“设施”是指水上水下各种固定或浮动建筑、装置和固定平台。 "" Installations "" means all types of surface and underwater structures or installations, whether fixed or floating, and fixed platforms.一、违反中华人民共和国有关的法律、行政法规或规章; (1) if it violates any law, administrative statute or other rule or regulation of the People's Republic of China;(一)船舶、设施在港区水域内发生海上交通事故,必须在事故发生后 24小时内向当地港务监督提交。 (1) If maritime traffic accidents happen to vessels or installations within the waters of the harbour areas, it is necessary to submit a report and other material to the local harbour superintendency administration within 24 hours after the accidents.一、助航标志或导航设施变异、失常; (1) if navigation aids or navigational facilities malfunction or become abnormal;(一)关于人身伤亡的赔偿请求 (1) In respect of claims for loss of life or personal injury:(一)货物本身的自然属性、质量或者缺陷; (1) Inherent defect, quality or vice of that cargo;(一)具备与其运营业务相适应的飞行区、航站区、工作区以及服务设施和人员; (1) It has available a movement area, a terminal area, a working area and service facilities and personnel corresponding to its operation;(一)设有机场控制区并配备专职警卫人员; (1) It has established an airport controlled area and is provided with full-time security personnel;(一)有符合国家规定的适应保证飞行安全要求的民用航空器; (1) It has the civil aircraft conforming to the requirements of ensuring flight safety as stipulated by the State;(一)飞行安全所必需的; (1) It is indispensable for flight safety; or(一)起飞、降落或者指定的航路所必需的; (1) It is necessary for takeoff, landing or specified air route;(十)货物包装不良或者标志欠缺、不清; (10) Inadequacy of packing or insufficiency or illegibility of marks;(二)需要声明托运行李在目的地点交付时的利益的,注明声明金额。 (2) If a declaration of interest in delivery at destination of the checked baggage is required, indicate the sum of declared interest.二、有妨碍航行安全的障碍物、漂流物; (2) if an obstacle or drifting object jeopardizing the safety of navigation is discovered; or二、处于不适航或不适拖状态; (2) if it is in a condition unsuitable for navigation or towing;(二)船舶、设施在港区水域以外的沿海水域发生海上交通事故,船舶必须在到达中华人民共和国的第一个港口后48小时内向港务监督提交;设施必须在事故发生后48小时内用电报向就近港口的港务监督报告《海上交通事故报告书》要求的内容。 (2) If maritime traffic accidents happen to vessels or installations in the coastal waters beyond the waters of harbour areas, it is necessary to submit a report and other material within 48 hours after the vessels arrive at the first harbour in the People's Republic of China of the harbour superintendency administration; in the cases of installations, it is necessary to report by telegram, the content of which shall cover all the items required in the Report Concerning Maritime Traffic Accidents to the harbour superintendent at the nearest harbour within 48 hours after the accidents.(二)出发地点和目的地点均在中华人民共和国境内,而在境外有一个或者数个约定的经停地点的,至少注明一个经停地点; (2) If the places of departure and destination are within the territory of the People's Republic of China, one or more agreed stopping places being outside such territory, an indication of at least one such stopping place; and(二)出发地点和目的地点均在中华人民共和国境内,而在境外有一个或者数个约定的经停地点的,至少注明一个经停地点; (2) If the places of departure and destination are within the territory of the People's Republic of China, one or more agreed stopping places being outside the said territory, an indication of at least one such stopping place; and(二)严格实行有关民用航空安全保卫的措施; (2) Implement strictly the civil aviation security measures concerned;(二)关于非人身伤亡的赔偿请求 (2) In respect of claims other than that for loss of life or personal injury:(二)未按保价运输承运的,按照实际损失赔偿,但最高不超过国务院铁路主管部门规定的赔偿限额;如果损失是由于铁路运输企业的故意或者重大过失造成的,不适用赔偿限额的规定,按照实际损失赔偿。 (2) Indemnity for goods conveyed not in the manner of insured transport of valued articles shall be on a par with the actual loss but not exceeding the liability limit laid down by the competent department in charge of railways under the State Council. If the loss is caused by deliberate action or grave fault on the part of the railway transport enterprise, the above-stated liability limit shall not apply but the indemnity shall be made in conformity with the actual loss.(二)具备能够保障飞行安全的空中交通管制、通信导航、气象等设施和人员; (2) It has available air traffic control, communication, navigation and meteorological facilities and personnel that can ensure flight safety;(二)设有符合标准的防护围栏和巡逻通道; (2) It has established protective fence and patrol passages up to standard;(二)有必需的依法取得执照的航空人员; (2) It has the necessary airmen who have been issued licences according to law;(二)执行救助任务或者符合社会公共利益的其他飞行任务所必需的。 (2) It is indispensable for performing a rescue mission or other flight missions conforming to the public interest of the society.