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中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


“公路设施”是指公路的排水设备、防护构造物、交叉道口、界碑、测桩、安全设施、通讯设施、检测及监控设施、养护设施、渡口码头、花草林木、专用房屋等。    ""Highway facilities"" mean drainage facilities; protection installations; crossroads; boundary markers; survey stakes; safety, communications, checking, supervision, control, maintenance, and service facilities; flower beds; lawns; trees; and special-purpose buildings.
“公路”是指经公路主管部门验收认定的城间、城乡间、乡间能行驶汽车的公共道路。公路包括公路的路基、路面、桥梁、涵洞、隧道。    ""Highway"" means roads travelled on by motor vehicles between cities, between cities and the countryside and between various townships which have been checked and accepted by departments in charge of highways. The term highway includes its highway subgrade pavement, bridges, culverts and tunnels.
(二)触礁或搁浅;    (2) Hitting hidden rocks or running aground;
(二)在机场控制区内狩猎、放牧、晾晒谷物、教练驾驶车辆;    (2) Hunting, herding, sunning grain or train vehicle driver in airport controlled zone;
(四)在不影响第(三)项关于人身伤亡赔偿请求的情况下,就港口工程、港池、航道和助航设施的损害提出的赔偿请求,应当较第(二)项中的其他赔偿请求优先受偿。    (4) However, without prejudice to the right of claims for loss of life or personal injury under sub-paragraph (3), claims in respect of damage to harbour works, basins and waterways and aids to navigation shall have priority over other claims under sub-paragraph (2).
禁止在依法划定的民用机场范围内放养牲畜。    Herding of livestock within the limits of civil airport defined according to law is prohibited.
特此通告。    Hereby notified.
公路规划中贯彻国防要求的公路建设项目,应当严格按照规划进行建设,以保证国防交通的需要。    Highway construction projects planned to adapt to the requirements of national defense should be undertaken strictly according to the plans so as to ensure meeting the needs of national defense in transportation.
公路建设应当贯彻切实保护耕地、节约用地的原则。    Highway construction should follow the principle of protecting farmland and economical use of land.
公路绿化必须按照公路技术标准进行。    Highway landscaping should be carried out in accordance with the highway technological standards.
中华人民共和国公路法    Highway Law of the People's Republic of China
公路建设还可以采取民建勤、民办公助和以工代赈的办法。    Highways may also be constructed by civilian workers, community funds raised by society with government subsidies, and pay workers in a disaster area as a form of relief to them.
但是可以作为行李交运或者按照国务院民用航空主管部门的有关规定由机组人员带到目的地后交还。    However they can be consigned as baggage or can be carried, in accordance with the regulations stipulated by the civil aviation authorities of the State Council, by crew members and be taken back at the destination.
但是,除合同另有约定外,托运人应当向承运人支付约定运费的一半;    However, except as otherwise provided for in the contract, the shipper shall in this case pay half of the agreed amount of freight;
但,提单中载明适用航次租船合同条款的,适用该航次租船合同的条款。    However, if the clauses of the voyage charter party are incorporated into the bill of lading, the relevant clauses of the voyage charter party shall apply.
但是,更换的货物对出租人不利的,出租人有权拒绝或者解除合同。    However, if the goods replaced is detrimental to the interests of the shipowner, the shipowner shall be entitled to reject such goods and cancel the charter.
但是,提供的船舶或者更换的船舶不符合合同约定的,承租人有权拒绝或者解合同。    However, if the ship substituted does not meet the requirements of the charter party, the charterer may reject the ship or cancel the charter.
但是,出租人将船舶延误情况和船舶预期抵达装货港的日期通知承租人,承租人应当自收到通知时起四十八小时内,将是否解除合同的决定通知出租人。    However, if the shipowner had notified the charterer of the delay of the ship and the expected date of its arrival at the port of loading, the charterer shall notify the shipowner whether to cancel the charter within 48 hours of the receipt of the shipowner's notification.
出租人将船舶延误情况和船舶预期抵达交船港的日期通知承租人的,承租人应当自接到通知时起四十八小时内,将解除合同或者继续租用船舶的决定通知出租人。    However, if the shipowner has notified the charterer of the anticipated delay in delivery and has given an estimated time of arrival of the ship at the port of delivery, the charterer shall notify the shipowner, within 48 hours of the receipt of such notice from the shipowner, of his decision whether to cancel the charter or not.
但是,在任何情况下时效期间不得超过从造成损害的事故生之日起六年。    However, in no case shall the limitation period exceed six years, counting from the day on which the accident causing the pollution occurred.
但不得收购非保税区企业生产的货物出口,亦不得代理非保税区企业进口货物。    However, it may not purchase goods manufactured by enterprises in the non-bonded area; nor may it act as an agent for enterprises in the non-bonded area to import goods.
此类条款的无效,不影响该合同和提单或者他运输单证中其他条款的效力。    However, such nullity and voidness shall not affect the validity of other provisions of the contract or the bill of lading or other similar documents.
但是,此项合同不得影响多式联运经营人对全程运输所承担的责任。    However, such separate contracts shall not affect the responsibility of the multimodal transport operator with respect to the entire transport.
但是,承运人应当证明业已履行托运人关于运输活动物特别要求,并证明根据实际情况,灭失或者损害是由于此种固有的特殊风险造成的。    However, the carrier shall be bound to prove that he has fulfilled the special requirements of the shipper with regard to the carriage of the live animals and that under the circumstances of the sea carriage, the loss or damage has occurred due to the special risks inherent therein.
但是,承运人对其他原因造成的灭失、损坏或者迟延交付应当负举证责任。    however, the carrier shall bear the burden of proof with respect to the loss, damage or delay in delivery resulting from the other cause.
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