- 中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- ????(六)违反本法第五十二条、第五十六条规定,损坏、移动、涂改公路附属设施或者损坏、挪动建筑控制区的标桩、界桩,可能危及公路安全的。 6. Damaging, moving or altering road ancillary facilities or damaging or moving signs or boundary markers of building control areas of roads to threaten the road safety in violation of the provisions of Article 52 and Article 56 of this law.
- ?? (八)在铁路、公路、水域航道、堤坝上,挖掘坑穴,放置障碍物,损毁、移动指示标志,可能影响交通运输安全,尚不够刑事处罚的。 8. Dig holes, place obstructions on railways, waterway, navigation channels or dikes or dams, damage or move indicative marks likely to affect traffic safety but not eligible for criminal punishment.
- (四)该企业委任常驻代表机构人员的授权书和人员的简历及照片(二张)。 d. Letters from the enterprise appointing the office bearers of the permanent representative office and their resumes and photos (two copies).
- (四)私自会见当事人、代理人,或者接受当事人、代理人的请客送礼的。 d. The arbitrator has met the party or the attorney privately, or accepted invitation or gifts from the party or the attorney.
- 对危险物品和规定限制运输的物品,应当移交公安机关或者有关部门处理,不得自行变卖。 Dangerous goods and articles the transport of which is restricted according to relevant regulations shall be handed over to the public security authority or department concerned for disposition and shall not be sold off by the railway transport enterprise itself.
- 中国民用航空局令 第 192 号 Decree of Civil Aviation Administration of China No. 192
- 县级以上地方人民政府交通主管部门应当认真履行职责,依法做好公路保护工作,并努力采用科学的管理方法和先进的技术手段,提高公路管理水平,逐步完善公路服务设施,保障公路的完好、安全和畅通。 Departments in charge of transportation of local people's governments above the county level should conscientiously work to protect highway according to law and strive to improve road management by employing scientific methods and advanced technologies, gradually raise level of facilities used by the road in services and ensure good conditions, safety, and good traffic of the roads.
- 外交信使及其随身携带的其他物品应当接受安全检查;但是,中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约另有规定的除外。 Diplomatic couriers and other articles brought along by them shall be subject to security inspection, except those otherwise provided in international treaties concluded or participated in by the People's Republic of China.
- 局长李家祥 Director Li Jiaxiang
- 无法投递又无法退回的其他邮件的处理办法,由国务院邮政主管部门规定。 Disposal measures for other undeliverable and unreturnable postal materials shall be formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council.
- 期期间,承租人应当按照合同约定的租金率支付租金;市场的租金率高于合同约定的租金率的,承租人应当按照市场租金率支付租金。 During the extended period, the charterer shall pay the hire at the rate fixed by the charter, and, if the current market rate of hire is higher than that specified in the charter, the charterer shall pay the hire at the current market rate.
- 港务监督在调查中,可以使用录音、照相、录像等设备,并可采取法律允许的其他调查手段 。 During the investigation, the harbour superintendency administration may use recording, photographing and video equipment and may resort to other means of investigation permitted by law.
- 在承运人的责任期间,货物发生灭失或者损坏,除本节另有规定外,承运人应当负赔偿责任。 During the period the carrier is in charge of the goods, the carrier shall be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods, except as otherwise provided for in this Section.
- 在仲裁过程中,仲裁庭认为必要时可以发布程序令、发出问题单、举行庭前会议、召开预备庭、制作审理范围书等。 During the process of arbitration proceedings, the arbitration tribunal may issue procedural orders, send out questionnaires, hold meetings before hearing, convene preliminary hearings, draw up Terms of Reference, etc..
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