(一)损害发生在保险或者担保终止有效后;然而保险或者担保在飞行中期满的,该项保险或者担保在飞行计划中所载下一次降落前继续有效,但是不得超过二十四小时; (1) That the damage occurred after the insurance or guarantee ceased to be effective. However, if the insurance or guarantee expires during a flight, it should be continued in force until the next landing specified in the flight plan, but no longer than twenty-four hours; and(一)船舶共同海损牺牲的金额,按照实际支付的修理费,减除合理的以新换旧的扣减额计算。 (1) The amount of sacrifice of the ship shall be calculated on the basis of the repair cost of the ship actually paid, from which any reasonable deduction in respect of ""new for old"" being made.(一)有与所从事的通用航空活动相适应,符合保证飞行安全要求的民用航空器; (1) The availability of civil aircraft suitable to the general aviation activities to be operated and conforming to the requirements of ensuring flight safety;(一)中华人民共和国国家机构的民用航空器; (1) The civil aircraft of a State organ of the People's Republic of China;(一)请求人有具体的海事请求; (1) The claimant has a specific maritime claim;(一)请求人是海事请求的当事人; (1) The claimant is the party to the maritime claim;(一)修建可能在空中排放大量烟雾、粉尘、火焰、废气而影响飞行安全的建筑物或者设施; (1) The construction of buildings or facilities that will possibly affect flight safety by emitting large amount of smoke, dust, flames and waste gas in the air;(一)合同在不正当的或者危险情况的影响下订立,合同条款显失公平的; (1) The contract has been entered into under undue influence or the influence of danger and its terms are obviously inequitable;(一)船舶共同海损分摊价值,按照船舶在航程终止时的完好价值,减除不属于共同海损的损失金额计算,或者按照船舶在航程终止时的实际价值,加上共同海损牺牲的金额计算。 (1) The contributory value of the ship shall be calculated on the basis of the sound value of the ship at the place where the voyage ends, from which any damage that does not come under general average sacrifice being deducted; alternately, the actual value of the ship at the place where the voyage ends, plus the amount of general average sacrifice.(一)债权人、债务人已经就此项债权的金额达成协议; (1) The creditor and debtor have reached agreement on the amount of the said obligatory rights; or(一)对飞行中的民用航空器或者对该航空器上的人或者物造成的损害; (1) The damage caused to a civil aircraft in flight, or to persons or cargo on board such aircraft;(一)船舶营运造成的财产灭失或者损坏; (1) the destruction of or damage to the property occurred in the operation of the ship;(一)船舶的保险价值,是保险责任开始时船舶的价值,包括船壳、机器、设备的价值,以及船上燃料、物料、索具、给养、淡水的价值和保险费的总和; (1) The insurable value of the ship shall be the value of the ship at the time when the insurance liability commences, being the total value of the ship's hull, machinery, equipment, fuel, stores, gear, provisions and fresh water on board as well as the insurance premium;(一)对每名旅客的赔偿责任限额为16600计算单位;但是,旅客可以同承运人书面约定高于本项规定的赔偿责任限额。 (1) The liability of the carrier for each passenger is limited to the sum of 16600 units of account. Nevertheless, the passenger may agree with the carrier in writing to a limit of liability higher than that prescribed by this sub-paragraph;(一)建设保税区内基础设施所需进口的机器、设备和其他基建物资,予以免税。 (1) the machinery, equipment, and other goods and materials for capital construction needed for the construction of basic installations and facilities in the bonded area shall be exempted from duty;(一)具有船舶优先权的海事请求,自优先权产生之日起满一年不行使; (1) The maritime claim attached by a maritime lien has not been enforced within one year of the existence of such maritime lien;(一)所有者的名称、国籍、住所; (1) the name, nationality, and residence of the owner;(一)托运行李的件数和重量; (1) The number of packages and weight of the baggage; and(一)民用航空器所有权; (1) The ownership of the civil aircraft;(一)机长违反本法第四十五条第一款的规定,未对民用航空器实施检查而起飞的; (1) The pilot-in-command, in violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 45 of this Law, takes off without carrying out an inspection of the civil aircraft; or(一)出发地点和目的地点; (1) The place of departure and of destination;(一)出发地点和目的地点; (1) The place of departure and of destination;(一)海底电缆、管道的用途、使用材料及其特性; (1) the purposes of laying the submarine cables and pipelines, the materials to be used and their properties;(一)正常履行拖航合同或者其他服务合同的义务进行救助的,但是提供不属于履行上述义务的特殊劳务除外; (1) The salvage operation is carried out as a duty to normally perform a towage contract or other service contract, with the exception, however, of providing special services beyond the performance of the above said duty.(一)经国务院邮政主管部门公告已经停止使用的; (1) those which the competent department of postal services under the State Council has announced as withdrawn from usage;