(三)非保价邮包,按照邮包实际损失价值赔偿,但是最高不超过国务院邮政主管部门规定的限额。 (3) For uninsured postal parcels, compensation shall be made according to the actual damages due to loss of such postal parcels, but the maximum compensation shall not exceed the amount formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council.(三)天灾,海上或者其他可航水域的危险或者意外事故; (3) Force majeure and perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters;(四)本款第(二)、(三)项以外的旅客其他行李灭失或者损坏的,每名旅客不超过1200计算单位。 (4) For loss of or damage to luggage other than those described in subparagraphs (2) and (3) above: not exceeding 1,200 Units of Account per passenger.(四)其他给据邮件,按照国务院邮政主管部门规定的办法赔偿或者采取补救措施。 (4) For other types of vouchered postal materials, compensation shall be made or remedial measures taken according to the measures provided for by the competent department of postal services under the State Council.(五)违反本条例第二十条、第二十一条、第三十条第一款、第三十一条的规定,对收运、装入航空器的物品不采取安全措施的。 (5) Fail to take security measures for the articles accepted for transportation and to be loaded into the aircraft in violation of the provisions of Article 20, Article 21, item 1 of Article 30 and Article 31.(五)与起浮、清除、回收或者摧毁沉船、残骸、搁浅船、被弃船或者使其无害有关的费用,包括与起浮、清除、回收或者摧毁仍在或者曾在该船上的物件或者使其无害的费用,以及与维护放弃的船舶和维持其船员有关的费用; (5) fees relating to floating, elimination, recycling and destruction of sunken ships, shipwreck, stranded objects, abandoned ships or making them harmless, including fees relating to floating, elimination, recycling and destruction of the objects which still are or were abroad such ships or making them harmless, and fees relating to maintenance of abandoned ships and suppurating the crew members;(五)强行登、占航空器; (5) Forcibly boarding or occupying an aircraft;(六)企业的正式中、英文名称,企业简介(包括成立时间、机队规模、航线网络等),总部及在中华人民共和国境内的联系人及其地址、电话、传真、电子邮件地址,国际民航组织为该公司指定的三字代码和国际航空运输协会为该公司指定的两字代码; (6) Formal Chinese or English name, brief introduction (including date of establishment, scale of airplanes, flight network, etc.) of the enterprise, head office, contact person in china, his address, telephone, facsimile and email address, three-character code assigned by international civil aviation organization, and two-character code assigned by international air transport association;外航对其所提交的全部申请材料的真实性负责。 ??? Foreign airlines are responsible for validity of all submitted application materials.除承运人有欺诈行为外,旅客或者收货人未在本条第二款规定的期间内提出异议的,不能向承运人提出索赔诉讼。 Failing complaint within the periods provided in paragraph 2 of this Article, the passenger or consignee shall be deprived of the right to claim compensation from the carrier, save in the case of fraud on the part of the carrier.协商不成的,可以提请受理争议法院判决或者经各方协议提请仲裁机构裁决。 failing such agreement, the matter may be brought before the court hearing the case for judgment, or, upon the agreement of the parties, submitted to the arbitration organization for an award.原船舶所有人不办理船舶所有权注销登记的,不影响船舶所有权的转让。 Failure to undergo formalities for cancellation of registration of the ship's ownership by the original shipowner shall not affect the transfer of the ship's ownership.航路上影响飞行安全的人工障碍物体,应当设置飞行障碍灯和标志,并使其保持正常状态。 flight obstacle lights and marks shall be installed on man-made obstacles that affect flight safety on air route and shall be kept in normal condition.空勤人员和空中交通管制员在取得执照前,还应当接受国务院民用航空主管部门认可的体格检查单位的检查,并取得国务院民用航空主管部门颁发的体格检查合格证书。 Flight personnel and air traffic controllers shall, before obtaining licences, also be subject to the check of the physical examination unit approved by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council, and obtain the physical examination certificate issued by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.空勤人员还应当参加定期的紧急程序训练。 Flight personnel shall also take part in periodical training of emergency procedures.空勤人员间断飞行的时间超过国务院民用航空主管部门规定时限的,应当经过检查和考核;乘务员以外的空勤人员还应当经过带飞。 Flight personnel who have exceeded the time limit of interruption in flight prescribed by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall be subject to inspection and examination; with the exception of cabin attendants, flight personnel shall also go through instruction flight.对超出《限量表》第四、五项免税量的物品,经海关核准,限一件征税放行。 For articles beyond the limit of duty exemption as prescribed in Items 4 and 5 of the Table of Limits, clearance shall be given to only one article upon examination and approval by the Customs.携带的《限量表》第四、五项物品,每一公历年度内首次进境,准予任选其中一件征税放行。 For articles in Items 4 and 5 of the Table of Limits, clearance shall be given to only one article chosen from among them after duty payment if Chinese citizens enter China for the first time in each Gregorian-calendar year.对不宜长期保存的物品,可以按照国务院铁路主管部门的规定缩短处理期限。 For articles which are not suitable for storage over a long period of time, the deadline for their disposal may be shortened in accordance with relevant provisions set down by the competent department in charge of railways under the State Council.对无法保管、不易保管或者保管费用可能超过其价值的物品,海事请求人可以申请提前拍卖。 For articles which cannot be stored, or are difficult to be stored, or the storage expense may exceed their value, the maritime claimant may apply for auction in advance.对公路造成较大损害的车辆,必须立即停车,保护现场,报告公路管理机构,接受公路管理机构的调查、处理后方得驶离。 For cases of fairly serious damages to roads, the vehicles concerned must be stopped running with strives undertaken to protect the site and report to the highway administrative organizations and the vehicles involved can only be removed after checking and settlement of the matter by related highway administrative organizations.损毁公路或者擅自移动公路标志,可能影响交通安全,尚不够刑事处罚的,依照治安管理处罚条例第二十条的规定处罚。 For cases that have damaged roads or moved road marks without authorization to a possible effect to traffic safety but not eligible for criminal punishments, the provisions of Article 20 of the Regulation on the Administration and Penalty Concerning Public Security shall apply.拒绝、阻碍公路监督检查人员依法执行职务未使用暴力、威胁方法的,依照治安管理处罚条例第十九条的规定处罚。 For cases that have refused or intruded the work of road supervisory and checking personnel but without the use of force or threat, the provisions of Article 19 of the Regulations on the Administration and Penalty Concerning Public Security shall apply.3001吨至30000吨的部分,每吨增加333计算单位; For each ton from 3,001 to 30,000 tons: 333 Units of Account;30001吨至70000吨的部分,每吨增加125计算单位; For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons: 125 Units of Account;