- 中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 本法第二十二条第一款第(一)、(二)、(三)、(五)项中有两个以上海事请求的,不分先后,同时受偿;不足受偿的,按照比例受偿。第(四)项中有两个以上海事请求的,后发生的先受偿。 In case there are more than two maritime claims under sub-paragraphs (1),(2),(3) or (5) of paragraph 1 of Article 22, they shall be satisfied at the same time regardless of their respective occurrences; where they could not be paid in full, they shall be paid in proportion. Should there be more than two maritime claims under subparagraph (4), those arising later shall be satisfied first.
- 没有违法所得的,处以十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款。 in case there is no unlawful earnings, a fine of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 1,000,000 yuan shall be imposed.
- 没有违法所得的,处以五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。 in case there is no unlawful earnings, a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan shall be imposed.
- 同一船舶设定两个以上抵押权的,抵押权人按照抵押权登记的先后顺序,从船舶拍卖所得价款中依次受偿。同日登记的抵押权,按照同一顺序受偿。 In case two or more mortgages are established, the mortgagees shall be paid out of the proceeds of the auction sale of the ship in the order of registration of their respective mortgages. The mortgages registered on the same date shall rank equally for payment.
- 不开庭审理的案件,对仲裁员的回避请求应在第一次实体答辩前以书面形式提出,但所主张之回避事由的发生或得知是在第一次实体答辩之后的,不在此限。 In cases without oral hearing, the challenge against an arbitrator must be put forward in writing no later than the first submission of written statement of substantive defense. If the grounds for the challenge comes out or are made known thereafter, the time of raising challenge is not subject to such restriction.
- 港务监督人员的执行调查任务时,应当向被调查人员出示证件。 In conducting investigations, the personnel of harbour superintendency administration shall produce their certificates to the persons being investigated.
- 设立海事赔偿责任限制基金可以提供现金,也可以提供经海事法院认可的担保。 In constituting a limitation fund for maritime claims liability, the applicant may provide cash, or provide guaranty approved by the maritime court.
- 船长决定将货物卸载的,应当及时通知托运人或者收货人,并考虑托运人或者收货人的利益。 In deciding the discharge of the goods, the Master shall inform the shipper or the consignee and shall take the interests of the shipper or the consignee into consideration.
- 确定救助费用应当考虑本法第一百八十条第一款第(八)、(九)、(十)项的规定。 In determining the salvor's expenses, the provisions of subparagraphs (8), (9) and (10) of paragraph 1 of Article 180 of this Code shall be taken into consideration.
- 在国内航空运输中,承运人载运托运行李而不出具行李票的,承运人无权援用本法第一百二十八条有关赔偿责任限制的规定。 In domestic air transport, if the carrier carries the checked baggage without a baggage check having been delivered, he shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Article 128 of this Law concerning the limit of liability.
- 在国内航空运输中,承运人同意旅客不经其出票而乘坐民用航空器的,承运人无权援用本法第一百二十八条有关赔偿责任限制的规定。 In domestic air transport, if, with the consent of the carrier, the passenger embarks on a civil aircraft without a passenger ticket having been delivered, the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Article 128 of this Law concerning the limit of liability.
- 实施前两款规定的查验、检查,应当避免不必要的延误。 In exercising the inspections prescribed in the two preceding paragraphs, undue delay shall be prevented.
- 保险人行使前款规定的权利,应当自收到被保险人有关赔偿损失的通知之日起的七日内通知被保险人; In exercising the right prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the insurer shall notify the insured thereof within seven days from the day of the receipt of the notice from the insured regarding the indemnity.
- 在国际航空运输中,承运人载运托运行李而不出具行李票的,或者行李票上未依照本法第一百一十条第(三)项的规定声明的,承运人无权援用本法第一百二十九条有关赔偿责任限制的规定。 In international air transport, if the carrier carries the checked baggage without a baggage check having been delivered, or if the baggage check does not include the notice required by sub-paragraph(3) of Article 110 of this Law, the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Article 129 of this Law concerning the limit of liability.
- 在国际航空运输中,承运人同意未经填具航空货运单而载运货物的,或者航空货运单上未依照本法第一百一十五条第(三)项的规定声明的,承运人无权援用本法第一百二十九条有关赔偿责任限制的规定。 In international air transport, if, with the consent of the carrier, cargo is carried without an air waybill having been made out, or if the air waybill does not include the notice required by sub-paragraph(3) of Article 115 of this Law, the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Article 129 of this Law concerning the limit of liability.
- 在国际航空运输中,承运人同意旅客不经其出票而乘坐民用航空器的,或者客票上未依照本法第一百一十条第(三)项的规定声明的,承运人无权援用本法第一百二十九条有关赔偿责任限制的规定。 In international air transport, if, with the consent of the carrier, the passenger embarks on a civil aircraft without a passenger ticket having been delivered, or if the ticket does not include the notice required by sub-paragraph(3) of Article 110 of this Law, the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Article 129 of this Law concerning the limit of liability.
- 公路监督检查人员执行公务,应当佩戴标志,持证上岗。 In performing their duties, road supervisory and checking personnel should wear signs and show certificates.
- 建造中的船舶办理抵押权登记,还应当向船舶登记机关提交船舶建造合同。 In registering the mortgage of a ship under construction, the building contract of the ship shall as well be submitted to the ship registration authorities.
- 中华人民共和国法律和中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约没有规定的,可以适用国际惯例。 In respect of cases which are not provided by the law of the People's Republic of China or by the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China, international practices may apply.
- 在没有相反证明时,此种授权被认为是存在的。 in the absence of a proof to the contrary, such authorization is deemed to be in existence.
- 没有协定、协议的,参照国际航空运输市场价格制定运价,报国务院民用航空主管部门批准后执行。 in the absence of any agreement, the tariff shall be formulated with reference to the market prices of international air transport, and shall be implemented after being approved by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.
- 就轻于空气的民用航空器而言,飞行中是指自其离开地面时起至其重新着地时止。 In the case of a civil aircraft lighter than air, the expression in flight relates to the period from the moment when it becomes detached from the surface until it becomes again attached thereto.
- 托运行李或者货物发生损失的,旅客或者收货人应当在发现损失后向承运人提出异议。托运行李发生损失的,至迟应当自收到托运行李之日起七日内提出;货物发生损失的,至迟应当自收到货物之日起十四日内提出。 In the case of damage to checked baggage or cargo, the passenger or consignee must complain to the carrier forthwith after the discovery of the damage, and at the latest, within seven days from the date of receipt in the case of checked baggage and fourteen days from the date of receipt in the case of cargo.
- 托运行李或者货物发生延误的,至迟应当自托运行李或者货物交付旅客或者收货人处置之日起二十一日内提出。 In the case of delay the complaint must be made at the latest within twenty-one days from the date on which the checked baggage or cargo have been placed at the disposition of the passenger or consignee.
- 托运行李或者货物的一部分或者托运行李、货物中的任何物件毁灭、遗失、损坏或者延误的,用以确定承运人赔偿责任限额的重量,仅为该一包件或者数包件的总重量; In the case of destruction, loss, damage or delay of a part of checked baggage or cargo, or of any object contained therein, the weight to be taken into consideration in determining the amount to which the carrier's liability is limited shall only be the total weight of the package or packages concerned.