“公路用地”是指公路两侧边沟(或者截水沟)及边沟(或者截水沟)以外不少于一米范围的土地。公路用地的具体范围由县级以上人民政府确定。 ""Land exclusively for highway use"" means land bordering the ditches (or water drainage ditches) on both sides of a highway which should extend to no less than a meter from the edge of the ditches. Just exactly how far from the edge of the roadside ditches the land for use by highways should extend is to be decided by the people's government at and above the county level.(一)平常邮件的损失; (1) losses of ordinary postal materials;(十一)经谨慎处理仍未发现的船舶潜在缺陷; (11) Latent defect of the ship not discoverable by due diligence;(二)由于用户的责任或者所寄物品本身的原因造成给据邮件损失的; (2) losses of vouchered postal materials caused by the user or due to some characteristic of the posted articles per se;(三)除汇款和保价邮件以外的其他给据邮件由于不可抗力的原因造成损失的; (3) losses of vouchered postal materials, other than postal remittances and insured postal materials caused by force majeure; and(四)“行李”,是指根据海上旅客运输合同由承运人载运的任何物品和车辆,但是活动物除外。 (4) ""Luggage"" means any article or vehicle shipped by the carrier under the contract of carriage of passengers by sea, with the exception of live animals.(四)将未经安全检查或者采取其他安全措施的物品装入航空器。 (4) Load into the aircraft articles which have not gone through security inspection or for which no other security measures have been taken.(五)当事人各方的责任及依据; (5) Liabilities of the parties involved and evidences thereof;(六)对第三人的责任; (6) Liabilities to a third person;办事处是仲裁委员会的宣传、咨询和联络机构,在仲裁委员会的统一领导下,从事海事仲裁的宣传、调研和咨询工作,协助仲裁委员会或其分会在当地安排开庭,但不从事仲裁案件的受理、收费和审理。 Liaison offices are organs of the Arbitration Commission for public relations, consultancy and liaison, and are, under the unified leadership of the Arbitration Commission, engaged in publicity, investigation and research and consultancy in respect of maritime arbitration. The offices shall assist the Arbitration Commission or the Sub-Commission in arranging oral hearings held in their locality, but they shall not take cognizance of any case, collect fees or charges, nor shall they examine or hear any case.民航地区管理局负责对本地区运营的外航航线航班进行监督管理。 Local civil aviation administration holds responsible for supervision of route of foreign airlines within its jurisdiction.地方铁路是指由地方人民政府管理的铁路。 Local railways refer to the railways administered by local people's governments.第三方因此种损害而蒙受或者可能蒙受的损失;以及与本项所指的性质类似的损害、费用或者损失; loses the third party suffered or will probably suffer due to such damage; and the damage, fees or loses which are similar in nature specified in this Item;无论在航程中或者在航程结束后发生的船舶或者货物因迟延所造成的损失,包括船期损失和行市损失以及其他间接损失,均不得列入共同海损。 Loss or damage sustained by the ship or goods through delay, whether on the voyage or subsequently, such as demurrage and loss of market as well as other indirect losses, shall not be admitted as general average.语际翻译 版权所有
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