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(一)未按规定的时间向港务监督报告事故或提交《海上交通事故报告书》或本条例第三十二条要求的判决书、裁决书、调解书的副本的;    (1) Failing to report the accident to the harbour superintendency administration or submit the Report Concerning Maritime Traffic Accident or duplicate copies of the documents of court verdict, arbitration award or mediation document as stipulated in Article 32 of these Regulations within the time limit;
(一)在执行飞行任务时,不按照本法第四十一条的规定携带执照和体格检查合格证书的;    (1) Failure to carry on his person licence and physical examination certificate in performing a flight mission as required by the provisions of Article 41 of this Law;
(一)拖轮船长、船员、引航员或者承拖方的其他受雇人、代理人在驾驶拖轮或者管理拖轮中的过失;    (1) Fault of the Master or other crew members of the tug or the pilot or other servants or agents of the tugowner in the navigation and management of the tug:
(一)船长、船员、引航员或者承运人的其他受雇人在驾驶船舶或者管理船舶中的过失;    (1) Fault of the Master, crew members, pilot or servant of the carrier in the navigation or management of the ship;
(一)枪支、弹药、军械、警械;    (1) Firearms, ammunition, weapons, police arms;
(一)空勤人员,包括驾驶员、领航员、飞行机械人员、飞行通信员、乘务员;    (1) Flight personnel, including pilots, navigators, flight engineers, flight radio operators and cabin attendants; and
(一)旅客人身伤亡的,每名旅客不超过46666计算单位;    (1) For death of or personal injury to the passenger: not exceeding 46,666 Units of Account per passenger;
(一)挂号信件,按照国务院邮政主管部门规定的金额赔偿。    (1) For registered mail, compensation shall be made according to standard amounts formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council.
(一)不可抗力。    (1) Force majeure.
(一)与中方打捞人签订共同打捞合同,依照合同规定的双方权利和义务,实施打捞活动;    (1) Foreign businesses can conclude with the Chinese party a joint salvage contract which stipulates their mutual rights and obligations in their salvage operations;
(一)外商,是指外国的企业或者其他经济组织或者个人。    (1) Foreign businesses refer to foreign enterprises, other economic organizations or individuals.
(二)申请的事实和理由;    (2) facts of and reasons for the application;
(二)未按港务监督要求驶往指定地点,或在未出现危及船舶安全的情况下未经港务监督同意擅自驶离指定的地点的;    (2) Failing to sail to the spot designated by the harbour superintendency administration or leaving the designated spot without the permission of the harbour superintendency administration when nothing is endangering the vessel (s);
(二)货物的自然损耗、本身的缺陷和自然特性;    (2) Fair wear and tear, inherent vice or nature of the cargo;
(二)拖轮在海上救助或者企图救助人命或者财产时的过失。    (2) Fault of the tug in saving or attempting to save life or property at sea.
(二)火灾,但是由于承运人本人的过失所造成的除外;    (2) Fire, unless caused by the actual fault of the carrier;
(二)保价邮件,丢失或者全部损毁的,按照保价额赔偿;内件短少或者部分损毁的,按照保价额同邮件全部价值的比例对邮件实际损失予以赔偿。    (2) For insured postal materials which are lost or totally damaged or destroyed, compensation shall be made according to the insurance coverage. For missing contents or partial damage or destruction of insured postal materials, compensation shall be made according to the actual losses of the postal materials, based on the ratio between the insurance coverage and the whole value of the postal materials.
(二)旅客自带行李灭失或者损坏的,每名旅客不超过833计算单位;    (2) For loss of or damage to the passengers' cabin luggage: not exceeding 833 Units of Account per passenger;
(二)与中方打捞人成立中外合作打捞企业,实施打捞活动。    (2) Foreign businesses can set up with the Chinese party a Chinese-foreign cooperative salvage enterprise.
(三)违反本条例第十八条的规定,承运人办理承运手续时,不核对乘机人和行李的;    (3) Fail to check the persons to fly in the aircraft and baggage by the carrier in performing the formalities for transportation in violation of the provisions of Article 18;
(三)托运人、收货人或者旅客的过错。    (3) Fault on the part of the shipper, consignee or passenger concerned.
(三)打架、酗酒、寻衅滋事;    (3) Fight, get drunk, or pick a quarrel and make trouble;
三、罚款。    (3) fines.
(三)火灾或爆炸;    (3) Fire or explosion;
(三)旅客车辆包括该车辆所载行李灭失或者损坏的,每一车辆不超过3333计算单位;    (3) For loss of or damage to the passengers' vehicles including the luggage carried therein: not exceeding 3,333 Units of Account per vehicle;
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