- 中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 双方当事人约定由一名独任仲裁员审理案件,但在被申请人收到仲裁通知之日起15天内,以第二十六条中的方式未能就独任仲裁员的人选达成一致意见的,由仲裁委员会主任指定。 If both parties have agreed on a sole arbitrator to hear their case alone but have failed to agree on the choice of such a sole arbitrator within 15 days from the date of receipt by the Respondent of the Notice of Arbitration in the way provided in Article 26, the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall make the appointment.
- 托运人的指示不能执行的,承运人应当立即通知托运人。 If it is impossible to carry out the orders of the shipper, the carrier must so inform him forthwith.
- 经承运人证明,旅客的人身伤亡或者行李的灭失、损坏,是由于旅客本人的故意造成的,或者旅客的人身伤亡是由于旅客本人健康状况造成的,承运人不负赔偿责任。 If it is proved by the carrier that the death of or personal injury to the passenger or the loss of or damage to the passenger's luggage was intentionally caused by the passenger himself, or the death or personal injury was due to the health condition of his, the carrier shall not be liable therefor.
- 经证明,旅客的人身伤亡或者行李的灭失、损坏,是由于承运人的受雇人、代理人的故意或者明知可能造成损害而轻率地作为或者不作为造成的,承运人的受雇人、代理人不得援用本法第一百一十六条和第一百一十七条限制赔偿责任的规定。 If it is proved that the death of or personal injury to the passenger or the loss of or damage to the passenger's luggage resulted from an act or omission of the servant or agent of the carrier done with the intent to cause such loss or damage or recklessly and with knowledge that such death or personal injury or such loss or damage would probably result, the servant or agent of the carrier shall not invoke the provisions regarding the limitation of liability contained in Articles 116 and 117 of this Code.
- 保险人要求解除合同,应当将自合同解除之日起至保险期间届满之日止的保险费退还被保险人。 If it is the insurer who demands the termination of the contract, the unexpired premium from the day of the termination of the contract to the day of the expiration of the period of insurance shall be refunded to the insured.
- 如果事故在国外诉讼、仲裁或调解,船舶所有人或经营人应在诉讼 、仲裁或调解结束后60日内将判决书、裁决书或调解书的副本或影印件报船籍港的港务监 督备案。 If lawsuits, arbitrations of mediations concerning the accidents take place abroad, the owners or managers shall submit copies or photocopies of the court verdicts, awards or mediation documents to the harbour superintendent of the harbour where the vessels have registered for the record within 60 days after the termination of the lawsuits, arbitration or mediation.
- 查复期满无结果的,邮政企业应当先予赔偿或者采取补救措施。自赔偿之日起一年内,查明有本法第三十四条第(二)项和第(三)项情形之一的,邮政企业有权收回赔偿。 If no result is found within the time limit for responding to the inquiry, postal enterprises shall make compensation first or take remedial measures. Within a year counting from the date of making such compensation, if it is ascertained that the circumstance for which the compensation was made conforms with either item 2 or item 3 of Article 34 of this Law, the postal enterprises shall have the right to recall the compensation.
- 临时不能通行的,应当通过公安交通管理机关事先发布通告。 If passage must be suspended temporarily, public security and communications management agencies should be notified so that public notices can be issued in advance.
- 经批准的省道、县道、乡道公路规划需要修改的,由原编制机关提出修改方案,报原批准机关批准。 If plans of provincial roads, county roads and township roads already approved need revisions, the original organ of formulation shall put forward revision proposals and submit them to the original organ of approval for approval.
- 确有必要的,也可以提取证据原件。 If really necessary, the original of the evidence shall be obtained.
- 公路养护工程施工影响车辆、行人通行时,施工单位应当依照本法第三十二条的规定办理。 If road maintenance operation affects the passage of vehicles and pedestrians, the provisions of Article 32 of this law shall apply.
- 涉及渔港水域的,应当提交渔政渔港监督机关的有关核准文件;涉及海上军事禁区、军事管理区的,应当提交军事主管部门的有关核准文件。 If salvage operations affect water areas of finishing ports, approval documents issued by fishing and port supervisory agencies should be submitted. If salvage operations affect restricted military zones or areas under military control, approval documents issued by military departments in charge should be submitted.
- 船舶、设施发行火灾、爆炸等事故,船长、设施负责人必须申请公安消防监督机关鉴定,并将鉴定书副本送交港务监督备案。 If the accident happening to a vessel or installation involved fire or explosion, the captain or the person in charge of installation must apply to a fire fighting brigade in the public security organ for an appraisement and send a copy of the appraisement report to the harbour superintendency administration for the record.
- 有第(二)项或者第(三)项所列行为的,可以给予吊销执照的处罚: if the act listed in sub-paragraph(2) or(3) is committed, he shall be punished by having his licence cancelled:
- 第六十一条 中持不同意见的仲裁员不署名或不出具不同意见的理由,不影响裁决书的制作和效力。 If the arbitrators with different opinions in article 61 do not sign or do not give the reasons of his different opinion, the making and enforcing of the award shall not be affected.
- 承运人承认货物已经遗失,或者货物在应当到达之日起七日后仍未到达的,收货人有权向承运人行使航空货物运输合同所赋予的权利。 If the carrier admits the loss of the cargo, or if the cargo has not arrived at the expiration of seven days after the date on which it ought to have arrived, the consignee shall be entitled to put into force against the carrier the rights which flow from the contract of transport of cargo by air.
- 承运人按照托运人的指示处理货物,没有要求托运人出示其所收执的航空货运单,给该航空货运单的合法持有人造成损失的,承运人应当承担责任,但是不妨碍承运人向托运人追偿。 If the carrier obeys the orders of the shipper for the disposition of the cargo without requiring the production of the part of the air waybill delivered to the latter, he will be liable, without prejudice to his right of recovery from the shipper, for any damage which may be caused thereby to any person who is lawfully in possession of that part of the air waybill.
- 承运人违反本条第一款规定将货物装载在舱面上,致使货物遭受灭失或者损坏的,应当负赔偿责任。 If the carrier, in breach of the provisions of the first paragraph of this Article, has shipped the goods on deck and the goods have consequently suffered loss or damage, the carrier shall be liable therefor.
- 被请求人申请复议的理由成立的,应当将保全的证据返还被请求人。 If the causes for applying for reconsideration by the party who opposes the claim are tenable, the evidence preserved shall be returned to the party who opposes the claim.
- 如该项变动重大,主管机关可采取相应措施,直到责令其停止施工。 If the changes or modifications are of sizable proportions, the competent authorities may take appropriate measures accordingly, up to ordering the owners to cease the operations.
- 承租人违反前款规定的,出租人有权解除合同,并有权要求赔偿因此遭受的损失。 If the charterer acts against the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the shipowner is entitled to cancel the charter and claim any losses resulting therefrom.
- 申请人之间及/或被申请人之间在收到仲裁通知之日起15天内,未能共同选定也未共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员的,该仲裁员由仲裁委员会主任指定。 If the Claimants' side or the Respondents' side fails to make such appointment or entrustment within 15 days as from the date on which the Respondents' side receives the Notice of Arbitration, the appointment shall be made by the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission.
- 同一国籍的船舶,不论碰撞发生于何地,碰撞船舶之间的损害赔偿适用船旗国法律。 If the colliding ships belong to the same country, no matter where the collision occurs, the law of the flag State shall apply to claims against one another for damages arising from such collision.
- 因修建铁路、机场、电站、通信设施、水利工程和进行其他建设工程需要占用、挖掘公路或者使公路改线的,建设单位应当事先征得有关交通主管部门的同意;影响交通安全的,还须征得有关公安机关的同意。 If the construction of railways, airports, power plants, telecommunications facilities, water conservancy projects and other constructions projects needs to occupy, dig or change the route of roads, prior consents should be obtained by construction unit concerned from related departments in charge of transportation. If safety of transport would also be affected, approval from the related public security organs should also be conveyed.
- 裁定采取海事请求保全措施的,应当立即执行; if the court orders the adoption of maritime preservation measures, the execution thereof shall begin immediately.