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中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)制定本单位民用航空安全保卫方案,并报国务院民用航空主管部门备案;    (1) Establish a civil aviation security programme of his own unit and report to the competent civil aviation authorities under the State Council for the record;
(十六)为船舶或者船舶所有人支付的费用;    (16) expenses paid for a ship or shipowner;
(二)以应有的谨慎防止或者减少环境污染损害;    (2) Exercise due care to prevent or minimize the pollution damage to the environment;
(二)以应有的谨慎防止或者减少环境污染损害;    (2) Exercise due care to prevent or minimize the pollution damage to the environment;
(三)无机场控制区通行证进入机场控制区;    (3) Entering airport controlled area without airport pass;
(四)企业章程或由法定企业登记机构出具的,载有企业主要营业地、企业性质(国有或者私有)、股份结构、投资方国籍及董事会成员姓名和国籍的证明文件;    (4) Enterprise rule or certificate issued by legal enterprise registration institute with main enterprise operation [], nature of the enterprise (state-owned or private owned), structure of stocks, nationality of investors, name and nationality of board directors;
(四)检查船舶、设施及有关设备的证书、人员证书和核实事故发生前船舶的适航状态、设施的技术状态;    (4) Examine certificates of the vessels, installations and the relevant equipment and certificates of the personnel and verify seaworthiness of the vessels and technical conditions of the installations before the accident;
(四)货物预期利润;    (4) Expected profit on cargo;
(五)检查船舶、设施及其货物的损害情况和人员伤亡情况;    (5) Examine the damage to the vessels, installations and goods and assertain casualties of personnel;
(七)船舶、设施沉没的,其沉没概位;    (7) Estimated location of sinking in case where the vessel or installation sank;
(海关总署1992年5月26日发布)    (Effective Date:1992.06.01--Ineffective Date:)
????(三)违反本法第四十七条规定,从事危及公路安全的作业的;    3. Engaging in operations that threaten the road safety in violation of the provisions of Article 47 of this law;
保税区内从事进出口业务的企业和生产、仓储企业应当持上海市人民政府或者其指定的主管部门的批准文件向海关登记备案。    Enterprises engaged in import and export business and enterprises engaged in production and storage business in the bonded area, shall present document of approval, issued by the Shanghai People's Government or by the competent authorities designated by it, to the Customs for registration.
任何异议均应当在前款规定的期间内写在运输凭证上或者另以书面提出。    Every complaint must be made in writing upon the document of transport or by separate notice dispatched within the periods prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
债权证据,包括证明债权的具有法律效力的判决书、裁定书、调解书、仲裁裁决书和公证债权文书,以及其他证明具有海事请求的证据材料。    Evidence of creditors' rights include written judgment, order in writing, conciliation statement, arbitration award and document evidencing creditors' rights, as well as other evidential materials certifying the existence of maritime claims.
救助未取得效果的,除本法第一百八十二条或者其他法律另规定或者合同另有约定外,无权获得救助款项。    Except as otherwise provided for by Article 182 of this Code or by other laws or the salvage contract, the salvor shall not be entitled to the payment if the salvage operations have had no useful result.
合同另有约定外,一方连带支付的赔偿超过其应当承担的比例的,对另一方有追偿权。    Except as otherwise provided for in the towage contract, the party that has jointly and severally paid a compensation in an amount exceeding the proportion for which it is liable shall have the right of recourse against the other party.
除特殊情况外,外航申请的每周加班数量不得超过定期航班的数量。民航局不批准外航提出的固定加班的申请。    Except for special occasions, the weekly overtime flights applied by a foreign airline should not exceed number of regular flights. Civil Aviation Administration should not approve application for fixed overtime flight.
除本法第五十九条规定可以收取车辆通行费的公路外,禁止任何公路收取车辆通行费。    Except highway roads that may collect tolls as prescribed by the provisions of Article 59 of this law, no other roads are allowed to collect tolls.
除本法第一百六十七条第一款规定的抗辩权,保险人或者担保人对受害人依照本章规定提起的直接诉讼不得以保险或者担保的无效或者追溯力终止为由进行抗辩。    Excepting the defences specified in paragraph 1 of Article 167 of this Law, the insurer or guarantor may not, with respect to direct actions brought by the person suffering damage in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, avail himself of any ground of nullity of the insurance or guarantee or any right of retroactive cancellation in setting up defences.
复议期间停止裁定的执行。    Execution of the order shall be suspended during the time of reconsideration.
复议期间停止裁定的执行。    Execution of the order shall be suspended during the time of reconsideration.
复议期间不停止裁定的执行。    Execution of the order shall not be suspended during the time of reconsideration.
复议期间不停止裁定的执行。    Execution of the order shall not be suspended during the time of reconsideration.
复议期间不停止裁定的执行。    Execution of the order shall not be suspended during the time of reconsideration.
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