- 中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (一)被拍卖船舶的名称和国籍; (1) name and nationality of the ship to be auctioned;
- (一)申请人的名称; (1) name of the applicant;
- (一)保险人名称; (1) Name of the insurer;
- (一)船舶抵押权人和抵押人的姓名或者名称、地址; (1) Name or designation and address of the mortgagee and the name or designation and address of the mortgagor of the ship;
- (一)自带行李,应当在旅客离船前或者离船时提交; (1) Notice with respect to cabin luggage shall be made before or at the time of his embarkation;
- (二)船舶、设施所有人或经营人的名称、地址; (2) Name and address of the owner or manager of the vessel or installation;
- (二)被抵押船舶的名称、国籍、船舶所有权证书的颁发机关和证书号码; (2) Name and nationality of the mortgaged ship and the authorities that issued the certificate of ownership and the certificate number thereof;
- (二)承运人的名称和主营业所; (2) Name and principal place of business of the carrier;
- (二)被保险人名称; (2) Name of the insured;
- (二)船舶、设施所有人或经营人的名称和地址; (2) Names and addresses or the owners or managers of the vessels or installations;
- (二)货物或者包裹、行李中的物品本身的自然属性,或者合理损耗。 (2) Natural property of the goods or articles contained in the parcel or luggage, or natural wear and tear.
- (二)保管维护该民用航空器的必需费用。 (2) Necessary expenses incurred for the custody of the civil aircraft.
- (二)其他行李,应当在行李交还前或者交还时提交。 (2) Notice regarding luggage other than cabin luggage shall be me or at the time of redelivery thereof.
- (三)船舶名称; (3) Name of the ship;
- (三)核损害。 (3) Nuclear damage.
- (四)托运人的名称; (4) Name of the shipper;
- (四)危险的性质和程度; (4) Nature and extent of the danger;
- (五)收货人的名称; (5) Name of the consignee;
- (九)货物的自然特性或者固有缺陷; (9) Nature or inherent vice of the goods;
- 国道、省道由省、自治区、直辖市公路主管部门负责修建、养护和管理。 National and provincial highway shall be built, maintained and managed by provincial, autonomous regional, and municipal departments in charge of highways.
- 平交道口和人行过道必须按照规定设置必要的标志和防护设施。 Necessary signs and protective installations must be provided at level crossings or pedestrian cross-walks in conformity with relevant regulations.
- 收货人、提单持有人不承担在装货港发生的滞期费、亏舱费和其他与装货有关的费用,但是提单中明确载明上述费用由收货人、提单持有人承担的除外。 Neither the consignee nor the holder of the bill of lading shall be liable for the demurrage, dead freight and all other expenses in respect of loading occurred at the loading port unless the bill of lading clearly states that the aforesaid demurrage, dead freight and all other expenses shall be borne by the consignee and the holder of the bill of lading.
- 但是,实际承运人承担的责任不因此种作为或者不作为而超过法定的赔偿责任限额。 Nevertheless, no such act or omission shall subject the actual carrier to liability exceeding the legal limits.
- 但是,本法第一百一十九条规定的指示,只在向缔约承运人发出时,方有效。 Nevertheless, orders referred to in Article 119 of this Law shall only be effective if addressed to the contracting carrier.
- 但是,所受损害并非造成损害的事故的直接后果,或者所受损害仅是民用航空器依照国家有关的空中交通规则在空中通过造成的,受害人无权要求赔偿。 Nevertheless, the person suffers damage shall have no right to compensation if the damage is not a direct consequence of the incident giving rise thereto, or if the damage results from the mere fact of passage of the civil aircraft through the airspace in conformity with air traffic regulations concerned of the State.
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