30001吨至70000吨的部分,每吨增加250计算单位; For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons: 250 Units of Account;501吨至3000吨的部分,每吨增加500计算单位; For each ton from 501 to 3,000 tons: 500 Units of Account;501吨至30000吨的部分,每吨增加167计算单位; For each ton from 501 to 30,000 tons: 167 Units of Account;超过70000吨的部分,每吨增加167计算单位。 For each ton in excess of 70,000 tons: 167 Units of Account.超过70000吨的部分,每吨增加83计算单位。 For each ton in excess of 70,000 tons: 83 Units of Account.国道规划需要作重大修改的,由原编制机关提出修改方案,报国务院批准。 For major revisions of State road plans, the original organ of formulation shall put forward revision plans and submit them to the State Council for approval.窄轨铁路的轨距为762毫米或者1000毫米。 For narrow-gauge railways, the gauge shall be 762mm or 1000mm.登记时应当交验本人、企业法定代表人或者其他组织负责人身份证明和委托代理人的授权委托书,并交纳一定数额的买船保证金。 For registration, they shall submit for inspection the identity certificates of themselves, enterprises' legal representatives, or persons-in-charge of other organizations, as well as powers of attorney of agents, and pay a certain amount of bonds for purchase of the ship.货物损坏,在就损坏程度达成协议前售出的,按照货物在装船时的价值加保险费加运费,与出售货物净得的差额计算。 For the damaged goods that had already been sold before an agreement was reached on the extent of the damage sustained, the amount of sacrifice thereof shall be calculated on the basis of the difference between the value of the goods at the time of shipment plus insurance and freight, and the net proceeds of the goods so sold.外航应当在其本国政府通过外交途径对其正式指定后依据本规定向民航局申请经营外国地点和中华人民共和国地点间规定航线的经营许可。 Foreign airlines should apply to Civil Aviation Administration for business licenses of route between the []s in China and foreign countries after home government officially confirms the route by diplomatic means.外商与中方打捞人组成中外合作打捞企业的,应当按照《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》的规定履行有关审批、登记手续。 Foreign businesses and Chinese salvage operators in forming cooperative salvage enterprises should perform the procedures for approval and registration in accordance with stipulations of the Law of PRC on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures.外国民用航空器及其所载人员、行李、货物,应当接受中华人民共和国有关主管机关依法实施的入境出境、海关、检疫等检查。 Foreign civil aircraft and the persons, baggage and cargo carried therein shall be subject to entry, exit, customs, quarantine and other inspections exercised by the competent authorities concerned of the People's Republic of China according to law.外商所得外汇收入或者其他收益,可以在纳税后依法汇往国外。 Foreign exchange receipts or other income of foreign business can be remitted out of the country after tax payments.前款规定的货物实际价值,赔偿时应当减去因货物灭失或者损坏而少付或者免付的有关费用。 From the actual value referred to in the preceding paragraph, deduction shall be made, at the time of compensation, of the expenses that had been reduced or avoided as a result of the loss or damage occurred.(二)外国地点和中华人民共和国地点间规定航线的航线表。 (2)Form of route between []s in China and foreign countries.