

“候机隔离区”,是指根据安全需要在候机楼(室)内划定的供已经安全检查的出港旅客等待登机的区域及登机通道、摆渡车。    ""Departure sterile area"" refers to the area defined in a terminal building (lounge) according to the requirement of safety, in which departing passengers who have gone through security inspection wait to board the aircraft, as well as boarding passage and ferry vehicle.
(一)航行迟延、交货迟延或者行市变化;    (1) Delay in the voyage or in the delivery of cargo or change of market price;
(一)货物的品名、标志、包数或者件数、重量或者体积,以及运输危险货物时对危险性质的说明;    (1) Description of the goods, mark, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity, and a statement, if applicable, as to the dangerous nature of the goods;
(一) 租船合同、多式联运合同或者提单、运单等运输单证所涉及的海上货物运输、水上货物运输、旅客运输争议;    (1) Disputes arising from charter party, contract of multi-model transport, bill of lading, waybill or any other transport documents in connection with carriage of goods by sea or waters, or carriage of passengers;
(二)承运人或者其受雇人、代理人以外的人包装货物的,货物包装不良;    (2) Defective packing of that cargo performed by a person other than the carrier or his servants or agents;
(二)要求被调查人员提供书面材料和证明;    (2) Demand written material and testimonial from the persons under investigation;
(二) 船舶、其他海上移动式装置的买卖、建造、修理、租赁、融资、拖带、碰撞、救助、打捞,或集装箱的买卖、建造、租赁、融资等业务所发生的争议;    (2) Disputes arising from sale, construction, repair, chartering, financing, towage, collision, salvage or raising of ships or other offshore mobile units, or from sale, construction, chartering, financing and other relative business of containers;
(二)国内报刊发行;    (2) distributing domestic newspapers and periodicals;
(二)在航空器飞行中,对扰乱航空器内秩序,干扰机组人员正常工作而不听劝阻的人,采取必要的管束措施;    (2) During the flight he may take necessary measures of restraint against a person who disturbs the order in the aircraft, interferes with the normal work of crew members and disregards any warning;
(三)要求有关当事人提供航海日志、轮机日志、车钟记录、报务日志、航向记录、海图、船舶资料、航行设备仪器的性能以及其他必要的原始文书资料;    (3) Demand the parties involved to provide logbooks, engine room logs, wheel-bell records, radio operation logs, course records, charts, data of the vessel, functions of the navigation equipment and instruments and other necessary original papers and materials;
(三) 海上保险、共同海损及船舶保赔业务所发生的争议;    (3) Disputes arising from marine insurance, general average or ship's protection and indemnity;
(三)在航空器飞行中,对劫持、破坏航空器或者其他危及安全的行为,采取必要的措施;    (3) During the flight he may take necessary measures against the seizure or destruction of the aircraft or any other acts harmful to aviation safety;
(四) 船上物料及燃油供应、担保争议,船舶代理、船员劳务、港口作业所发生的争议;    (4) Disputes arising from supply or security of ship's stores or fuel, ship's agency, seamen's labor service or port's handling;
(四)在航空器飞行中遇到特殊情况时,对航空器的处置作最后决定。    (4) During the flight he can make the final decision regarding the disposal of the aircraft in case of extraordinary circumstances.
(五)在航行中发生影响适航性能的机件或重要属具的损坏或灭失;    (5) Damage or loss of machinery parts or important tools during a voyage which affects the vessel's seaworthiness;
(五) 海洋资源开发利用、海洋环境污染所发生的争议;    (5) Disputes arising from exploitation and utilization of marine resources or pollution damage to marine environment;
(六)损害情况(附船舶、设施受损部位简图。难以在规定时间内查清的,应于检验后补报);    (6) Degree of the damage (A sketch showing the damaged parts of the vessel or installation shall be attached. If it is difficult to make a thorough investigation within the set time limit, a report shall be submitted at a later date after the examination.)
(六) 货运代理,无船承运,公路、铁路、航空运输,集装箱的运输、拼箱和拆箱,快递,仓储,加工,配送,仓储分拨,物流信息管理,运输工具、搬运装卸工具、仓储设施、物流中心、配送中心的建造、买卖或租赁,物流方案设计与咨询,与物流有关的保险,与物流有关的侵权争议,以及其它与物流有关的争议;    (6) Disputes arising from freight forwarding, non-vessel operating common carriage, transport by highway, railway or airway, transport, consolidation and devanning of containers, express delivery, storing, processing, distributing, warehouse distributing, logistics information management, or from construction, sale and leasing of tools of transport, tools of carrying and handling, storage facilities, or from logistics center and distribution center, logistics project planning and consulting, insurance related to logistics, tort or others related to logistics;
(七) 渔业生产、捕捞等所发生的争议;    (7) Disputes arising from fishery production or fishing; and
(七)保险期间;    (7) Duration of insurance coverage;
(九)提单的签发日期、地点和份数;    (9) Date and place of issue of the bill of lading and the number of originals issued;
4.申请人的请求及所依据的事实和证据。    (d) The Claimant's claim along with underlying facts and evidence.
(一)扰乱机关、团体、企业、事业单位的秩序,致使工作、生产、营业、医疗、教学、科研不能正常进行,尚未造成严重损失的;……    1. Disrupt the order of government institutions, people's organizations, enterprises and other institutions, causing work, production, operation, medical treatment, teaching and research unable to proceed normally but have not caused serious damages;
????(四)违反本法第四十八条规定,铁轮车、履带车和其他可能损害路面的机具擅自在公路上行驶的;    4. Driving iron-wheel carts, caterpillar vehicles and other machinery that might damage road surfaces on the road without authorization in violation of the provisions of Article 48 of this law;
????(五)违反本法第五十条规定,车辆超限使用汽车渡船或者在公路上擅自超限行驶的;    5. Driving overloaded vehicles or auto ferry or driving vehicles exceeding limits set in violation of the provisions of Article 50 of this law; and
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