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(三)引航员在引领船舶的过程中发生海上交通事故,应当在返港后24 小时内向当地港务监督提交《海上交通事故报告书》。    (3) If a maritime traffic accident happens in the course of pilotage, the pilot shall submit the Report Concerning Maritime Traffic Accidents to the local harbour superintendency administration within 24 hours after his return to the harbour.
三、发生交通事故,手续未清;    (3) if it is involved in a traffic accident and has not completed the necessary formalities;
(三)货物运输的最终目的地点、出发地点或者约定的经停地点之一不在中华人民共和国境内,依照所适用的国际航空运输公约的规定,应当在货运单上声明此项运输适用该公约的,货运单上应当载有该项声明。    (3) If the ultimate destination, the place of departure or the agreed stopping place of the cargo transport is not situated within the territory of the People's Republic of China, a notice indicating the international air transport convention applicable to such transport, in case such convention requires the inclusion of the notice in the air waybill.
(三)旅客航程的最终目的地点、出发地点或者约定的经停地点之一不在中华人民共和国境内,依照所适用的国际航空运输公约的规定,应当在客票上声明此项运输适用该公约的,客票上应当载有该项声明。    (3) If the ultimate destination, the place of departure or the agreed stopping place of the passenger's journey is not situated within the territory of the People's Republic of China, a notice indicating the international air transport convention applicable to such transport, in case such convention requires the inclusion of the notice in the passenger ticket.
三、其他有碍航行安全的异常情况。    (3) if there are other abnormal situations jeopardizing the safety of navigation.
(三)包装不当。    (3) Improper packing.
(三)情况紧急,不立即作出海事强制令将造成损害或者使损害扩大。    (3) In case of emergency, failure to make a maritime injunction immediately will cause damage or expand damage.
(三)船舶营运收入,包括运费、租金、旅客票款;    (3) Income from the operation of the ship including freight, charter hire and passenger's fare;
(三)易燃、易爆、有毒、腐蚀性、放射性物品;    (3) Inflammables, explosives, poisonous, erosive and radioactive articles;
(三)具备符合国家规定的安全保卫条件;    (3) It has available security protection conditions conforming to State regulations;
(三)设有安全保卫机构并配备相应的人员和装备;    (3) It has established a security unit and is provided with corresponding personnel and equipment;
(三)有不少于国务院规定的最低限额的注册资本;    (3) It has the registered capital not less than the minimum limit prescribed by the State Council; and
四、未向主管机关或有关部门交付应承担的费用,也未提供适当的担保;    (4) if it has not paid the fees that are due or furnished appropriate security to the competent authority or the department concerned; or
(四)情况紧急,不立即采取证据保全就会使该海事请求的证据灭失或者难以取得。    (4) In case of emergency, failure to impose evidence preservation immediately will result in loss or difficulty in obtaining the evidence for the maritime claim.
(四)保险价值;    (4) Insured value;
(四)具备处理特殊情况的应急计划以及相应的设施和人员;    (4) It has an emergency plan to deal with extraordinary circumstances and corresponding facilities and personnel; and
(四)设有安全检查机构并配备与机场运输量相适应的人员和检查设备;    (4) It has established a security facilities and is provided with the personnel and check-up equipments corresponding to the traffic volume of the airport;
(五)装有无线电设备的民用航空器,其无线电台执照;    (5) If the civil aircraft is equipped with radio apparatus, its radio station licence;
五、主管机关认为有其他妨害或者可能妨害海上交通安全的情况。    (5) if the competent authority considers that there are other circumstances that will jeopardize or might jeopardize maritime traffic safety.
(五)保险金额;    (5) Insured amount;
(五)国际邮递物品:指中华人民共和国与其他国家和地区的用户相互寄递的印刷品和邮包。    (5) international postal articles: referring to printed matter and postal parcels posted and delivered between users of the People's Republic of China and users of foreign countries or regions.
(五)具备国务院民用航空主管部门规定的其他条件。    (5) It has available other conditions prescribed by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council.
(五)设有专职消防组织并按照机场消防等级配备人员和设备;    (5) It has established a full-time fire-fighting organization and is provided with personnel and equipment in accordance with the fire-fighting grade of the airport;
(六)载有旅客的民用航空器,其所载旅客姓名及其出发地点和目的地点的清单;    (6) If the civil aircraft carries passengers, a list of their names and places of embarkation and destination;
(六)在受调查时故意隐瞒事实或提供虚假的证明的。    (6) Intertionally concealing facts or providing false testimonial during investigation.
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