(二)信件:指信函和明信片。 (2) mail: referring to letters and postcards.(三)设立海事赔偿责任限制基金事项; (3) matters for which the limitation fund for maritime claims liability is to be constituted;(三)救助方的救助成效; (3) Measure of success obtained by the salvors;(四)办理债权登记事项; (4) matters concerning the undertaking of registration of the creditors' rights;(四)民用航空器抵押权。 (4) Mortgage of the civil aircraft.(六)谎报险情,制造混乱; (6) Making a false report on dangerous situation and creating confusion;用户交寄的信件必须符合准寄内容的规定,必要时邮政企业及其分支机构有权要求用户取出进行验视。 Mail handed in or posted by users must be in line with the stipulations concerning the content allowed to be posted; postal enterprises and their branch offices have the right to request users to take out the contents for examination, when necessary.无法投递又无法退回的信件,在国务院邮政主管部门规定的期限内无人认领的,由地区邮政管理机构负责销毁。 Mail that is both undeliverable and unreturnable, and unclaimed within the time limit stipulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council, shall be destroyed on the authority of regional administrative organs of postal services.公路经营者、使用者和其他有关单位、个人,应当接受公路监督检查人员依法实施的监督检查,并为其提供方便。 Managers and users of highways and other related units or individuals should accept the supervision and checking by road supervisory and checking personnel and provide them with conveniences.申请书应当载明海事请求事项、申请理由、保全的标的物以及要求提供担保的数额,并附有关证据。 Maritime claims, application reasons, objects subjected to preservation and amounts for guaranty shall be stated in applications.中华人民共和国海商法 Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国海上交通安全法 Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China民用航空器权利登记事项,可以供公众查询、复制或者摘录。 Matters registered concerning the rights of civil aircraft may be made available to the public for inquiry, reproduction or extraction.中华人民共和国海关对进出上海外高桥保税区货物、运输工具和个人携带物品的管理办法 MEASURES OF THE CUSTOMS OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA CONCER- NING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE GOODS, MEANS OF TRANSPORT, AND ARTICLES CARRIED BY INDIVIDUALS TO BE BROUGHT INTO OR OUT OF THE BONDED AREA OF OUTER GAOQIAO IN SHANGHAI调解必须遵循自愿、公平的原则,不得强迫。 Mediations must be carried out on the principles of voluntariness and impartiality and no coercion shall be allowed.外国籍军用船舶,未经中华人民共和国政府批准,不得进入中华人民共和国领海。 Military vessels of foreign nationality may not enter the territorial waters of the People's Republic of China without the approval of the Government of the People's Republic of China.前款规定的公路收费权出让的最低成交价,以国有资产评估机构评估的价值为依据确定。 Minimum prices for the transfer of toll collection right prescribed in the preceding paragraph should be determined on the basis of the value appraised by State property appraisal organizations.二○○八年六月二十三日 Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China语际翻译 版权所有
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