transport facilities so as to ensure intactness of these facilities and guarantee safe conveyance of passengers and goods.
- 第四十二条航空人员应当接受国务院民用航空主管部门定期或者不定期的检查和考核;经检查、考核合格的,方可继续担任其执照载明的工作。 Article 42 Airmen shall be subject to the periodical or non-periodical inspection and examination of the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council. Only those qualified in inspection and examination may continue to perform the duties specified in their licences.
- 第四十二条本章下列用语的含义: Article 42 For the purposes of this Chapter:
- 第四十二条公路绿化工作,由公路管理机构按照公路工程技术标准组织实施。 Article 42 Highway administration departments shall organize greening of highway roads according to the road engineering technical standards.
- 第四十二条除本节规定的以外,拍卖适用《中华人民共和国拍卖法》的有关规定。 Article 42 In addition to the provisions in this Section, auction shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the Auction Law of the People's Republic of China.
- 第四十二条 仲裁庭开庭审理案件不公开进行,如果双方当事人要求公开审理,由仲裁庭作出是否公开审理的决定。 Article 42 The arbitration tribunal shall not hear cases in open session. If both parties request a hearing to be held in open session, the arbitration tribunal shall decide whether to hold the hearing in open session or not.
- 第四十二条 船舶、 设施发生交通事故, 应当向主管部机关递交事故报告书和有关资料,并接受调查处理。 Article 42. Any vessel or installation involved in a traffic accident shall submit a written accident report and relative materials to the competent authority and accept its investigation and handling of the accident.
- 第四十二条 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的有关国际邮政事务的国际条约同本法有不同规定的,适用该国际条约的规定。但是,中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。 Article 42. If provisions of this Law contravene those of the international treaties concerning international postal affairs which the People's Republic of China has concluded or to which China is a party, the provisions of the international treaties concerned shall prevail, with the exception of the treaty clauses on which the People's Republic of China has declared reservations.
- 第四十三条各级地方人民政府应当采取措施,加强对公路的保护。 Article 43 Appropriate measures should be undertaken by local people's governments at all levels to strengthen protection to the roads.
- 第四十三条执行程序中拍卖被扣押船舶清偿债务的,可以参照本节有关规定。 Article 43 Auction of an arrested ship for debt payment during the procedure of execution may be referred to the relevant provisions of this Section.
- 第四十三条承运人或者托运人可以要求书面确认海上货物运输合同的成立。 Article 43 The carrier or the shipper may demand confirmation of the contract of carriage of goods by sea in writing.
- 第四十三条民用航空器机组由机长和其他空勤人员组成。 Article 43 The crew of a civil aircraft is composed of a pilot-in-command and other flight personnel.
- 第四十三条铁路公安机关和地方公安机关分工负责共同维护铁路治安秩序。车站和列车内的治安秩序,由铁路公安机关负责维护;铁路沿线的治安秩序,由地方公安机关和铁路公安机关共同负责维护,以地方公安机关为主。 Article 43 The railway security organ and the local security authority shall jointly keep the public order along railway lines, in stations and on trains, while dividing up the work in such a way that the public order in stations as well as on trains shall be under the charge of the railway security organ, and the public order along railway lines shall be under the joint charge of the local security authority and the railway security organ, with the local security authority in the main.
- 第四十三条 不公开审理的案件,双方当事人及其仲裁代理人、证人、仲裁员、仲裁庭咨询的专家和指定的鉴定人、秘书处的有关人员,均不得对外界透露案件实体和程序进行的情况。 Article 43 When a case is heard in closed session, no substantive or procedural matters of the case shall be disclosed to the outsiders by the parties, their attorneys, witnesses, arbitrators, experts consulted by or appraisers appointed by the arbitration tribunal and the relevant staff-members of the Secretariat.
- 第四十三条 船舶、设施发生的交通事故,由主管机关查明原因,判明责任。 Article 43. In the event of a traffic accident that involves a vessel or installation, the competent authority shall ascertain the cause of the accident and fix the responsibility for it.
- 第四十三条 国务院邮政主管部门根据本法制定实施细则,报国务院批准施行。 Article 43. The competent department of postal services under the State Council shall, in accordance with this Law, formulate rules for its implementation, which shall go into effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
- 第四十四条海事请求人为保障其海事请求的实现,可以申请扣押船载货物。 Article 44 A maritime claimant may apply to arrest the goods on board for ensuring the fulfillment of his maritime claim.
- 第四十四条海上货物运输合同和作为合同凭证的提单或者其他运输单证中的条款,违反本章规定的,无效。 Article 44 Any stipulation in a contract of carriage of goods by sea or a bill of lading or other similar documents evidencing such contract that derogates from the provisions of this Chapter shall be null and void.
- 第四十四条 证据应当在开庭时出示,当事人可以质证,但双方当事人同意书面审理或书面质证的除外。 Article 44 Evidence shall be produced at the oral hearing and be questioned by the parties except that both parties agree to examine the case on the basis of documentary evidence or that evidence shall be questioned in writing.
- 第四十四条电力主管部门应当保证铁路牵引用电以及铁路运营用电中重要负荷的电力供应。铁路运营用电中重要负荷的供应范围国务院铁路主管部门和国务院电力主管部门商定。 Article 44 The competent department in charge of electric power shall guarantee the power supply for railway traction and critical loads arising in railway operation. The scope of power supply for critical loads arising in railway operation shall be defined by the competent department in charge of railways under the State Council through consultation with the competent department in charge of electric power under the State Council.
- 第四十四条民用航空器的操作由机长负责,机长应当严格履行职责,保护民用航空器及其所载人员和财产的安全。 Article 44 The pilot-in-command is responsible for the operation of the civil aircraft, and shall strictly perform his duties to protect the safety of the civil aircraft and persons and property carried therein.