

(一)“船舶”,是指本法第三条所称的船舶和与其发生救助关系的任何其他非用于军事的或者政府公务的船艇。    (1) ""Ship"" means any ship referred to in Article 3 of this Code and any other non-military, public service ship or craft that has been involved in a salvage operation therewith;
(一)倒卖购票证件、客票和航空运输企业的有效订座凭证;    (1) Scalp the certificate for purchasing ticket, passenger ticket and the effective reservation certificate of air transport enterprise;
(一)船舶;    (1) Ship;
(一)在禁烟区吸烟;    (1) Smoke in no smoking area;
(一)提交仲裁申请书,仲裁申请书应写明:    (1) Submit an Application for Arbitration which shall specify:
(一)在中华人民共和国内海或者领海内捞获的沉船沉物,属中华人民共和国所有,外商根据共同打捞合同或者中外合作打捞企业合同的规定,从捞获物或者其折价中取得收益;    (1) Sunken ships and sunken articles raised in PRC inland sea or territorial sea belong to PRC, and foreign businesses will share the benefits from the retrieved objects or their value in price in accordance with relevant stipulations in the joint salvage or cooperative salvage enterprise contracts.
(十)救助设备的备用状况、效能和设备的价值。    (10) State of readiness and efficiency of the salvors' equipment and the value thereof.
(十一)承运人或者其代表的签字。    (11) Signature of the carrier or of a person acting on his behalf.
(十三)船舶的建造、改建、修理、改装或者装备;    (13) ship building, rebuilding, repair, refitting or fitting;
(十七)船舶所有人或者光船承租人应当支付或者他人为其支付的船舶保险费(包括互保会费);    (17) ship's insurance premium (including mutual insurance membership fee) paid by a shipowner or bareboat charterer, or paid on his behalf;
(二)违反本条例第十七条的规定,出售客票的;    (2) Sell passenger ticket in violation of the provisions of Article 17;
(二)救助方在防止或者减少环境污染损害方面的技能和努力;    (2) Skill and efforts of the salvors in preventing or minimizing the pollution damage to the environment;
(二)在中华人民共和国内海、领海外属中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域内捞获的沉船沉物,由参与打捞的中外双方按照合同规定的比例对捞获物或者其折价进行分成。    (2) Sunken ships and sunken articles retrieved from sea areas under PRC jurisdiction outside its inland or territorial sea, their value in price will be shared by the Chinese and foreign salvage operators in proportions as stipulated in the contract.
(三)“托运人”,是指:    (3) ""Shipper"" means:
(三)海难救助;    (3) salvage payment;
(三)在合理需要的情况下,寻求其他救助方援助;    (3) Seek the assistance of other salvors where reasonably necessary;
(三)保险标的;    (3) Subject matter insured;
(三)沉船沉物,是指沉没于中国沿海水域水面以下或者淤埋海底泥面以下的各类船舶和器物,包括沉船沉物的主体及其设备、所载的全部货物或者其他物品。    (3) Sunken ships and sunken articles refer to all kinds of ships and articles, including their main bodies and equipment, all goods and other articles on board, that have sunken under surface of China's coastal waters or buried under mud on the seabed.
(四)打捞作业,是指根据共同打捞合同或者中外合作打捞企业合同,对沉船沉物进行的各种施工活动,包括扫测探摸、实施打捞及相关的活动。    (4) Salvage operations refer to the engineering operations on the sunken ships and sunken articles, including scanning, measuring, surveying and probing as well as actual lifting and related activities, carried out in accordance with the joint salvage contract or the contract for the Chinese-foreign cooperative salvage enterprise.
(四)沉没;    (4) Sinking;
(四)从邮资信封、邮资明信片、邮资邮简上剪下的邮票图案。    (4) stamp patterns cut off from stamped envelopes, stamped postcards and stamped aerogrammes.
(四)盗窃、故意损坏或者擅自移动救生物品和设备;    (4) Steal, damage deliberately or move without authorization lifesaving articles or appliances;
(五)打捞作业者,是指具体实施打捞作业的单位或者个人。    (5) Salvage operators refer to the agencies or individuals actually engaged in salvage operations.
(五)救助方在救助船舶、其他财产和人命方面的技能和努力;    (5) Skill and efforts of the salvors in salving the ship, other property and life;
(六)邮政专用品:指邮政日戳、邮政夹钳和邮袋。    (6) special postal articles: referring to postal date-marks, postal tongs for lead sealing and postal bags.
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